Masters Running


Saturday June 4 Hot and Steamy Runs (Read 454 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    Just having my oatmeal before heading out to my race. 


    Last night I got a call from Mariposai and Erika, who were out having a great time with the other west-coasters.  Unfortunately I was playing golf at the time and couldn’t talk long.  Good luck today!


    We had such a great time golfing last night!  This couples league is a hoot!  Most of them are retired (but a very fit and active retired) and DH and I played much worse then most of them, but everyone had a great sense of humor and it’s strictly a fun-and-games league anyway.  We stayed after for a couple of beers and split a pork tenderloin sandwich and fries.  I hope that’s good pre-race food.  I guess I’ll find out.  Joking


    Oh, and DH changed his mind and got a golf cart at the last minute.  I didn’t protest too much.   Wink


    Happy Saturday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Good Luck, Holly!

      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

        Good Luck Holly and to all racers this weekend!


        43 degrees here now....where are my gloves?

          Good Luck to Holly, Erika, and Mariposai!

          Usually right after a race I have a tendency to run too fast without intending to.  And today was no different given the 10K last weekend.  10.2 miles at 8:36 minute/mile pace.  Many of those in the 8:20's.  77° and 56%.  The avg. HR was 150.  That may be okay for many of you with higher max. HR's but that's too much work for an MLR during training for me.  Time to ease off the pedal a little this next week and get back in the proper HR training zone.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


            Mission accomplished. New 5k pr by 34 seconds: 21:24



              Most Excellent Dave!  You sandbagged your 10K last weekend.  Go get that PR next!



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                Mission accomplished. New 5k pr by 34 seconds: 21:24


                Huge Pr ! Nice work !


                9 miles in the sauna this morning. Now its time for breakfast.

                  Congrats, Dave!

                  Best of luck to all the other racers.  Have fun!


                  IRC for June.  Beautiful sunny day, not too humid, and the temps haven't climbed too far yet.  15.9 pleasant miles.


                  Go Bruins!

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                  The Dovenator

                    Go Racers!

                    "it's just like having fun, but different"

                      ......already bumping 80s here..........


                      24min poolrun,,,,,x-mowing after work


                      trailrun tomorrow.............ohboyohboy




                      ..................good running guys.......................hydrate............CNY>>ScarfUp......

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        Go racers!! Congratulations didn't need those excuses after all. I needed to get back to the double digits, so I went out for 10 humid and sweaty miles. Just trudged along and got it done. I think it might be a good pool day for the puppies.


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Maniac 505

                          The Butterfly wings should be crossing the staring line right about now!!!  I so wish we could track on line.


                          Just got home from work,  I'm off to bed now.  I hope there is some news when I wake up. 


                          I plan on 6 miles before work.  It is supposed to be nearly 80 today.  I guess Summer is here for a couple of days.



                            Fantastic PR, Dave!


                            Go Holly, Mari, Erika, and everyone else racing this weekend!!!


                            Wishing I was out there with you guys too, for either a hot LR or a race!


                            Not up to speed with the goings on here for the last few days, due to general work busy-ness and major slacking off physically.  PT wants to see me a couple of times next week, but am making progress and can walk pretty much without pain.  Am getting very antsy to get back at it.  DH and I are headed for Cape Cod next Sat, so I expect I'll be starting back into a bit of run/walk at that point.  I'm thinking of renting a hybrid bike when I get there, so I can get at least some cardio hit  to keep the heebie jeebies at bay. 


                            When I get back, I volunteered to RD a 5K walk/run that the company wants to do for United Way in the fall.  Walked the potential course this week to get a feel for where to put markings and marshalls.  An inter-department challenge is now out.... we just hired a ringer.... a former national marathon champion.  Am looking forward to showing her where all the good running routes are! Big grin

                            .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              We stayed after for a couple of beers and split a pork tenderloin sandwich and fries.  I hope that’s good pre-race food.  I guess I’ll find out. 

                              Isn't that what everybody has the night before a 50K...right after playing a round of golf? 


                              Congratutions Dave!  34 seconds is huge in a 5K!


                              I'm looking forward to hearing how everybody did, today. 


                              For me it was fertilizing-the-yard-cross training, this morning and, now, I'm getting ready to head up to a friend's cabin for a "Beer Olympics".  These people go all out for this event.  They even have tropies for 1st, 2nd , and 3rd!  This is my first year and I never got to practice...well...except for the drinking part...


                              See ya! 

                                Great running, guys.  I miss being in Newport but considering my injuries the last year I'm so happy to be running, and especially at the level I'm at already.  Bill, I know what you mean about HR.  By the way, we ran the exact same distance.  Maybe if you had slowed down you could have gotten an AHR of 138 like me.Wink  I hate it when you and Paul and the rest refer to that distance as a MLR when it's my LR right now!


                                I really had fun out there and it went so much better than a week ago, even though I ran a mile further.  I saw another turtle but this time it was a small one sunning himself in the middle of a tiny pond.  I saw him in that exact spot about a year ago if I remember correctly.  Got in a few hills along the way and a long steady climb in the middle so +230 ft./-238.  Nice south breeze coming back!


                                Enke and Fattozig, about the sex discussion, my little girl has definitely grown up.  She's enrolled in Sex in the 21st Century for her first semester of college.

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
