Masters Running


Friday August 1 runs and stuff (Read 405 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    The Saint wrote:
    I was thrilled that they took the breathing tube out at 9:50 tonight, right before visiting hours ended. Prime Rib and I were there and Ribs almost immediately broke into a song, then had a few jokes to share with us. Just what I would expect from him. It made it much easier to leave him tonight.
    I love this! Coming out of a triple bypass, your focus is still on cheering up your family. You’re quite a guy, SR. Smile Today I rode my bike down to the river, parked it, and then alternated 3 minutes running/2 minutes walking for 40 minutes. Then back home on the bike. 7 miles on the bike, 3.05 miles jog/walk. Now stretching and icing. I felt discomfort in my thigh/groin, but not actually what I would call pain. Where do you draw the line? It didn’t feel like too much, but I guess I’ll know better later. I was so excited to get out and try this, I forgot my MP3 player, and so spent most of the workout singing out loud (badly) songs from my youth. …now the seats…are all empty,…let the roadies take the stage……pack it up and tear it down…

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      The news from ribs sounds good. My thoughts continue to be with him and his family as he recovers. Aamos, it's neat your husband sent his thoughts and experiences to ribs. nono, I'm sorry to hear your dad is not doing well. My thoughts are with you and your family in these trying times. Dave, neat baby pics. Holly, it sounds like you are making progress. Nice long hilly run, enke. This morning it was about 60 and calm. I got in 3 miles in about 29:30 for a 9:51 pace. In a bit we will be off to Ludington for our annual family reunion. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        All I can say is .. {{{Rib's Nurses}}} Big grin So glad it worked aout without a hitch! Wonderfully sproinky GA/MP run including 300ft 2 mile hill. 10 miles in 1:20:32 (8:03 pace, AHR 157). And it ws very muggy 70F dewpoint, 72F temperature. How did this happen? Drank an extra 16 oz before the run and ran faster to get wind Smile Pounded the heart for Ribs today. Mile splits Split 1 9:10 141 Split 2 8:46 143 Split 3 up 7:57 155 Split 4 up 8:21 160 Split 5 up 7:52 165 Split 6 up 8:00 164 Split 7 down 7:51 161 Split 8 down 7:26 159 Split 9 down 7:37 162 Split 10 down 7:31 164

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Thanks for the encouraging start off Holly about "our" dear friend Ribs. And it makes me very happy that you "may" be seeing some legitimate signs of recovery / healing of your injury...fingers crossedSmile Smile Smile Mr Ribs has been in my thoughts almost 24/7 and I know he will be better than ever. I know many that have gone through heart surgeries and bypasses and such. And after a certain amount of recovery they say that have not felt this good for years. Heart problems takes many years to develop, so many don't know they have a problem because of the slow nature of heart disease and the symptoms. Just think, Ribs was running and working out just weeks before triple bypass surgery. Boy, when he comes back and runs out Bruce....glad you are having fun with your new Garmin No run for me as I am letting some pesky pains heal up a few days before I get back at it. I cycled last night with some roadies last night and it was nice for a buddies miss me since I don't ride much anymore. Got 52 miles in, and with a 12.5 mile time trial with a ave speed of 23.1 mph which is good considering my lack of riding, and 3rd best out of 15 riders Smile Have a great TGIF today....and don't hate me because I am beautiful Big grin Big grin TimBo

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


          Trails are hard!

            Good morning all--Happy August. Boy, the summer is flying by Shocked Holly--glad to hear that there is some progress being shown. Now don't get carried away--the duct tape threat goes for you, too! Thrilled to hear how well Ribs seems to have come through his operation. I have limited contact with people who have had bypasses, but positive attitude and adherence to rehab goes a long way towards a happy recovery. My MIL (never the most positive person) had a woe is me attitude and never really recovered. My boss had one and was rowing again within a couple of months. Not too tough to figure out where Ribs will fall. out for the 3.2 lake loop this morning. Not spectacular speed, but every thing felt pretty good. No cranky knee i particular. Also started my shoe rotation as recommended by everyone here. still haven't labeled them, but with 100+ miles on the first pair, not too hard to tell them apart at the moment. Kevin

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              3 easy miles this morning. I just felt like getting out and enjoying the morning a little.




