Masters Running


Tuesday February 8th running (or not) (Read 597 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Well, I was going to go to my gym this morning, to run on the treadmill in the cardio cinema.  Unfortunately, the gym was closed.  Here's why...



    The motocross is attached to the gym.  The gym has some structural damage, and no water (but the lights were on).  SOTSY?  Yes!

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      What's that saying PBJ --- It's the thought that counts?    Unfortunately I don't think that works with mileage.  Wink    I hope no one was hurt - we've had a few collapses around here too.


      Out for four brisky miles this morning.   It was only   2° but no wind to speak of.   It is hard to be quiet when the snow is so crunchy, therefore we had a few dogs barking at us.   Brinkley thought he hit the mother load when he found a couple of discarded cheeseburgers still in the wrappers.   Quite frozen though and I made him leave them behind.


      I hope to read Francesca's report today!


      Have a great Tuesday!!


      ETA the correct temperature .... more miles than degrees today!!  Smile


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        I only have two more sessions of run/walk before "graduating" to continuous runs.  So today I went out for 6 x (30 seconds walking, 4.5 minutes running).  I'm trying not to get freaked out but I felt a twinge or two in my hip.  Same spot as before.


        Breathe Bill, Breathe.

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          PBJ--Spring's coming.

          Byll--just a twinge.  Probably nothing.  Take it easy.


          Has JLynne been partying non-stop?


          7.1 miles @ 8:28 with hill repeats today.  Felt easy.  (Maybe you're right, Perch.)

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Hey All


            A very brisk 9 miler this morning. Temps were -7...tomorrow will be even colder but we have some 30's and 40's coming our way!


            Just a quick fly by...Off to a busy start. It's never good when the message waiting light is flashing on your phone when you arrive to work.


              Has JLynne been partying non-stop?



              Yep Big grin Just soaking it all in, people. Sunday night after the game, DH and I headed out to celebrate with all of the other crazed Packer fans. We live a mile from Lambeau Field and an hour after the game, the parking lot was as full as if the game had been in Green Bay. People honking horns, running around and jumping off of snow banks (I think alcohol may have been involved) and yelling at the top of their lungs. Yesterday, we walked a few blocks to the route the team buses were taking on their way from the airport back to Lambeau Field. The streets were packed 15 people deep, and the Lambeau parking lot was full by 11:00 AM (the team didn't get back into town until 1:40 yesterday afternoon). Today they're having an "official" welcome home deal at the stadium. The original cost of the tickets were $5.00 but of course people bought them all up and are now trying to scalp buyers for $50 and more. The Packers sent out a request for people to help shovel out the stadium for $8.00/hour. They had people lined up again this morning - and - it's below zero with the wind chill. It's been a pretty amazing couple of days.


              Wow PBJ - it's frightening what could have happened there. Glad no one was hurt.


              Mary - you look like you've got your "groove" back. Nice run in the cold this morning!


              Please take it  easy Bill. Like you said, "breath."


              Hi Slo! Did you take your bike this morning? It's a little nippy here.


              I may have overestimated my adjustment to the orthodics. I think I'll have to do a better job of listening to the PT's advice. 5 miles on the eliptical today with 20 minutes of free weights and some ab work. After Super Bowl weekend, I don't want to be anywhere near a scale for a while. Blush


              Here's your Joe Kelly fix for today: "A bad day of running still beats a good day at work."


              Have a good day everyone!

              Marathon Maniac #957

                 I'm really not into the whole weight-lifting, ab-crunching testosterzone scene.


                OrangeMat – weightlifting and core work doesn’t have to be Testosterzone.  For me, weight lifting and core work have more to do with trying to keep age-diminishing muscle mass, and therefore bone density, as well as keeping my back strong, to help me fight the osteoporosis that runs in my family.  I don’t want to have the hunchback that my mother has, or the back pain that my father has.  And hey, if I get shapelier shoulders and arms because of it, that’s all to the good. 


