Masters Running


Sunday August 31 Runs and Assorted Bad Behavior... (Read 499 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Well gang, I got my first 18 miler in the books now. My neighbor ran with me, which really helped get me through it. She is 1/2 my age, 25 pounds lighter and in much better shape, but she is so sweet and patient to go so slow with me. Afterwards I bought her breakfast. I did my 18 in the same time as my 17 last week, which was a good improvement. 18 miles 11:14 avg. pace 163 avg. hr I'm glad its done - but my feet are sore and a nap sounds pretty darn good too. I can't believe I ran the distance of a marathon yesterday and today combined. Big grin Cheers!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Great run Mary... 13 for me yesterday and then 8 tempo for this morning...7:38 pace One week to go...
      Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Nice 18 Hopeful! WTG Holly on 15! Lots of nice long runs today! Peter.. it was just plain muggy today. Gret job! Another slugfest run today. Dewpoint was 70F the entire run as the temp climbed from 70-78. Just pouring sweat the whole way for 15 hilly miles. The leg issue was noticable but not really sore and never worse. I'll just keep running easy. This 9:07 pace was not really easy either but it's done. Can't wait till cooler temps. Good luck to those in the path of Gustov.

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Thank YOU!!! I forgot to mention that I also had a 160 mile month which is HUGH for me. Big grin


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




            I just got back from my long run, and it wasn't as long as I planned. I cut it off at 10 miles, because that's all I felt like running. Tongue The dogs came along for the first 3 miles while it was still cool - 53 degrees when we started. It was up to 63 at the end. So I didn't make it to 40 miles for the week, but 37.3 miles is still the most I've ever run in a week, so its good. Total 10.1 miles in 1:59, avg pace 11:47, on my usual hilly neighborhood route. Nice to hear that the rest of you didn't wuss out on your long runs! Of course, the only thing I'm training for right now is a 10K, so I don't really need a super long run.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              19 miles in 3:05:34 and a 9:45ish pace. Set out to do 20 but the wife came down the road to pick me up a little early and I just couldn't bring myself to tell her to pick me up in one more mile. She then told me the reason she was early was that she has a job interview today ? They called this morning I guess. Kohl's, so as usual retail works everyday. I hope she gets it it would be a step up for her. Mary, Congrats on the 18 miler! You are on track for Detroit that's for sure. I hope to see you there . Great runs everyone Have a great rest of the weekend Larry

              Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                Wow, so many wonderful long runs here today! Very impressive. WTG to Mary on her first 18-miler!! I'm resting up for the HM tomorrow. Still agonizing over a pace to stick to for the first 4 miles...I figure after 4 miles I will be warmed up and can run by perceived effort the rest of the way. How do you veterans choose your initial pace? Goal pace +10 sec?, +20 sec? Thank goodness for the Garmin or I would never be able to pace these races for negative splits.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  ??? Where'd you get rhubarb in southern Ohio in August?
                  Er…Meijer (grocery store) had some in the produce department…. I admit though that I have shamelessly fiddled with TomS’ original recipe, adding some crisp Michigan apples in with the rhubarb and reducing the sugar a bit, but it is truly the crumble topping that makes this stuff so great. Stumpy/Kameele – just a quick thank you for your comment about putting a new window in when you were remodeling. I didn’t really think about it until you said that, but now that you mention it I would love to put a larger window in over my sink, maybe even a window box, and DH said it might be reasonable to do, so I’m looking into it. Thanks for the idea! So many great runs to read, no time to comment on them all but a special shout out to Hopeful with congratulations on your first 18-miler! I so enjoy checking in over my afternoon coffee and seeing what you all are doing. Smile Good luck to all who are racing tomorrow!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  Running out of mistakes!