                Great to hear of Ribs’ progress. Nice post from Aamos’ DH yesterday. Here’s our local temp averages: Woo hoo! August 1st; it’s all “downhill” from here. Big grin Easy 7 miles @ 8:48.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Happy August 1st everyone! (Where did July go?......) {{{{{{SR and the Saint}}}}}}}} - thanks to those involved for keeping the rest of us informed on the latest news (which thankfully has been all good!). Holly - yeah, you are running again! Be careful! Perch - still chuckling about the hugs for SR's nurses {{{{{{{{{{{{{nonorun's Dad}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Dave - adorable baby pics - thanks for sharing! Tom - oooh 60 degrees sounds wonderful - how about sending some eastward??? Have fun at the family reunion. Isn't Ludington where the Christmas shop is located? Slightly lower humidity this morning. 7 easy mildly hilly miles @ 10:13 average HR 156. Good runs to those who are still running, and healing vibes to those on the disabled list. Everyone have a wonderful weekend!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                    Good morning everyone. 5 miles on the eliptical this morning with some free weights and crunchies. Can't understand why doing 5 miles on the eliptical causes no discomfort, but running is so painful. It may be time to see a doc as this doesn't seem to be getting any better. Great news about Spareribs today. With everyone here praying and wishing for a successful operation, he had no other choice but to come through the surgery with flying colors! Hopefully his recovery will go just as well. Nice runs Tom, Perch, Dave and Kevin. Holly - take it easy on that leg! You don't want to start over with rehabbing your injury. Tim - my husband got me a bike for my birthday this week. Today's plan is to find a good helmet so I can take it out for a test drive this afternoon. I'm excited to try it, and there's some great bike paths around here. Enjoy your Fridays, everyone. Jeanne
                      Hey Nonoruns, I am so sorry about your father and all that you are balancing. Please know that I am thinking of you and wishing I could help beyond a shout out in cyber space. Get the running in when you can. I haven’t exhaled completely after all the surgery updates yesterday. The news does sound good though and I am hoping that Spareribs gets out of there before the nurses revolt. The Saint deserves lots of support from us. As Aamos said, the enormity really sinks in after the surgery. I know this all too well. Today’s run was unstructured and easy---9.3 miles in 1:19 flat including some wooded trails. I went out at 6:30 to avoid as much of the humidity as possible. My legs are recovering rapidly these days, so that makes me happy. Happy Friday and August to all CNYrunner/Karin
                        So glad to hear Ribs on the mend. Thanks for everyone keeping us in the loop. 4 sluggish drippy miles for me last night. I felt good about making 4, but the heat was a bit much. I picked all of the shadiest paths available and even changed sides of the street if it looked like the other side was shadier. Went for a walk later in the evening with DH and kept it pretty slow (he likes to walk really fast). I always feel better the next day when we walk after I run. Holly - glad you're feeling better... you're non-running workouts inspire me to get some cross-training in! I must admit, my cross training amounts to house cleaning, lawn mowing, and mom's taxi service. tselbs - 60 degrees? I'm so jealous.

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Tramps... VERY inspiring graph!! Wheee. down hill running!

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            Like everyone else, continued recovery wishes to Ribs and family..he'll be hitting curveballs again in no time. Roy: Tough run, man...those hills are murder in the heat. Tramps: Hill crawls are like eating cake on your birthday...the calories (or minutes) don't count. Karin: Let me get this run 14.6 miles at about 8:20 pace and you're carrying on intense conversations? I have trouble carrying on intense conversations when I'm vegging on the couch. Peter: Nice going dg: Since you talked about "laps", I assume you're running at the track..good hills to negotiate and (as you said), you can stop if you're hurting too badly. You might experiment with some walking or slower running if you start hurting. Check out Sarge's latest posts..he also has a problem hammie but apparently it's loosening up after about a half mile or so. TomS: Way to go! You're really rounding into form. Tammy: Yeah, I like Little Feat, but not like TOP...I'll check your blog from time to time...thanks! Holly: Wall-sits..."Sit against a wall, back flat on the wall, knees bent, thighs parallel to the floor. Try 60-seconds of that." 60 problem...(Maxwell Smart steps up, DickyG steps back)...would you believe 45 seconds...would you believe... Played a couple sets of tennis (doubles) last groin started aching a little as I was moving from side to's OK moving forward or back. Ran 4 miles this morning...9:35 pace...overheated badly after 2 1/2-3 miles and walked some last mile. Swamped with work today... DickyG
                              5 easy miles with T this morning...8:10 pace...if I don't have to work tomorrow,I'll go running with Coach... <rib's>>>>>>>>>>></rib's>
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Can't understand why doing 5 miles on the eliptical causes no discomfort, but running is so painful.
                                I TOTALLY understand. Hope your issue gets resolved soon. One thing that I'm finding helpful recently is some advice that DG gave me. I keep an ice pack at work and sit on it for the first hour at work in the morning. Seems to do wonders for that post-workout tenderness. Also, she suggested putting an ice pack into a small cooler when I go to the gym and icing on the drive home - smart lady! DickyG - have you tried the icing thing? Tramps - come on, suck it up! Sweating profusely is good for the skin. Big grin

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
