Masters Running


Sunday Daily, 7.7.13 (Read 44 times)


    Mornin' everyone,


    Nice 20-miler yesterday, Shadow Runner, especially in that heat. I'm glad you were OK afterward.


    Good to be taking it easy, Dave, but still getting a run in.


    I'm very glad the winds shifted for you, Evanflein, and that it turned into a nice day.


    Nice 10-er in the rain Holly. I'm glad you were safe on the roads, both running and driving.


    Good run and good weather for you Tom!


    9 and a scooch racewalking miles at 4:05 this morning. It was about 76F with a westerly breeze and humidity in the "not too bad" range. I took it easy for the first few miles, stopping now and again to take photos of the sunrise. I finally got serious after 5 miles, and kept bringing my pace down from there till the finish. Today, I have lawn-mowing, gutter-cleaning, and kayaking with DW.


    Here is one of this morning's shots, with the light from the rising sun (out of the photo, on the left) bouncing off some clouds to the south. I liked the light and subtle shading.



    Have a greta Sunday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Jay, we can't match your sunrise - beautiful pic.  We ran 4 in the light drizzle & our only pics are of baby swans and Henry with a statue of Will.  Can't post from iPad.  Saw a Greta Romeo & Juliet last night & today Mary Stuart.


      enjoy your Sunday,


      King of PhotoShop

        Well Marj, speaking of Romeo and Juliet, yesterday I was looking at the daily and saw that Dave59 has this tagline "Tis but a flesh wound" and I was impressed he would have Mercutio's line after being stabbed by Tybalt ("tomorrow you will find me a grave man"), but when I looked it up on Google I saw that it was a line from Monty Python I had never heard before.


        Ran a 10K yesterday and with w/u and c/d I got in over 8 miles, to finish my week at 39 miles. I was 2nd in my AG, although not very fast, 54:35, or 8:47's.  Temps were mild at mid-80's so that was no excuse.  I felt pretty good throughout, just a tad slow.


        Last night Riblet had 10 kids over for a belated b'day party.  I grilled some sausage and peppers, made a big fresh fruit salad, and we had chips and salsa and a cake.  They hung out by the pool all night and left before midnight, all very nice kids, thanking us profusely for having them over.  I'd have a party for the kid every weekend if they all went like this.  Spareribs


          I haven't seen "Holy Grail" in years but loved it as a kid and probably have seen it 20 times.  So, technically, it's "Tis but a scratch" or "It's just a flesh wound," rather than "tis but a flesh wound."  Either way, Dave's had worse.


          Beautiful pic, Jay.  One of these days I'll have take some on my runs down by the river, which features some similarly striking sunrises.


          EZ 10 on a trail today with a friend but we started a little late and I overheated, playing it safe by walking in the last half mile or so.

          Be safe. Be kind.

            Gorgeous photo Jay! And cool about the reporter at your race walking clinic the other day----you deserve good press.


            Monty Python I love (we quote episodes all the time at the dinner table and end up holding our sides and running out of breath---nerd family!) No love for Shakespeare though---not a fan at all and not sure why.


            Ran 19.7 miles this morning and carried more water to stay hydrated. Ran at about 8:14 pace with last few miles faster for a mini fast finish run. First week up over 60 miles and hope to stay in the 60s for July and move into 70s in August. yesterday's 5k was fine but hot--93 degrees. Ran a 22:23--meh time, but 1st in age group and 13 out of 783 women overall. One of my Western MA. Distance Project teammates and her husband represented the USA at the World Trail Championships in Wales yesterday (77k race). She was the first American woman on the team over the line and 15th out of all women. So proud of her!!! It was very hot there too and their course was a hilly and rocky loop in a Welsh forest.  Next up for her is the VT 100 where she'll go for the win (has been 2nd past two years). She can have pacers in the last 30 miles and I'll join her for some of that.  I read fatozzig's reports very carefully these days!


            Enjoy the day!

              A real easy 4 this morning for me,bringing my weekly total to 20. Was a tough week with my wife loosing her battle with cancer and planning a celebration of life ceremony but after the dust settles I hope to be able to keep up with all of the going on's here! "Cancer Sucks!"

                A real easy 4 this morning for me,bringing my weekly total to 20. Was a tough week with my wife loosing her battle with cancer and planning a celebration of life ceremony but after the dust settles I hope to be able to keep up with all of the going on's here! "Cancer Sucks!"


                Oh my Gosh----So, so sorry to hear this. Stay close when you can and are ready---we'll be here.

                  Runr - My prayers to you and your family.  Know that we are here for you whenever you need us.  We're about a whole lot more than running.  We're family and family supports one another.


                  Karen - Congrats to your friend!!  What's her name?  Have you done much trail running?  You're going to have a great time pacing her, but if you haven't been on trails lately, you might want to give them a short go.  Details when the race is over and she's won!!


