Masters Running


Wednesday, February 9 daily (Read 506 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning!!


    I opted for the treadmill this morning since it is so bitterly cold and windy out there.   Only did 3 miles but I threw in some elevations and made myself run fast a few times too.   I sweat so much on that thing though, it takes me forever to cool down.    Then I did 200 crunches, 55 pushups and some leg lifts.   All with a little B'Nellie resistance and periodical kisses.


    Yesterday a co-worker showed my how I can read my nook on my computer screen and sinc it back to my nook so I'm always on the same page.   I love that guy!!  Big grin


    SteveP - those were great pictures yesterday.  Thanks for sharing.


    Nice to see JLynne back with us after days and days of celebration!


    Happy Hump Day!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



      Good morning Mary and all to follow. Smart idea to use the treadmill if your weather is as cold as ours. -3° with a wind chill of -19. Baby, it's cold outside! I've been meaning to ask you about your "bad" craft show. No one buying, or just poor turnout?


      Hey Steve - great pictures yesterday. I wanna be adopted by your family. You guys always look like you're having so much fun.


      Nice 10 miler yesterday, Twocat. Smile


      No wonder Holly doesn't like clowns, Tom W. That one was pretty creepy!


      Dave 59 - check your messages today.


      I'm having "issues" with my foot again. So, another 6 miles on the eliptical and some medicine and stability ball work this morning. I just want this to be gone so I can start running every day. While I was at the Y this morning, one of the regulars was telling me about his nightmare experience at the Super Bowl. 9 hours to get to and from the game (his hotel was 20 miles away), no porta-potties, no tissue, no paper towels, no parking. But - there were $10 bottles of beer, $16 margaritas and long lines. Apparently a lot of the people working were hired like 2 days before and didn"t have a clue what was going on. Gotta love Jerry.....


      Joe Kelly's thought for today: "When standing in starting lines, remind yourself how fortunate you are to be there."


      Have a good one.


      Marathon Iowa 2014

        Good morning Mary, Jeanne, and those that follow,


        Good TM run, Mary.  {{{Jeanne's foot}}} signed, Rex Ryan


        Anyways, I talked to the gym owner this morning (she was at the other gym location in Bloomfield).  Apparently the building that the gym is in and the Motocross building (where the roof collapsed) were separated enough that there is not really any damage to the gym.  They just have to wait for the insurance adjusters for the Motocross, plus some cleanup to happen.  They may be able to open next week.


        In the meantime, had a lifting and stepping session this morning (no spin classes in Bloomfield).  Tomorrow there's a spin class in East Hartford.  That's the benefit of a 37 mile commute - there are a lot of places on the way to and from work.


        Enjoy the day.


        Trails are hard!

          Back to something that vaguely resembles a training plan (at least for today Roll eyes Wink.  Becasue the roads and sidewalks were like trail running, I went to the gym for intervals on the TM.  Nothing spectacular, since they're the first in a LONG time--5 or 6 repeats (I lost track) of .2 at 5.5MPH and .2 at 7 MPH for a total of 3 miles with WU/CD.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          Marathon Maniac #957

            Mary and Jlynne – I think you had it colder, but we were still in single digits here.  Another couple cold days, then a forecast in the 40’s for Sunday – woohoo!   Dry pavement!


            PBJ – glad you were able to find somewhere to work out in the meantime.


            Stumpy – nice workout!  I love intervals on the TM.  It keeps my interest so much better.


            3 miles on the TM for me this morning, followed by 25 minutes of the P90X Core Synergistics video.  I dawdled and ran out of time.


            The 50K I’d like to run in April sounds like it has some tough ravine climbing sections, so it’s time to start on those hill-climbing muscles.  To that end, I did a nice glute-intensive workout last night with dead lifts, step-ups, squats, and lunges.  I'm feeling it today.  Joking

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Today was the last run/walk.  6 x (30 seconds walking, 4.5 minutes running).  This went fine with no aching parts.  Pleasant morning.  Beautiful really.


              On Friday I get to run 30 minutes continuous.  It's funny that I would be nervous about that!



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                Hey Masters !


                Another bone chilling run today. -2 degs. 10.5 miles with a nice little pep in the step.


                It's starting out to be another day like yesterday. Worked my arse off and still got nothing done. Sad


                SteveP...I loved the pictures. Reminds me off my childhood when sleding was an all day epic event. Complete with Hot chocolate and frozen candy bars !


                  A had a great workout at the gym along with 3 miles on the treadmill. 


                  I'm sure everyone has a similar experience where you go through a cycle of tough workouts and then suddenly they feel great for a time.  Way back in the 70's a few of used to joke about our biorhythms being the cause of everything good or bad.  Just for fun this morning I went to a biorhythm site to see if my physical cycle was up.  It wasn't.  In fact, it told me to "conserve energy." Roll eyes


                  I really liked what it said on my intellectual cycle: "The period of creativity is over.  Your brain is in stand-by mode."  Big grin  Can't argue with that one.






                    I really liked what it said on my intellectual cycle: "The period of creativity is over.  Your brain is in stand-by mode."  Big grin  Can't argue with that one.

