Masters Running


Sat Feb 16 Daily Runs (Read 566 times)

King of PhotoShop

    For all of you suffering from trepidation over upcoming runs, I will say that all of you are good, strong experienced runners and will have no difficulty. Good luck. The Saint is suffering from some stiff neck pain and only now is able to get out there, and with my bad foot we were quite a sight. We walked a mile, jogged two, then walked one more for a total of four miles in the cold rain. It's nasty here. But at least it was something. How about that Lynden stealing my date just after I wooed her with all my heart. Some guys have all the luck! Batman, here is an easy one for you: Six letters beginning with D: 40 days and 40 nights event. Spareribs

      Good morning! Nice 14 miles this morning - 6 with a college friend who is just getting back into running...I met her bright and early for her 6 - then continued on for a total of 14. Beautiful weather in Colorado today. Kids are off skiing for the day...nice to have some time for me. I'll go do an open house later today...our real estate market sucks here. I hope yours is much better Holly! Enjoy your weekend everyone!
        Happy Saturday! Just finished a great run. Today was supposed to be an easy day, 2.7 miles with no HRM, just run easy by feel. It felt easy and I ended up running for 14 minutes before the first 45 second walk break, then ran the rest of the run until I got to the last 2 blocks of walking for the cool down. What a surprise. It felt great. Off to my weight watchers weigh in and then some geocaching with friends for a nice afternoon of walking and talking. Hope everyone's runs today are as fun as mine was!
        Have you got a flag?

          Isn't Tallrunner in Cuba with his lady friend? I just didn't hear about any extended training or deployment for dark horse, and have missed Deb lately... I didn't run yesterday, or ride my bike... which is ok cuz it was a rest day but I could have cuz I was all alone in the house last night! DH and DS2 drove to Anchorage for soccer scrimmages, DS1 went to a friend's house for movies and pizza... I was here with the dog, and spent it doing what I love to do and hardly ever have the time for: puttering! I love to just putter around the house, put this away, clean up that, fix this, etc, etc. I got lots of "when I get around to it..." things done so that felt good. And I kept my eating under control, which is always hard on rest days, and was greeted by a number I haven't seen on the scale in months! Smile So... today I'll head out in a bit for some hills and such around here. Goal is 9 miles, we'll see what I get. Tomorrow was a cutback long run (only 12) on the schedule, but since I'll still be down to one (long-sleeping) child tomorrow, I may do next week's 19 and may even round up to 20. This would be a nice long run before a mini-taper (next week do the 12) for the Ragnar Relay at the end of the month. Sound like a plan? I think it should work. I even have an idea of a route that shouldn't be too bad with the snow and wind we had yesterday (and if it happens on Friday... no plows till next week!). Temps now are about zero, which is pretty nice for what we've had lately. Same tomorrow... that would be my warmest long run in well over a month! BTB, that's so cool what you're doing for Amy. Talk about putting a personal face on your quest. She's a cutie. But I gotta break it to you (and sorry CNY), winter lasts till March 19! ETA: if "decluttering" is key to selling your home, I'll never unload this place! Embarrassed Hi Seemomgo!
            Beautiful day here. Probably in the 50s already. Just came back from walking the dogs in a t-shirt and lightweight fleece jacket and I am sweating. Great job all of you on your long runs, especially those pushing through icky weather and roads. Spareribs, I'm going to take that comment about being a strong runner to heart. Thank you. Also, just in case she doesn't see this, would you please thank the Saint for me for letting me borrow you the other evening for a bit? I should have said something in my post yesterday. Evan, my house was quiet last night too. I had big plans to watch La Vie en Rose but instead caught up with my friend in Madison on the phone, drinking wine, before toddling off to bed. Wink Holly, I need to follow your example and clean/throw stuff out while the kids are away. Tim, glad you'll be able to still get your run in. I've done those noon Saturday long runs before and they aren't easy but they make you mentally strong I think. Hi Lois. Smile Dark Horse. You are missed. Have a terrific weekend, everyone.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              I was here with the dog, and spent it doing what I love to do and hardly ever have the time for: puttering! I love to just putter around the house, put this away, clean up that, fix this, etc, etc. I got lots of "when I get around to it..." things done so that felt good.
              I LOVE puttering around the house, too! I always have a laundry list of those "when I get around to it" things, and rarely have time when I can just start working my way through them. Spareribs – I don’t even have to look that one up: “deluge.”

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Cool & clear morning 15F but very bright with the sun hitting all the snow. Cool Roads mostly clear DW and I both a little under the weather. Minor sinus problems, sore throats and tired legs. Undecided We didn't know whether to run or rest. Well we did 6.2 very slow miles. Didn't seem to make us any worse, so hoping we made the right choice. Smile I'm a race director 5k and HM on March2nd, the work never ends. Everyone have a great Saturday Night........

