Masters Running


Let us run with Wildchild her first marathon! (Read 497 times)


    Love the Sorrels! I hope they're not needed though... Well we can't send Carolyn off with gaps in her support crew, so I'm volunteering Holly, Mariposai and I to help out at miles 3, 11 and the last .2 to see her across the line. Heck, if you can't get multiple miles from Marathon Maniacs, who can you get them from?? Go Carolyn!!


    (oh yeah, go Mike E, too, but you're a veteran at this and can figure it out as you go!)


      Love the Sorrels! I hope they're not needed though... Well we can't send Carolyn off with gaps in her support crew, so I'm volunteering Holly, Mariposai and I to help out at miles 3, 11 and the last .2 to see her across the line. Heck, if you can't get multiple miles from Marathon Maniacs, who can you get them from?? Go Carolyn!!


      (oh yeah, go Mike E, too, but you're a veteran at this and can figure it out as you go!)

       That is my girlfriend!  always daring!!!

      YEah!!! you are right. Mike E is a veteran! Joking


      and as a Veteran, I think MikeE should run the .2 miles at the end Big grin


      Holly, You and I shall do a double/tripple runs with our Elevation lucky we are!!!

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

      Maniac 505

        Hey,   would it be OK to have all the maniacs here join her for the last 0.2?   no help will be needed for the victory lap to the finish banner, but maybe we can make a party out of it?


        Does that sound like a plan?


          Hey,   would it be OK to have all the maniacs here join her for the last 0.2?   no help will be needed for the victory lap to the finish banner, but maybe we can make a party out of it?


          Does that sound like a plan?

           Sounds great!

          Marathon Maniacs, identify yourself. I will try to come up with the list of names...if I missed you, just let me know.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Maniac 505



            I think you have to add the Maniac that did the first ever forum marathon mileage shout out,   unfortunately she is rarely hare anymore but I think you have to add Aamos to the maniac list at mile 26.0

            Marathon Maniac #957

              I'm here!  I'm here!  Since I'm in Eastern Standard time, I know I'm not late....Wink  You know we are all with you in this, and we can't wait to hear how it went when you are done!  Here's hoping for a great race, and that you finish with a smile on your face!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                I'm here!  I'm here!  Since I'm in Eastern Standard time, I know I'm not late....Wink  You know we are all with you in this, and we can't wait to hear how it went when you are done!  Here's hoping for a great race, and that you finish with a smile on your face!



                ditto.   : D

                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803



                  I think you have to add the Maniac that did the first ever forum marathon mileage shout out,   unfortunately she is rarely hare anymore but I think you have to add Aamos to the maniac list at mile 26.0

                   Me too dave. Thanks #505. 

                  I’d never even be posting anything about my sporatic running except for how much fun we had bantering with MM#130 about the 2004 Seattle Marathon on Cool Running. Amy's subsequent account of her last four miles of the Wyoming Marathon instantly made it one of my most favorite marathons I'll never do. I love hills in the latter miles but never heard of four miles of them to the finish. Oh, don’t tell MikeE how well our amy did though

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    You got this, Carolyn. Now,go runrunrun!!



                      Done!  5:18:42.  Boy howdy was it ever windy!  I made all you guys who were virtually running with me go ahead of me and block the wind. Wink


                      Mtnchk brought her massage table, so we're now hanging out at my sister's house, getting massages!   What a treat. 


                      I'll post a RR sometime soon.  Thanks so much for all your support!

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        Well, I didn't get in on a mile, but let me be the first to offer congrats on your first marathon!  How well I remember the feeling!

                        Hope you have many more, unlike me!  WAY TO ROCK IT WILDCHILD!

                          Congratulations! Way to go Carolyn...well done!


                            Done!  5:18:42.  Boy howdy was it ever windy!  I made all you guys who were virtually running with me go ahead of me and block the wind. Wink



                             Wow, 5:18:42 in that course is AMAZING FAST!


                            Well done, MARATHONER!!!

                            Be proud of yourself and keep that smile on your face  shining for a long time!!!

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              Woohoo! Awesome finish there, Wildchild! Congratulations and enjoy the massage!


                                Carolyn,congrats-you completed that course in fantastic time. Welcome to the world of marathoning-Henrun & Marj