                    Too funny dave!

                    Jlynne, take care of that foot! 

                    Tramps, that DW of yours is sure moving up fast in the running world. I know she will do just fine on her first marathon. That race you had together sounds like so much fun.

                    Timbo, while I like to see people running 21 miles as a mid-week run, I don't like to read our your hallucinations due to have to take care of your body better if you want to go ahead of slo-hand on race day.

                    Stumpy, is this a new job you have, or have you always travel so much with your work?

                    OM, yes, my DH is running around 3.5 miles regularly now, which is huge for a new runner. He started with one mile just after Thanksgiving, and he is sticking to his plan (whatever that plan may be). He even asked me to assist him to order new running shoes Cool...I convinced him to minimalist, of course.


                    Tramps, Mainrunner, Perch. thanks for talking about intervals yesterday. I can read all the book I want, but hearing you guys explain about a certain workout helps me  understand them better! Now, we just needed SpareRibs's input on  Yasso.


                    Wait a minute, no Erika's sighting yesterday....where is she?


                    Lovely sunrise around here right now. I wish I could go for a run, but I am reserving my energy for a tempo run tonight, besides I have work to do.

                    Yoga at noon should be the perfect mid-day activity.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Some good—and chilly—running today.  It was 19F here and that’s cool enough for me.

                      Maine & Perch—interested stuff, thanks.  (And great intervals for Maine yesterday!)  I’ve been doing some ½ miles with ¼ intervals because I have a ¾ mile stretch of road that is more or less flat.  It’s convenient.  Guess I’ll work my way up to 10 reps!  I had heard of Yasso 800s, of course, but never paid close attention to the details.  I didn’t realize the Yasso recoveries were so long.  Interesting…and encouraging.  Thanks for that link, Perch. 

                      Tim—great run…especially for a Tuesday….assuming it wasn’t all an hallucination.

                      Steve—that sledding looks like great fun.

                      Twocat—some of us do read the next morning, you know! Nice 10-miler.

                      I’m enjoying the Slo-Tim trash talk.  Wink

                      Jlynne—good quote today; useful on daily runs, too.  (I never bought the Super Bowl hype, so I'm not surprised.)

                      Byll—good luck on your Friday run.  One step at a time…literally.


                      13.5 hilly miles @ 8:24.  By mile 10, I was ready for some water…and breakfast. No hallucinating, though.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        Squats, overhead presses and deadlifts this morning. Was going to jog on the TM but the PF was just a wee bit tight so opted to leave early and catch an early train. Bad idea. Ran right into the masters swim team coming into the locker room after their workout. Every shower stall was taken in both the mens and boys locker rooms. No room at the sinks either. Ugh. Fortunately I still made my train to work. Next time I'll continue working out for another 20 minutes and take the later train. 


                        Oh and BTW. Men should never ever ever wear a bathing suit with big words scrawled across the butt. It's just wrong. Ew. Joking



                        Trails are hard!


                          Oh and BTW. Men should never ever ever wear a bathing suit with big words scrawled across the butt. It's just wrong. Ew. Joking


                          And they should be old enough to know better.Wink


                          Mari--same job, just lots of projects in exotic places like NC and south Jersey.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.




                            George, wow, now  there's a mental image to start the day!   Joking

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                              Byll.... been there!  The way I look at comeing back is you have a whole new set of achievable goals which is really motivating.  Have fun builing back!


                              Tramps... glad you brought up that topic.  Good discussion.  Think how fast Maine's repeats would be with a 3 min jog!


                              NIce and crisp this morning. Ran 13 miles on the Tobacco Road Marathon course in 1:48:24 (8:20, AHR 150).

                               24°... bundled. 

                              I find that long gradual hills (like 2 miles at 2-3%) with no real peak are much more tiring (mentally) than nice big steep hills that you attack and conquer.

                              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                                Sounds like it is very very cold out there for much of the country!  I too would be opting for the TM if it were negative any degrees!  Thankfully, it was in the upper 20s, windy and sunny this morning so that made for a nice easy 6 miler.


                                Jlynne, very sorry to hear about your foot acting up again.  I very much like the thought for the day!


                                PBJ, good to hear that the gym itself was not damaged and you will be allowed back in after the insurance adjusters do their thing.  Hope that isn't too long.


                                Yikes Holly, ravine climbing?  That sounds even more difficult than the Stone Steps.  Good luck getting those climbing muscles into good shape.  I would be in trouble trying to run anything like that.  It's pancake flat around here.


                                Byll, good news!  Good luck on Friday!


                                LOL Dave59!  I sure hope my brain is not in standby mode.  I need it for the next few days.  Very busy at work with a lot of brainiac type work to get done.  I do believe in biorythms to some extent, or at least in the fact that there are days when one inexplicably has energy and sproink and other days when its a trudge.


                                EGH, nobody over age 10 should wear anything with words scrawled across the butt, but particularly men!  I hate crowded locker rooms.  Definitely vote for working out longer and avoiding the rush.

                                Once a runner . . .