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                  Lots of good runs today! 3.3 miles of a relay on a difficult course in just under 24 minutes (7:16/mile). That's 2:46 faster than last year and translates to a 12 second 5K PR Yes

                  Certified Running Coach
                  Crocked since 2013

                    Great race BAP!! I guess your lungs are back to normal (it was you, wasn't it?). Had a carpy 3.7 mile run on the TM. Had a headache, bloody weather changing all the time and the humidity. It is almost gone now. Then 30 minutes on the bike, real easy. But tomorrow's weather is promising to be magnificent for my first ever 18 miler (if I make it all the way!). I was dreading it a bit, but not anymore with 45 to 50 F and sunshine. Might just need to wear my Cool Soundie, I have a feeling you are doing the Birch Bay marathon tomorrow. Good Luck!!

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Wow, I'm in awe of everyone's post! You guys are the ones who keep me going. Just back from my longest run ever in several years; it was 11.5 miles on grueling country roads w/ lots of hills. If I knew how to post it like bap, I would. Finally found a running partner who lives in same town! She is so amazing. She will have completed a marathon in every state by October! Needless to say, she had NO trouble telling me her whole life story while I was panting and gasping for breath the entire way. Shocked Run was followed by my usual mile swim. Now it's 3:30 pm! It takes time to keep this diva in shape, I tell ya.
               many great 17, 20, 22 mile runs posted here today that I am embarrassed to be saying I only did 4.08 miles. However, it is within my plan so I am okay with it. For a planned day off, I certainly have been running (in a figurative sense) hard all day. I first delivered a couch for one neighbor to save them a delivery charge......then I delivered a love seat for someone else to allow them to have it for the I took some pictures for someone because they liked what I had done for someone else.....then I met with the mother of a solder who died in Iraq and is having problems recovering from her I have a basketball game tonight to broadcast. When does the rest enter in? My run was the only thing I really did that I had planned for myself. Oh well. If anyone wants to come with a garbage bin and clean out my place, let me know. certainly are not allowing the pace bunny for 1,000 miles to come anywhere close to you this year so far. Good running. Perch......glad your injury is being nipped in the bud. I am sure you had some initial concern there. Fussyrunner......Congratulations on the longest run. Having a willing running partner with that type of ability can do nothing but encourage and help you. From your picture, it looks like your running keeps you in fine shape.

                          Back from a harder-than-it-should've-been 9 mile hill run. Can't believe I gave my legs such a nice day off yesterday and they act all tired and cranky today. Roll eyes First part of this run had some serious hills, the rest were just long and drawn out. Temps were the warmest I've run in (outdoors) in weeks at zero here at the house, down to -5 or so at the low spot. I did find the wind when I turned around to come up the hill though... ugh, uphill with headwind. Total time was 1:21 for almost exactly 9 m/m... way slower than that on the uphills, lots faster on the downhills. Now the rest of the afternoon (it's only 1 pm) for puttering around some more! Oh boy... DS1 and I will go to the movie store, and he'll probably talk me into taking him out for dinner too. BAP, nice relay leg! Sounds like you are all recovered. Nice evening, Soundie! I might do some of that tonight... (I have a friend in Wisconsin, too!). Fussyrunner, nice run and congrats on the distance! Hope she held it down a bit so you weren't pushing too hard! Forecast for tomorrow is looking good for a long run.
                            evryday, from your post, I assume your flu is getting better. wildchild, congrats on longest run since Oct. PJH, since you just returned from a cruise and we'll be going on our first one in about a week and a half, I'd be interested in any words of advice. perch, I'm glad to hear your knee/foot behaved for you. anochrotech, it's good to hear you're back in the groove. btb, that's really neat about you running Boston for Amy. spareribs and The Saint, it's great that you got in some miles in spite of your injuries. fbgrrl, nice run. Nice long runs for CNY, biketm, btb, Tramps, Peter, Twocat, hopeful, Jlynne, seemom, and fussy (longest). This morning, I ran a 5K and will get to a report soon. After I got home, it was about 25 degrees with a light wind and fairly clear roads. I did 5 miles in a bit under 48 minutes for a 9:31 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
                              Easy 10 today...looking forward to dinner... It's kind of nice, not having to run 20 miles tomorrow...I'll save mine for the summer,but I will be over 40 miles this week for the first time this year...patience my love...
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                                Sorry Master/Boomers, I gotta post and run. 4.2 miles and a new Batman shirt.

