Masters Running


Sunday October 8 (Read 36 times)


    Good morning good people. No recap, just getting us started. But lots of good wishes to Posie to finish strong in the Chicago marathon. Weather conditions look to be perfect. Jay - hope you did well in your race!


    Last week we were complaining about how hot it was for October. This morning it was 39 degrees. Be careful what you wish for, I guess. My lungs are still full of crud but I did run/walk a 5k this morning and did 15 minutes of core and stretching. I haven't had a cold this bad in years. It will be a week tomorrow that I started feeling carpy.


    RCG - hope you're ok!


    Carolyn - when do you head home? Is DH okay to fly?


    Today we will celebrate DGS#1's 14th birthday. I can still remember him at Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, two hours after birth being wheeled into the operating room to have his pulmonary artery and aorta switched. Scary times for sure. But he's grown into a wonderful young man 


    Have a great Sunday everyone!

      Thanks, Jeanne.  Happy Birthday to your grandson!     WOW Chicago- World Record! 


      5.1 chilly, sunny miles on one of my rolling courses from the clubhouse.


      Gotta run to church and a meeting now (well, drive.)

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Everyone is out running a marathon today?


        I ran 4 miles this morning. Perfect weather. 36° and mostly clear skies.


        In addition to Chicago, the Greenbrier River Trail Marathon was this morning. Some of my Parkrun friends were running in that, some were running their first marathon.



          Thanks, Jlynne. Glad you're feeling good enough for a 5K run/walk.

          Hope we hear from Mariposai today.


          Yesterday's front brought both rain and a precipitous drop in temps. It was 20+ degrees colder this morning than yesterday. 44F with a steady breeze but some nice sunshine, too. After our much-warmer-than-normal week, normal autumn temps felt nippy on the bike!  43.5 miles for me.


          Have a good Sunday.

          Be safe. Be kind.


          Rose Colored Glasses

            Everyone is out running a marathon today?


            I ran 4 miles this morning. Perfect weather. 36° and mostly clear skies.


            In addition to Chicago, the Greenbrier River Trail Marathon was this morning. Some of my Parkrun friends were running in that, some were running their first marathon.

            Two of my friends ran this half in West Virginia today


              Hi Masters,


              Thanks for the start, Jlynne. I'm glad you were able to get out for a 5K this morning, with some stretching and core work. I hope that helps hasten the departure of your cold symptoms. Happy Birthday to your DGS #1.


              Nice 5.1 chilly miles, KSA.


              Dave, Tramps, and RCG all posted while I was writing. Good 4-miler in perfect weather, Dave. Nice, but nippy 43.5 mile ride, Tramps. And, yes, RCG that is was I was singing yesterday, but a different line from the lyrics.


              As late as when I woke up in the middle of the night last night, I was debating whether or not to do the 5K race this morning, or just go for a longer, easier workout. Ultimately, I opted to race, knowing I could bail if my knee started barking. It was a 10:00 start in 57° with sunshine and some appreciable windage. I had on some black compression shorts, a t-shirt under my "65+ Club" singlet, my Altra Escalentes, and an orange cap and blue sunglasses. The course, on New Castle island, NH is constantly rolling with small hills, and with lots of turns. I didn't look at my watch at the 1st mile, but I felt reasonably good. A new guy from our local racewalking group came up and passed me at about 1.5 miles. I stayed no more than 10 yards behind him, hoping that I could maybe pass him in the last quarter mile, when we got back to New Castle Commons, where the finish was. But it wasn't meant to be as we both found an extra gear, and he crossed the finish 10 seconds ahead of me. I thanked him for giving me a great race. My time was 34:46 for about an 11:05 pace. I was glad that my knee and hamstring held up well, although my knee started to tighten up after the race, and I did quite a bit of easy walking to try to calm it down. For my first race since early July, and with my knee issue, I am pleased with my results. Now I'll be curious to see how the knee does for the rest of the day. I have a feeling I'll be taking some ibu. tonight, but that's OK.


              Have a greta rest of your Sunday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                Nice job on the race, Jay! Glad your knee and hamstring stayed quiet--hoping that continues to be the case.


                It was pretty windy here, too, for my run today. Which I guess may have been good practice, since it looks like I may have some wind to deal with during my race next weekend. That and rain. But it's still a week away, so maybe things will change (crossing fingers).


                8.8 miles



                  It cooled off a bit here in hot, sticky Florida, so I enjoyed my 5 mile run more than the last few runs here!  The only place I've found that's somewhat trail-like is the sandy dirt road out to toward Casey Key, where Steven King's mansion is, so I did that again rather than run the roads. Then I decided to take the free shuttle bus north to Siesta Beach, about 5 miles north, to check it out, and it was pretty, but SO crowded!  I walked about 3 miles on the beach and headed home on the bus.


