Masters Running


Sunday, April 25, After the Rain Runs (Read 595 times)


    Holly, you outing with DD this am sounds perfect!!!!


    You've got a good heart Hopeful. We're getting geared up for next weekend. DD#2 discovered there's a craft show as well.


    <tapping foot> Where is holly's RR </tapping foot>

    Gotta love the Krakow RR!!!!


    I can't wait for a Craneium RR ot two!!!!


    I felt I needed to get some pavment miles in because the Bayshore is a road race. This AM, there was a steady rain and a strong wind. I set out for an 8 mile loop. It went pretty well. Traffic was light. The first mile was into the kind. The mext was at my side. 3 miles with the wind and steady rain was to my back and two miles back home into the wind and rain.. It was so much fun, I tried it again. One mile into the wind. The next mile, the wind was to my right side. The next three, the wind was bigining to shift and it was picking up. The rain was still steady. When I made a turn, the rain kinda stung...I looked on the ground. It was hail. The next three miles, the wind rain and hail was pelting me pretty good.Just the way I like it. 16 miles for two loops....I was happy to be home until I saw the dog....


    Avenger Doggie

    protector of my dad

      I was sleeping and the door made me wake up. My dad goed outside and I could see him run run run!!!. I was inside and he goed with out me!! I waked Mom up and telled her Dad was mean.  I wanted to play "tiny kitty yummy". He maked me cry.


      A very long time later, Dad got home. He looked like a wet gopher, but I didn't care. I goed under the table and didn't even talk to him.


      The he got dry cloths on. He asked me if I wanted to go run run run!!!


      We got to a very dirty road. It was bigger than last time and very muddy. Dad said a greater went down the road and tore it all up. Everywhere down the road there was mud!! It was greater!!! I went run run run all over. It was really raining and I didn't find any critters. I really want to get em get em. I looked all over. Dad goed really slow. The whole time we was out there, it sounded like jets were all around us. Dad said it was the wind.


      I jumped up the side of the bigger road and falled into mud!!! Some times Dad sinked in mud over the top of his shoes!! Mom is gonna say bad things when she sees his shoes.  I want him to get a greater for the front yard.


      We had 4 miles and I smelled realy ripe!!! For all day, Dad had 20 miles for the day and he smelled ripe too!!!


      After we went run run run...we got to have ice cream!!!! I was bad. When we got to the ice cream place, I jumped out of the truck and didn't listen to Dad. I went to the door and wanted in!!! Sometimes, when I'm bad, I'm cute and I get ice cream.

      Sniffing Butts, Tag


      Trails are hard!

        5.5 in what passes for a long run at the moment.  just a tad over 10 min/mile average, but this route isn't anywhere as flat as my normal lake loop.  It feels like I'm getting the death march part of the run down pat.  Now all I need is to figure out the fast running parts. 

        Now I need to get out and do a little yard x-training before it rains.


        Cranieum--WTG on all the races.  you're a glutton for punishment.  I want to do both of those, too, just not in the same weekend.


        Holly--not that you really need to add to it, but I think you sent your parental fitness through the roof on that training run.  Not everyone can talk intelligiently about the merits of goose poop.  


        Mary--I've been running on Adrenalines since I started 4 years ago.  They felt perfect from the first time I put them on.  As an indication of how few miles i have run in that time, I'm still on the two pair of 8's that I got on sale when the 9's came out.    (I think they're on 10's now)

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Marathon Maniac #957

          <tapping foot> Where is holly's RR </tapping foot>



          Well, er,,,,,I didn't really think I would do one......I mean....I've still got to get caught up on reading the ones that other folks have posted....


          Mariposai - very kewl about DS.....


          SteveP - excellent stormy 20-miler!


          Stumpy - I'm sure I've completely undone my morning mommy points already by yelling at the kids for their non=stop spatting this win some, you lose some.....

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            What Avenger Doggie didn't tell every one is that he decided to play stick with a larger stick. First we played "Gimmie the Damn Stick". When I threw it from the way we came, he bolted back behind me and whacked me in the back of the knee.


