Masters Running


Tuesday February 8th running (or not) (Read 597 times)


    4 miles during an early lunch hour.  15°, sunny, no wind.  I was looking in my glove & hat drawer for a hat to wear and I found a face shield I bought last year and forgot about.  I wore that today.  It is great.  It wraps around the lower half of the face and neck but has a mesh opening by the mouth which makes breathing easier than those full face things. 


    Testosterone at the gym....  Yesterday, I saw the personal trainer who got me started showing someone new around.  A young lady of about 90 pounds.  He was showing her the same things he did me. 


    Jlynne - What's in like in De Pere?  My youngest daughter is flying out there for an interview with a printing company (for a summer internship.)  I think it is near Green Bay. 


    (My youngest daughter turns 21 today by the way.)



    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Hi EGH!  I think that time off is just what your PF needed!  Hope spring comes soon!


      Tramps.. MAYBE?


      Speedwork day and wouldn't ya know, calm, 40° and dry roads. Shorts and tee run!


      2 mile warm-up then 6 x 0.5 miles:

      3:38 (7:16 pace, 163 HRmax)
      3:35 (7:10, 163)
      3:33 (7:06, 165)
      3:37 (7:14, 164)
      3:35 (7:10, 166)
      3:37 (7:14, 163)

      Avg 7:11, a bit faster than my 6X600m repeats, so progress. No idea
      why I can't get my HR higher Confused.

      Total incl 90 sec jog intervals was 8.7 miles in 1:11:22 (8:12 pace)

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        {{{Brinkley}}} and the uneaten cheeseburgers.


        PBJ - scary

        TImbo, 90???mile week was that?  amazing, simply amazing.

        Franc.... speechless

        Sarge, terrible news.


        Haven't run yet, but the sun is peeking out!

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          2 mile warm-up then 6 x 0.5 miles:

          3:38 (7:16 pace, 163 HRmax)
          3:35 (7:10, 163)
          3:33 (7:06, 165)
          3:37 (7:14, 164)
          3:35 (7:10, 166)
          3:37 (7:14, 163)

          Avg 7:11, a bit faster than my 6X600m repeats, so progress. No idea
          why I can't get my HR higher Confused.

          Total incl 90 sec jog intervals was 8.7 miles in 1:11:22 (8:12 pace)

          A couple of questions, since I'm trying to learn and understand my own numbers.


          1.  What is the %HRR for those HR numbers?  On similar intervals a couple of weeks ago, mine go from 79%(max) on the first to 87% on the last--nowhere near the 92-98% that Macmillan suggests for intervals.  What's up with that?  Am I running these too easy?  (But my pace is in the Macmillan range.)

          2.  I've been doing 1/4 mi intervals that last about 2 minutes.  Should I be trimming these to 90 seconds, as you do?  How do you know?

          Be safe. Be kind.


          MM #6177

            Tuesday as Thursday was a success. 4.36 miles in my neighborhood's hills, avg pace of 9:47, nice and relaxed. The only twinges I felt were on the downhills, lower back didn't like those, so obviously I need to learn to run those better. Oh, and the left knee niggle that I woke up with disappeared as soon as I set out, as I suspected would happen. Whew!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Congratulations to Lamerunner’s DD on her skiing race, JDmom’s kids on their grades, and Dave59’s DD on her Birthday!


              Roch and EGH3 – hiyah!


              Tramps = thanks for the update on your DW and congrats on your (and her) race!


              OrangeMat - good news!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                franc, you're amazing.  wild, I hope you heal soon.  lame, congrats to your daughter in her slalom placement at state.  jd, congrats to your kids on their grades.  Tramps, you and your wife did well in the couples division in your race.  Also, good job to your wife on her longest run.  roch, it's good to hear from you.  EGH, wow, your household has been hit with illness.  I hope it's over.  mari, kudos to your husband as he continues to run and increase his distance.  Dave, happy birthday to your daughter.


                Good job on the speedwork for holly and perch.


                I hadn't planned on running today as my wife had an appointment.  However, I decided that if I got at it this morning, I could do a little on the TM before we left..  I got in 5 miles in about 49:30 for a 9:54 pace.


                A good day and good runs for all.



                  A couple of questions, since I'm trying to learn and understand my own numbers.