                  Jeanne, I remember when your grandson was born, how worried you all were about him.  What was it you called him before he was born? You had some nickname that we all called him by.  Was that really 14 years ago???


                  We fly home tomorrow.  I got DH an inflatable donut pillow to try to make the flight home more tolerable, but I expect he'll be miserable.


                  Jay, good racing!  Hope Posie is having fun, too.

                  I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                    Jay- wow.  Great time!  Congratulations.

                    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Howdy folks.


                      Jay - nice racing!


                      Mariposai - can't wait to hear about your race!


                      Jlynne - 14 already?  Wow...


                      TomWhite - 16 already?  Wow...


                      Blustery and cold here this morning, so I decided to work on strength training instead of running. I did a couple  of workouts from TikTok - about a 20 minute core workout and then 20 minutes or so of hip-strengthening exercises.  Then I did 120 lunges (60 on each leg), followed by 3 sets of dumbbell curls, shoulder presses, and triceps extensions.  I'm betting I will feel this tomorrow, but that's a good thing.  With the colder weather coming in, I want to start working harder on my strength training. Time to muscle up!  Or at least slow the trend to become mushy...

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        World record in Chicago at 2:00:35? Damn!


                        I found Nancy's results online but she should be the one to talk about her race. At least I'll tell you that she started and went the distance!


                        Nice racing, Jay!


                        Chilly and very windy here today! At least it took care of most of the little leaves from the honey locust tree in our front yard by blowing them sideways to someplace other than our lawn. I took care of one autumn chore by dismantling and storing our patio furniture and stored the rest of our garden hardware (mainly tomato cages and fencing) in the garage. One step closer to being closed up for winter!

                        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                          Amazing new world record at Chicago Marathon this morning. I saw the beginning, then took the dog to the woods for her fun, then ended up back home about 10 minutes before that finish. 

                          Nice racing, Jay!


                          I did a 45 minute endurance ride on the indoor bike - going to head out for Mia’s afternoon walk soon. Tomorrow, I’m off for the holiday.


                            roachrunner beat me to writing my post! I will add that Sifan Hassan finished in 2:13:44 the second fastest time ever for a woman and, of course, the course record. In terms of paydays, it is $100k to the winner, Plus another $75k for the course record. Total: $175k to Hassan and Kiptum this year. Not bad!


                            Regarding Hassan remember she just ran the 1500, 5k, and 10k at the worlds six weeks ago.  The woman has to be from Krypton.


                            Back here among the mortals. I ran 18 miles in a pace slow enough to get lapped by the Chicago winners.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              Quite a active day, and month of October, for racing off to a great start by Jay and Posie today and more next week. The great autumn weather continues to welcome the days in Seattle with heavy fog in the mornings and up into the seventies in the afternoons keeping many trees green beyond their time as increasing yellowing tries to provide a taste of what's to come,


                              Didn't quite make it out to this morning's walk in the 5K option in the 5/10K UW Husky Dash I never could figure out why anyone would run a measly 5K when they could do a real (almost) distance 10K but got preempted by the return of some of DW's dizziness yesterday a couple of years after we thought it had been resolved and then getting extreme this morning and head spinning like a washing machine, being unable to get up, etc. to say nothing of throwing up so drove the 0.8 miles over to the half dozen hospitals on First aka "Pill" Hill we had previously laid out just in case to the same hospital where I was born but into the emergency entrance for six hours of blood and a half dozen different lab lab tests, IV, CT Angio (head) imgaing, ECG CAT scan, MRI and some anti-dizzy and other pills (TW - iohexol, LORaxzepam, medizine, ondansetron, etc.) that ruled out a slight stroke that seemed likely when we went in but ended up being prescribed meclizine that's got her feeling much better (and having to pretend like she likes my cooking for what little she's eating) until sees PCP on Monday.  whew but very scary.


                              Better yet, the child proof (and almost old-age proof too) 60 meclizine pills only cost $3.75 and the drug store around the corner and, though neither my primary or secondary insurances would cover the $11.95 of a covid test we thought it might be at first yesterday, Medicare Advantage covers all but the $95 emergency room co-pay, . . . .I think, . . hope. . ..


                              WOW Chicago- World Record! 


                              KSA - teaser of the century for sure.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                                We tracked Posiealso but will also wait for her report.


                                Weather here is also cooler but in low 60’s, sunny and IRC. 
                                We decided to join other New Englanders and headed out to the most popular apple orchard on this perfect holiday weekend. When we arrived there was a tremendous traffic jam just to park. So, we found a parking spot 1/2 mile away and walked threst of the way. When we got there the lines for the apple and cider donut store was as bad as the traffic jam, so we walked back to our car (since we were more interested in cider and donuts than picking apples) and headed home. On the way we found a small farm ,bought apples and continued home. It was worth the drive with foliage beginning to turn colors and avoiding long lines.