              A Polish Marathon for you, Mari, what a gift, and congrats to your DS.  Loved your photos, too.  My tulips are up, but still not open yet, so I'll take any and all blooming photos!


              Hope to hear good news from Mrs. Twocat.  


              Cat adoptions are swell, good for you, H.  My 2 were extra cuddly when I got back Tuesday. 


              I want to hear more about the goose poop conversation!


              We ran a 10K today--stoopid so soon after Boston, but it's for Wellspring, a organization that does good work with kids, many of whom belong to my clients.  And true confession time, this is one local race I haven't won my AG (short races hurt!) and it has the best AG 1st awards--framed race posters, about 22x18 AND each year they feature a local artist to design the poster, so it is usually pretty decent. 


              D. shaved over a minute off his 10K time and while I wasn't my fastest, did squeeze out the AG.  This race uses 50-59, and a very speedy friend just turned 49 so I had a limited window here!  (I wrote about her son a few years ago when he started running--he's 11 now, and aced the 13 and under category with a 45 minute finish.)


              Cold here--40 degrees.  Carolyn, you coping with snow still?


              Kudos to Steve and Cranium.



              So if you finish the race, do you take back the medal from the kiddoes, Trent?




              ps: standing O for Wake, what a class act!

              Masters 2000 miles

              Half Fanatic #36

                You lucky Mamma Mari....a son who wants to run a marathon with you, you did a great job raising him!!


                I was planning on some relaxing miles at my usual snail pace but ended up going out with my friend for her long run of 2 hours.  She lead me up some monster hills, which I religiously walked, and probably she logged 3 extra miles with all the out and backs she took to come back to find me, but despite the pain, we  had a great time on the trail on a beautiful sunny morning. 

                So looking forward to the  Tacoma Marathon next week and a couple of months packed with lots of races, I just hope the old legs will endure the punishment I've got planned for them.


                Happy Sunday to all!




                  Holly, I think you've got enough mommy points banked you can lose a few from yelling. Besides, I bet your yelling is even done with love. (that's what my mom used to say, anyway)

                  Steve, nice job on the 20, even with the Avenger Doggie attacking you with a stick. Serves you right for leaving him at home for most of the run. While I read that he had a tangle with a gopher, I guess I missed that he got hurt? Hope Tag is ok and recovering well. (although from the sounds of it, he seems pretty indestructible)

                  Nice racing there Craneium. I agree with Stumpy though... you're kind of a glutton for punishment. 

                  Mary, if they're outdoor cats, how do you really adopt them? Won't they just run off? I can't imagine having an outdoor cat. Mine lives outdoors on the deck most of the summer, coming in to use the facilities and get a snack, but in the winter he doesn't venture outside at all unless we toss him.

                  Hi Aamos! Nice job on the 10k today, sounds like you ran it smart and easy after Boston and still won the poster. Kewl.

                  I've been cleaning stuff in the house all day, beds are done, towels are almost done, vacuuming is stalled about 1/5 of the way thru the living room. Sort of ran out of steam when I stepped outside to shake out rugs and OMG it is so nice out there! Now all I can think of is going for a run. Guess I might have to do that soon so I can get it out of the way and stop thinking about it.

                    Trent, that is just the weirdest thing I've ever heard of.

                    Good luck to Twocat's wife.  I am sure she did great and having on course support is always nice (I wouldn't know....)

                    Tim - glad you got home and I hope that heals up quick

                    Tammy - incredibly strong 20 miler yesterday!  I'm in awe.

                    Holly, loved the description of your outing with DD.  And no cameras were allowed at the concert hall yesterday unfortunately.

                    Mari - as others have said, you DS is doing this wonderful thing, in part to impress you.  It says a lot.

                    Nice 20 miler in sucky weather Batman.  Oh, but you are Batman, so it is nothing to you.

                    Congrats Aamos!