                  1.  What is the %HRR for those HR numbers?  On similar intervals a couple of weeks ago, mine go from 79%(max) on the first to 87% on the last--nowhere near the 92-98% that Macmillan suggests for intervals.  What's up with that?  Am I running these too easy?  (But my pace is in the Macmillan range.)

                  2.  I've been doing 1/4 mi intervals that last about 2 minutes.  Should I be trimming these to 90 seconds, as you do?  How do you know?



                  I'll be interested in seeing what you do Tramps.  I would think from what I have been seeing from you that you might want to think about bringing those 1/4s down closer to 90 seconds, maybe work on it a little at a time.  It appears that you should be able to run an 8:00 pace fairly easily from what I've seen lately.


                  Bart Yasso suggests that you run your 800 repeats using the same numbers as your marathon time. In other words, if you run a 3-hour marathon, you do the 800s in 3 minutes. A 3:10 marathoner does 3:10 repeats; 3:20 marathoner, 3:20 repeats, etc. It seems silly, but it works. Note: Just because you can run 10 x 800 in 3:10, there is no guarantee that you can run 3:10 in the marathon. It works the other way around: If you can run a 3:10 marathon, you probably can do that workout without straining too much.


                  I pretty much have this same workout on tap for this afternoon and will be shooting for 2 miles easy warm up followed by 1/2 mile intervals somewhere near 3:15 with 1/4 mile recoveries near 2:00 followed by a 1 mile cool down.  I'm shooting for the 3:15's hoping that I will be stronger and ready for a 3:20 at Boston this year....gotta stay healthy though!

                    hi friends -- managed 4.5 miles on the treadmill today with a combo of 3 min jogging/2 min walking after a 10 min walking warmup ..... felt good but later had a sharp back twinge just getting into my car Sad  but i get those whether i run or lay low so just going to keep plugging away slowly .... also did some upper body machines and my core work


                    have a wonderful Tuesday!!


                      Quick flyby -


                      Oh my, but it was nice to only have to run 5 miles this a.m.  I pushed it kinda hard, but that's okay.  Tomorrow is suppose to be 3 EZ, so will have to force the "EZ."


                      Finally talked The Hub into going to the doc.  He's been sick for about 3 weeks now.  He has a sinus infection, a bronchial infection, AND he's contagious.  Evil  Why are men so frigging difficult when it comes to going to the doctor?  I suggested it when he first started feeling like crap, but oh no!  I can fight this myself!   Bonehead. Evil


                      Ugh, it's only Tuesday and it's already a long week . . .

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                        sounds like everyone is plugging along we seem to have people in all categories right now


                        The super fast

                        The super long

                        The coming back from something

                        The walking wounded

                        and the just getting it done crowd


                        Good job everybody!!!!


                        6 GA miles for me tonight. 9 minute average pace.



                        Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                          Ugh, it's only Tuesday and it's already a long week . . .


                          My thoughts exactly!


                          Easy 4.1 in cold rain -- no complains tho' because nothing hurt and the roads were quiet.


                          Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.  Sad


                          MM #2929


                          Trails are hard!

                            Busy time at work and at home.  The roads around me are not condusive to very safe running.  Sunday I finally drove to a park nearby and ran on the packed trail for about 4 miles.  Forgot the Garmin, so sort of winged it.  This morning was a nice 5K around our lake.  some of the sidewalk had been plowed and I sort of plowed thourgh on the other sections.  the inch or so of snow that fell before I got up was pretty much slush by the time I hit it.  My shoes should be dry in a few days.  Roll eyes

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.




                              Well, it's up to -5°, and it stopped snowing, so I think it's time to take the dogs for a walk.  I'm working at home again today, which is great!  I like having the weather as an excuse not to do the long commute.


                              Dave, Happy 21st birthday to your DD!


                              OM, glad to hear you're running again.  I hope I will be soon, too!  Your gym sounds interesting - maybe you don't like the testosterzone, but there might be some nice eye candy?   Just be careful not to pull a TimBo move on the treadmill when you're too busy ogling... Wink

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                                44F and SUNNY!  The dappled sunlight actually blinded me a few times when I was running through an area of tall trees.

                                5 miles of hills, 10:35 pace, last mile at 9:36 which surprised me.


                                I saw a middle or high school student walking with "my" Nike Frees on - I was going to tell him I have the same shoes, but then figured he probably wouldn't want to know that.


                                halllar, you forgot the super fast AND long.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
