Masters Running


Seattle Rock&Roll marathon, a journey from the heart! (Read 440 times)


    The prelude:

    Seattle Rock and Roll marathon was my Christmas present from my DS#1, who is more of a bicyclist than a runner.

    The pact: I will train him and we would run the marathon together!

    I quickly secured twocat's assistance to help me create a good and safe training plan for him (thanks twocat, and butterfly hugs to the grouchy editor too).

    Considering the low mileage training plan I knew that we were looking at a 6 hours marathon time.


    The plan: since early winter I sent out invites to my Seattle RAfamily to join my DS and I at this race. All of them wanted to do it, but life's happenings did not allow the girls to join us, but Dievechief and the taperboy aka tetsujin did agree to join us. 



    The pre-race event:

    Friday afternoon my DH and I drove the 5 hours to Seattle, picked up my bib number and then drove to my son's apartment to cook the carbo-loading dinner for three marathon runners and their friends. With the help of these fellows it was easy to serve dinner in no time.



    It was so much fun to see tetsujin, divechief, Francesca and her DH there. I think my son had a good time plotting his marathon plan with his three pacer ( divechief , myself and tetsujin). By the end of the night  he had a clear picture of his race day strategy.


     RAmasters dievechief, Francesca and tetsujin.


    After everyone left I got ready for the next day. What a pleasure it was for me to assist my  son to get ready for his first American marathon (he had run one in Poland last year.


    This picture reminds me of the day I helped him get ready for his first day of school and his first soccer game! I was all teary eyed.



    The day of the race:

    Up at 4:30. We ate breakfast and drove to the bus where we were met the second pacer: dievechief. We got to the starting line and we waited and waited for the start. While we waited we had a SRLopez's sighting, which is always so cool.



    We lined up to the start and then off we went. The pace was going just as planed (finish time 6 hours) when all of the sudden "our star" started feeling some muscle cramps on his thighs. From there on we were destined to walk the downhills (his leg bothered him the most while going downhill) then run the flat segments to then run backwards on the uphills. 



     I must say here that I truly appreciated Divechief's patience to hang out with us for so long. What a gentle and giving spirit he has. Thanks Divechief!!! 


    t was around mile 18 that the taperboy joined us on the walk/dance/run party. One thing I found out is that both of them are pretty good dancers!


     (Ribs, ohh Ribs..ohh wiseone.....are you still breathing???)))Joking



    I must admit, that I almost cherish the fact that we all were so carefree about time, we just enjoyed the scenery, the cheerleading we received from the crowd was superb, but most importantly we all just enjoyed each other company. It was need to hang out with the slower crowd. At about mile 24 we even saw the official car following the last runner.


    At around mile 25 our star said…now…I want to catch up and pass the lady in pink shoes…she has been passing us too many times…


    so after that mama posie took over and started charging ahead in search for our first roadklilll, looking for the lady in pink shoes mama posie went while the two gentleman hang out with PosieSun


    …when we passed her we made sure that she was behind us for good. In the process we had 12 roadkills.


    As we approach the finish line dear son hang out in the back, just a couple of feet away from us, with tetsujin. Divechief and I lined up so “our star” could catch up with us, placed himself in the middle as we had planned before to run the finish line together

    …but lo and behold, our “star” decided to make us HIS ROADKILL Surprised Evil by sprinting ahead of us at a 6’ pace to the finish line.


    As Divechief and I try to keep up with him we had this conversation while gasping for air (we must have been running at about 7’ pace).

    Divechief---where did that fast pace come from?

    Posiemama---tetsujin…and he is dead meat!


    We finished the race at 6:09. Six hours and nine minutes well spent and one that will always be tacked away in my heart’s memory.

    And this picture will be forever in my mind!!!


     What is next for "Our Star"?

    Well, he already signed up for the Light at the End of the Tunnel marathon on July 24th, which I was already schedule to do!

    I think I have a marathon maniac in my hands!


    Thanks for reading and for your support.

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

      Wonderful report, Posie!  And I love all the pictures.  So wonderful to have pics of our other RA friends, but most special off all,  the ones of you and "your star."  Can't wait for the next family affair. Smile

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance


        Simply a life time memory.  Thats all I can say...  Congrats to mama and son.

        Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")



          A 'Star' (marathoner) is born! Congrats on taking advantage of the opportunity to train with DS, and then to run with him (till M26) through the race. I'm so glad that you two had a greta day together, and that you had other great running friends with whom to share the adventure. With all you went through (cramps, dancing, etc.), you still finished only 9 min. over the goal time - one can only imagine what you all can accomplish if you get serious about this marathon stuff! Big grin



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Great report, Posai!  Thanks for posting all the pictures.  I always do better with picture-books. 


              I love the pictures. Another great report.


              The warrior shirt rocks !



                And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                Maniac 505



                  Thanks for the RR.  I really appreciate you inviting me join you guys for this event.


                  I know you are too humble to tell anyone you had food poisoning 2 days before and you did this race on no fuel and messed up electrolytes, I certainly won't tell anyone.  But as I said.  It is good training for your next Ultra.


                  Did you know that SRLopez got his first ever BQ at this race?  he aged up to a better time.  I also won't tell anyone that he is hoping for a BQ -5 at Light at the end of the tunnel


                  Your DS must have a short of a memory (as do you).  I have heard it said that you are not ready for your next marathon until you forgot your last one.  All maniacs have short memories.   less than  One week after DS's first,  he signed up for his second!  clearly Maniac material. 


                  If he can find his way to Las Vegas on August 13/14, He can join Mike Rassmussen and I for a REALLY fun event  the ET Midnight marathon  AND qualify to join our little club.


                    That's definitely a five-smiley report. Nice job!  You west-coast folks know how to have fun.


                    Dive--thanks for the inside scoop; I won't tell anyone. Wink

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                    Half Fanatic #36

                      So happy for you you had a great time at R&R!! I thought about you all while on my way north on Sat morning.


                      Also thank you for the get together the night before, it was wonderful to include the families..well Dave and Jon sure feel like family as well Smile!


                      I am pretty sure I will be at the Tunnel marathon, may be I'll get to run with David this time!



                        Fantastic! I just loved this report and all the photos and details. Well done to all of you and that you and your son did this together Maraposai just makes me grin and grin. The kiddo and I will hit milestone birthdays in three years (18 and 50) and hope to cover marathon miles together then. I am inspired by you----for this and much more.

                          Enjoyed your RR, and family and friends shared great event, Mariposai!   Congratulations.   This is one you will never forget. Loved the pictures too!

                            Gosh, that cool angled window in your son's apartment made me really miss Seattle.

                            But, I am most sorry I missed you guys.

                            That picture of you dancing and jamming with the RnR band is a definite keeper.

                            So glad that your DS left you in his dust.


                            I would love to be your light at the end of the tunnel....maybe I should show up at the end with some ice cold beverages?

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                              LOVED this RR!! What a wonderful experience for you and your son!  

                              The pictures are great: you have quite a handsome family.

                                What a great time, running with your son and a bunch of your RA family.  The memories will become part of the family history.  Great pictures and congrats to all.