                    53F and sunny

                    8 muddy, poopy miles at the horse trails.  Lots of horses, lots of trilliums just on their way out, but no other runners until I was leaving.  With the amount of mud that didn't surprise me.  I aimed for "very slow" and nailed it.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                      Lots of congrats today:

                      to Mrs Twocat for her 1st HM,

                      and to Mari's DS for his Krakow marathon finish! 

                      And to Craneium for his tri and HM back-to-back! 

                      And to Amy for 1st in AG and Dan for a PR! 

                      And to Tim for 1st in AG yesterday!


                      Hope Evryday's marathon went well today.


                      I took Tazzie and Ladybug for 4.5 muddy miles around the neighborhood.  I ran slow, walked the switchbacks, and took some doggie breaks so they could push their noses into the snowbanks.  I'm just trying to get some miles in and get my stamina back now that my leg seems to be finally healed.  Weird weather - some sun, some snow flurries, and windy, and 40°.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        3.4 miles this morning in steady rain----feel great. The kiddo ran a 5k and tagged along with Dr J and her kids. He's at a point where each race is a PR as he figures out pace and how to run. So happy for him and proud that he went off without me, standing tall.

                        I went to a special luncheon with Super Granny as she was the honored guest. It was the 75th anniversary of the Springfield Chapter of Girl Friends Inc.  We had an amazing afternoon and there were no dry eyes when the group awarded their annual scholarships to area students. Granny did quip : "Goodness sakes, I have to be almost 100 to get a free lunch---about time!"  She got a standing O from the 380 in attendance and I was busting to be on her arm.

                        Great adventure running with DD Holly. Love that.

                        Way to go for your son Maraposai. I know you are beyond proud.

                        I hope Mrs. Twocat got through her half-marathon well and that the rain wasn't too awful. There were a few breaks here.

                        Enke! Very cool about your son (and sounds like his pants stayed in place too)

                        Off to read Craneium's RR...

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Now he wants to run one with me when he comes back to the States. 


                          Hope it's on this side of the states. 

                          Hope it doesn't take three times like it did with mine.

                          He wouldn't bother with a marathon but we did three IM's.

                          I I DQ'ed the first, he DQ'd the second, and we both finished the third.

                          All were just as memorable though.

                          good luck




                          Remember those incredible inedible donuts with a centimeter of frosting they were giving away at the Valentine 5K Dash at Green Lake here in Seattle?  I guess they gave away so many frosted roundies that Top Donuts sponsored their very own Top Donuts 5K around Green Lake today.

                          Some of the runners even wore painted inner tubes around their waists like chocolate donuts sprinkled with yellow, blue, green and red.


                          Green Lake's had a hold on me though since 1990 when I did a first barefoot run in 1990 to see if a regular runner could do a barefoot marathon like Abebe Bikila did it for a Gold Medal in Rome in August 1960.


                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                            Sounds like my kind of race Tet...With shoes of course.


                              I took my two to a local 5k/ fun run this afternoon, after getting up at the crack of dawn and watching the London Marathon on the 'net. Both girls giggled and jogwalked with friends through their 1 mile event....I got 3rd in my AG in the 5k, 19:25. I forgot my Garmin and ran by feel, though I was expecting the mile splits to be called out, which they weren't. One day, I promise, I'll break 19 for a 5k....don't hold your breath.


                              Congrats on the AG win, Aamos.

                              MTA: Congrats to your son, Mari!



                              Maniac 505

                                my back is a lot better, but it is still a little sore.  I know it is just mussle but I decided to take another day off,  one week till the tacoma marathon,  I doubt if any runs between now and then would help anything except my mind.


                                Mari,  so cool about your Son's marathon.  that is amazing. 


                                Franc,  Hope I see you in Tacoma,  are you going to the reunon meeting on Saturday?


                                I agree with enke, RE: monkey trent's  24 hour later post RnR marathon finish (and the day of race pulling runners off the course) is really wierd. 


                                and Avenger dog,  glad you "finally" got to  RUN RUN RUN