                  Beautiful picture, Jay.  I was reading an article in my Ultrarunning magazine yesterday that talked about how learning race walking is a huge benefit for ultra runners.  It's widely understood that if you are good at walking, you'll do well in the ultra scene.  I'm going to re-read the article and watch some videos and work more on the walking aspect of my trail running.  I'm a good power walker, but it doesn't take me long to peter out, so maybe if I can "master" some of the speed walking techniques . . . .


                  Ribs - Your son sounds like a good kid.


                  I'm finally over my WS hangover - sort of.  Will be going up to Oregon next month to work an aid station at the Waldo 100K Trail Run, then hopefully will be able to go up to the Mountain Lakes 100 in September and crew for Kate again and maybe pacer her the last 25 miles.  We'll see.


                  Okay - Gotta get going.  Later ~

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance




                    Karen - Congrats to your friend!!  What's her name?  Have you done much trail running?  You're going to have a great time pacing her, but if you haven't been on trails lately, you might want to give them a short go.  Details when the race is over and she's won!!



                    Amy Lane Rusiecki (her husband is a phenomenal ultra-runner as well) Good trail running advice...I get out on trails at least once a week, but being more intentional about that will be important. Thanks! Stay tuned...


                    Trails are hard!

                      Runr--So sorry to hear that.  And thank you for sharing.  This IS an amazingly supportive place and you can never have enough to get you through life's little and big doings.  Glad you can run to help, too.


                      Great running, Karin.  Sounds like the injury is well behind you now.


                      Taking a semi-long weekend at the Maine camp--up after work on Friday and then drive down Monday morning back to work.  Two very hot and humid runs so far.  Saturday was high 70s and extra humid for 3.5 drippy miles.  today was low 70s and a little less humid for just under 6 miles.  still very drippy.

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                        A real easy 4 this morning for me,bringing my weekly total to 20. Was a tough week with my wife loosing her battle with cancer and planning a celebration of life ceremony but after the dust settles I hope to be able to keep up with all of the going on's here! "Cancer Sucks!"


                        My condolences to you and your family. Yes, cancer sucks!


                        I hope each one of you had a fun Independence Day celebration. My DH and I decided to take the old backpack out of the closet and hit the trails for a few days. We have a 10 day trek coming up in August and we need to get the legs and body used to carrying the packs for at least 10 miles a day. So, this was our first outing. A very memorable hike to say the least. We covered 8 snow field miles the first day, 14 the next and 10 on the third day. Each day presented it's challenges and pushed our comfort zone mightily, but from the very start the trail is glorious: expansive views of the Pasayten peaks to the east as well as the jagged spires to the west in North Cascades National Park. This  portion of the trail is part of the penultimate leg of the Pacific Crest Trail gong North.


                        Here is a picture of the mountain ranges we were able to see on our last day (I may post more pictures on a separate thread if you guys want to see more). At 7000+ feet I felt that I was on top of the world, but for Wildchild, this would be the elevation where her house is located Big grin}.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          [[[[[ runr }}}}} sorry to hear this, just know you're in Our Prayers..........




                          TWO 45min poolruns in a SALTWATER POOL!!!!!!!!...........gotta get me one of these things.......


                          no floatation belt, Incrediibly boyant,


                          will probably drown myself trying it at my Y pool.......


                          ............neat Zoo Wedding,

                          ,the Bride is a Marathoner,

                          and the groom just basically does every thing she tells him


                          how can this not work??


                          had about 4-lbs of Various cheeses, including a Black one and a Green one


                          dos equis amber


                          amstel light

                          some German beer I can't remember

                          and some local brew called ''Ghost Something or Other''


                          ...............was driven home after I tried (unsuccessfully) to moon the polar bears..........


                          I wouldn't (or couldn't) do it again, BUT WHAT A BLAST!!!!!!!


                          ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,good running guys......................always try to get married at a zoo.......

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            I was away all weekend and I really have to get to bed but I had to tell runr how sorry I am about his wife.  I cannot even imagine what you are going through.  You will be in my prayers.



                              Runr, I'm so sorry to hear about your wife.  I hope your celebration of life ceremony is memorable.  Please keep posting here  - this is a good group and we're here for you.


                              Jay, wonderful picture!


                              Mariposai, looks like you had a beautiful backpacking trip!  I'd love to see more pictures!


                              We went camping and rock climbing this weekend up in Vedauwoo, Wyoming.   The Wyoming marathon runs through this area - beautiful rock formations.  And it wasn't nearly as windy this weekend as it was at the marathon!  I only did one 3.5 mile run on Friday, from the place we were climbing back to our campsite.  The rest of the weekend, climbing was more than enough to kick my butt.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                                So sorry, runr... there really are no words.


                                Beautiful country, Mariposai! And yes, we always love pictures....


                                15.4 miles today, started easy and sped up as I went along. Didn't mean to, and probably shouldn't have because the later miles were noticeably less sproinky, even with fewer hills. Did this run in a break in the smoke which was nice, although half was with a pretty good headwind. DH picked me up 3 miles from home, and my legs were done. Really felt that 10 mile tempo run from yesterday.... Got me to 52.9 miles for the week. Drat, if I'd known that I would've gone .1 more!