                In the 10 years I've worked for this attorney (who is now 74), I've watched her muscle mass decrease so much she seems like a fragile bird now.  She used to have some substance to her, but now she looks as if her brittle bones would shatter if you hugged her too tight.  She's the best reminder to me to keep trying to stay strong, one way or another, as I age.


                PBJ – wow!


                Mary – I bet Brinkley was so disappointed…


                Byll – when I hurt my gracilis tendon, I had twinges in that spot for over a year, and each time I got panicky, but it always went away. 


                Jlynne - glad you survived the weekend....Wink


                My run today:


                4.75 miles outside, including 10 x 100m striders in 23° with wind and falling snow, the light new layer on the ground sparkling like diamonds.


                Then, on the TM:


                20 minutes of (3 min. @ 8:34/1 min. @ 10:00)


                15 minutes of (2 min. @ 8:34/1 min. @ 10:00/1 min. @ 7:53/1 min. @ 10:00)


                8.6 miles total


                Lower body weights this evening, as well as another attempt at The Crow, armed with OrangeMat's instructions....Smile

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Good morning. Some good  runs already this morning. Hugs to OM and Wildchild with their wonky hip and other flexors.  I hope everything heals fast.


                  I got up and out this morning for a fairly sproinky 8 miles. Warm by recent standards, about 32 degrees with new wet  snow all over the trees. Very prettty. Roads were slushy and messy but not really slippery. Schools delayed so traffic lighter; we got a few inches of new snow last night.


                  DD had her state championship ski meet yesterday; she had a great slalom race and placed 5th in the state for Div 1 ( large ) high schools. Giant Slalom  I guess did not go that well. Nice for her to have a good state race; she is a senior.


                  She has a good gig today too; the skii coach asked her to come help with the boys championships today, so she carries coats, free skis and maybe does some of her homework rather than sitting in school, and her races were yesterday so no pressure either.  I past years we have not wanted her to miss the second day of school but this year we let her go; someone has to do it and one or two of the boys did it for her yesterday.


                   I might swim at lunch; iswam at lunch yesterday. Hoping to get some speed work in tomorrow.


                  Happy Tuesday!


                    I hope you have a great day at work Slo-Hand, isn't it  great that you did fit in a run before the craziness starts?

                    Timbo, 70, 80, 90 mile!!!! congrats on the return of your speed.

                    Great Tuesday fartlek Holly. And yes, I agree with you about the weights. It seems like now that my work requires for me to sit down for hours (unless I am conducting workshops) I find my need for a stronger core is even more crucial. Even when I try my hardest to keep a ballerina posture while sitting at my desk I still get some back pain when not doing my core exercises. My objective is not to be bulky, but to have well toned muscles.


                    8 miles relaxed pace miles this morning with the wind!!! Wow that was hard, but now it is done.


                    Francesca!!!!! You ROCKKKKKKKK!!!!!!


                    I wonder how EG3 doing with his injury.


                    Craneium, how are you? 


                    Tramps, it is about time you give us an update on your DW's training status.

                    Ohh, btw, we need one from your too, twocat. How is your DW's training for her upcoming HM coming along?


                    Keep on Breathing Byll....just be patient with the body.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Wow PBJ, that is kind of frightening.  Good think nobody was hurt. 


                      Mary, good job keeping Brinkley away from the cheeseburgers!  Sounds cooooold where you are!


                      Breathe Byll!  It will be okay!


                      Holly, good reminder to me to get back to the weights.  I really need to start up with that again.  Lucky for me, my gym is very laid back and full of professionals like me.  Definitely not a testosterzone!  Plus I have some good tapes that I can do at home with some of the weights we have stockpiled over the years. 


                      Lame, congrats to your DD!  Sounds like she will have fun today.


                      It was super nice this morning here for a run, though a little windy.  Temps in the mid-40s and sunny.  I ran 8 easy/GA miles and felt surprisingly good.  My legs are still somewhat sore after Sunday's unplanned 15 miler but this turned out to be a great run.   I am off today to have a pizza lunch with my two dds at their school - their reward for straight As this past quarter.  My ds also got straight As so we are batting a thousand at my house! 

                      Once a runner . . .

                        Tramps, it is about time you give us an update on your DW's training status.