                    Lots of good long runs today. Nice run Holly! Recovery is definitely a patience game with just rewards. PDR, I did the same thing before posting! :-) Congrats on the long run hopeful4ever... enkephalin, I usually spend the first four trying a game of spending as little energy as possible while maintaining a good pace. For a HM I'd try to stay even throughout, but that is me. After a tough run yesterday I was concerned my groin pull was going to need more recovery time. At 16 or so miles today it still felt fine, so I just kept running mostly at sub 8 min pace. I didn't realize until I got back that I had done 23! :-P That is was you get from perfect weather this morning combined with energy returning from injury. The only issue was that I skipped the body glide and got a ridiculous amount of chaffing. I'm glad tomorrow is a rest day.
                    -2009 running goals - sub-3 after Boston (probably VCM), 3 PRs, 2009 miles for the year, and no untreated injuries
                    also on Twitter
                      My 20 year old DS got a written order to appear for underage drinking. He was tailgating with friends after the UF foot ball game yesterday. I think since UF was recently voted #1 Party school the administration decided to crack down for the 1st game. He said they were going car-to-car checking everyone.
                      Bill, MIPs (minor in possession) have become almost a rite of passage at college these days. But you should take it seriously, as (at least in Michigan) it's a regular misdemeanour with a required court appearance. It's hard for us adults to understand the level at which drinking is done these days on college campuses (legal age or not!). You have to especially make sure that your kids never, never, ever drink and get behind the wheel!. There should be no compromise on this! Sometimes the best you can do is to just keep your fingers crossed.

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                        hi everybody. before I forget .... Happy Birthday Dark Horse! & as I'm late there... a really late Happy Birthday Ribs! for Tim, I didn't drink any water this morning till I was past the 3.1 mile point. for Ribs, I carried my jacket when it got too warm. Holly, Mary, perch, and many that I missed.. great runs. Very smart, Holly. congratulations on your milestones, Mary. Perch, I'm seriously behind on the thread. what's going on with your leg? Karin, I like EW&F too. wtg, Beers! I was tired today too. my music-loving bongo-playing neighbor was at it again last night. I'm still wandering around, starting projects, & stopping half way through. Not as much for me as for any of you. I still liked it. 7.11 miles by the river. 170 AHR, 182 max. 9:58 average pace. Not sure what the max was. dippy miles. 10:04, 10;02, 10:02, 9:46, 9:51, 9:52, 9:56. Hamstrings weren't quiet, but they continue to bother me less than they did. this is close to my highest mileage for a month, (I think) so I give them credit for getting me through it. Wink. busiman, great on all counts! hope you all have a great weekend.
                          Roch, you are right about the drinking and driving. I am very sure that this is something he and his friends would never do. They always have a DD (designated driver) assigned. He really is a very good kid on eveery level - just going through the usual growing up things. Bill

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                            This must be long run Sunday... You sure can tell fall marathon season is approaching! Special shout out to Mary with her first ever 18 miler. Congratulations! I remember he first time I ran 18 miles... seems like a real milestone. Just think... 20 miles is only a couple more on top of that! Holly, 15 miles, woohoo! Coming back strong on the recovery trail. This was my last real long run before my marathon. I always do the first 11 miles of the course, then back to the start. Today I went a little past the 11 mile mark, and doubled back to the 26 mile mark at the end to get a total of 23 miles in 3:40:15, or 9:35 avg pace. Average pace and even "marathon pace" really doesn't mean much on this course, as it's so hilly and rough. I always trip somewhere along the way, and just as I was congratulating myself for not falling in all the places I've fallen in the past... Boom! tripped on a root and down I went, just before the 20 mile point. Hit my right knee hard and rolled to my right shoulder... lay there a second (I did turn my Garmin off while I shook it off and checked all my parts), got up and walked a couple circles. Ok, good to go, started Garmin again and off I went. Made it the rest of the way with just a couple trips, but I slowed down on some of the downhill rooty parts. Now I'm soaking my foot in ice water, and my ice water garbage can is waiting for the rest of my legs. Yogurt smoothie, banana and coffee... and water of course. Bring on Taper!

                              (oops, double click...)
                                Alas work has kept me from posting on the boards. But seeing as I have some time now . . . First welcome to international long run day! Holly S. great start to the day's celebration, especially given all you have endured to get here! 15 miles way to go! rochrunner is biking allowed on international long run day? Confused DickyG so far it looks like the evacuation has gone well so hopefully everybody you and your family know will be fine. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything turns out ok. nonoruns congratulations on breaking the 90 mile barrier for the month! I ran the Disney World Marathon a couple of years ago and stayed on the property. At worst, if you are willing to use their transportation system (which is really outstanding) you can find places to run outside. Good luck finding some routes that you like for your trip! Jlynne nice run and happy ball hunting today! Wink breger1 impressive miles in winds that strong! I would not worry too much about your DS here. To me it just sounds he ran into some bad luck getting caught when he did. Drinking on campus is very, very common. Unless your kid is a natural born tea totaler the idea that he or she will be waiting to turn 21 before drinking in college is just not realistic. This is one reason that set of college presidents has asked that the country at least reconsider the 21 year drinking age. CNYrunner hopefully we will see each other tomorrow. Bad Good luck tomorrow! Big grin The forecast is for a somewhat warm race temperature and lots of sun. But the humidity should be low. Fast feet to you. Sarge nice 10K with your DW and congratulations to her for finishing it in a PR time! Peter NC 18 miles without another long run all month? Only because you apparently do not consider 17 miles to be a "long run." Or maybe the 3rd is to early in the month to count as part of August? lol See what happens when you make your log public! Smile Spareribs I continue to admire your continued progress each way. You showing just how much a personal determination to get better can help you do so. Keep going! stumpy77 you might try checking with Disney's sporting events folks if you have not already. When I ran the marathon I found that the "regular" members of the staff were clueless and often dispensed information (with total confidence) that was flat out wrong. I find it hard to believe they would run a race and not provide transportation to the start. It is just not very Disney like. Also, nice finish on your 4 miler today. WillRunForBeer great long run for you today. Nice job. Dave59 is resting allowed on international long run day? Confused Glad to hear that changing your foot landing is working so well for you. Hopefully, it will help you out for years to come. PDR another great long run for the day. Why is it you and WRFB never seem to run together? Just curious. hopeful4ever yep bagging those long marathon training runs sure does feel good! As your name implies maybe you have now figured out what you were thinking! Smile Also, congratulations on hitting 160 miles for the month! lyndenrunner always good to get a temp run done. perchcreektough 15 miler in those conditions! Good job sweating it out. wildchild no shame in cutting your run short if you think that best. Also, since you set a new weekly mileage PR (Wahoo!) it is an especially good idea to listen to your body. hallar even if it cost you a mile it must be good news your DW got called in for an interview. Nice job getting in 19 too! enkephalin I am going to wish you good luck for you HM today as I may or may not get a chance to post a lengthy message here again tomorrow. As to pacing, I have read in a few places that your best times in a race over 4 miles comes from putting down as even an effort throughout the race as possible. On a perfectly flat course that translates into even splits every mile. Still, I typically try to run the first one about 5 to 10 seconds off of goal pace. I then spend the rest of the race trying to get in near goal pace with the last mile or so as fast as I can still go! busiman what a run today and at what a pace! Better yet it sounds like all systems are go afterwards! Great 23 miler! dg. well a new monthly or near monthly mileage PR is nothing to sneeze at! So congratulations on it. Running along the river must be really nice. I wish we had a trail like that around here. evanflein yea, DickyG explained to me about every Sunday being international long run day. Well now you know too I see! Big grin What a run for you too! 23 miles! Very impressive. I max out at 22 on my training runs. Great job. BTW, I LOVE taper weeks too! Twocat no run for me today. Tomorrow is the New Haven 20K so, as always, I am taking the day before off. Happy to do it too! The last couple of days my running has lacked it usual "fun factor." Must be my body telling me it is time for a break. Hopefully, a day is all it wants or I will be in a lot of trouble at 8:40am tomorrow! No matter what the outcome I should be able to return tomorrow with a minor bit of good news to report. Stay tuned! Wink Good luck to all our racers tomorrow!

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