                        Aw, nice of you to ask.  She's doing well.  Ran an 18-miler last weekend without major foot problems; her longest run ever.  She ran a 4M race with me this weekend and she got 3rd in her AG, which surprised her.  There was also a "couples" category for the Valentine's-themed race.  Times were adjusted by sex (to accommodate same-sex couples) and age (for us oldies), then averaged.  We came in 6th out of 44 couples!  Kind of fun.  She's anxious for the weather to improve so she can ride again.  Still targeting her first marathon in March and her first full-distance tri in October.

                        Be safe. Be kind.


                        MM #6177

                          OrangeMat – weightlifting and core work doesn’t have to be Testosterzone


                          True, but the scene at this gym is all about the iron-pumping bravado. All these young guys, mostly high school age, which is probably why DD wanted to join. Wink But seriously, of course I see the value of strength training and core work. After all, it's what I did professionally for about 6 years, before transitioning to studying yoga. It's the hype and posturing that I don't care for. That's why I nicknamed the place Testosterzone.


                          Good luck with the crow pose, Holly. Though I did forget to give you the most important advice (which Byll is wisely practicing as well today): breathe.


                          Wow, PBJ, that's some damage! That's gotta be doubly disappointing, having to run on a TM in the first place, and then you get there and find out the facility is trashed.


                          Add me to the list of people who want to read all about Franc's 100 mile adventure! You ultra women are simply amazing, and such motivation for me. See, I've never had dreams of going faster, just going longer... and longer.... ^5 Francesca!


                          Byll, yes, keep breathing. As they say, pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. You'll get through this, I'm sure.


                          Mari, your DH is up to 3.6 miles on the TM, wow! Wasn't it just a week or so ago that he first ran an entire mile nonstop? These are HUGH milestones for beginning runners, and shouldn't be overlooked. Every run is a celebration. Smile


                          Yesterday I decided I wouldn't try to run until Thursday. So today, I've decided it's Thursday. Cool Going out for a short run in the neighborhood in a few minutes. Since I woke up with a pain in my left knee (it's been the right side that's been plaguing me all this time), I figure my issue is literally passing through and out of me now. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!


                          Happy Tuesday Thursday, all! Wink

                            I only have two more sessions of run/walk before "graduating" to continuous runs.  So today I went out for 6 x (30 seconds walking, 4.5 minutes running).  I'm trying not to get freaked out but I felt a twinge or two in my hip.  Same spot as before.


                            Breathe Bill, Breathe.


                            ...burger//......remember, The Injury gets to tell YOU went to run......


                            if you don't listen,

                            it has ways of making you listen.


                            trust me on this one.



                            ...........32min poolrun....


                            ..'cause I didn't listen.

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                              Hi, everyone. I won't even pretend that I can keep up with all that's been happening in the forum, but I see that most of the same amazing people are still here -- you know who you are.


                              Completed my "quadathlon" this morning: X-C skiing Saturday and Sunday; ran 6 miles yesterday; then an hour spinning followed by an hour in the pool this morning.


                              I need a day off tomorrow!

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                                I wonder how EG3 doing with his injury.



                                So funny that I happened to go on RA today. Ya know, if I don't plug the Garmin in and update the training log, I don't end up lurking/posting much. Work has been incredibly busy (in a good way) and I haven't had much time to stop by. But I'm doing OK. I actually ran today for the first time in a couple weeks. Just an EZ 4.7 miles in the snow. Combination of things really. 6 straight weeks of snow storms, recovery from a cold, etc. Last week, everyone in the house was sick. We had 5 colds, 1 case of pink eye, 1 case of full-blown conjunctivitis, 1 case of tonsilitis, 1 case of flu and 2 ear infections. Cabin fever in high gear. 


                                Hopefully today is the start of consistent running. It sure felt good. I've tried to stay in shape with weight lifting and snow shoveling. No PF pain at all at the moment. I appreciate you thinking of me and sorry I've been scarce. I'm fortunate I have a job I love but it does keep me quite busy. Only getting busier with lots of travel coming up. Happy running everyone. 

