Masters Running


Thursday 2/22/24 Runs and What not (Read 36 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good morning!


    Erika - I looked up Lymphedema and thought, "ew" - getting old is not for sissies, for sure.


    Whatever it is I do to my neck every few weeks (sleep funny?  pull a muscle?), I did again.  That muscle that goes from the right side of my neck down to my shoulder is just killing me, and even with ibu it gives me a mild headache/neckache all day.  Bleck.  I'll keep trying to gently stretch it as I work.


    Once each month the boss's wife thinks it's a nice idea for us all to bring something at lunch with a theme.  Last month on National Soup Day we were all supposed to bring in soup to share in crock pots to judge (I won, btw, with my broccoli cheddar).  Next time it is National Pie Day, so we are all supposed to bake a pie to share at lunch on 3/14.  Frankly, I think it is well meant, but a pain.  Week night evenings I am tired, and barely cook for DH and I.  Having to cook something to bring in and share is a PITA.  And I don't do pie.  I almost never eat it, and the only time I cook pie is at Thanksgiving and Christmas, and only pumpkin and apple.


    It would be better if it was on Mondays, and I could cook on Sunday when I have more time.  (I usually cook on Sundays batches of food for DH and I to heat up on weeknights.)  But it is always on a Thursday or Friday.  Anyone have a great, easy, pie recipe?


    Unseasonably warm this morning at 52 degrees, but windier than I expected, so I was still underdressed, but it was way better than freezing temps!  3.1 miles total.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      So my sinus congestion is actually Covid   I am so annoyed and mad at myself! I carpooled yesterday with a friend who has an almost 1yr old because I honestly thought it was just my typical sinus stuff. I feel bad now she has been exposed. I only tested because my run this morning was a struggle even tho my paces were ok - I felt like I was working harder than normal and I never warmed up. I mean it was only in the low 20’s but still I usually warm up after a mile or two plus I was sweating while feeling frozen. My endocrinologist is on the same office as the OB docs so I’m glad I’m not going to be sitting in a waiting area with pregnant women!!


      5 mile progression run, hot shower and resting under the comforter now!! Oh and I had a pity party with a lemon donut 

      So much for enjoying my 4 days off!!


      Sorry Holly - no pie recipes but there must be something simple using chocolate pudding and whipped cream - good luck!


        Holly S. just make the pie on the weekend. Freeze it, and then defrost it Tuesday night. Seems like that would work.


        I had plans to run 4 miles this morning, but it was just in the upper 30s. I did not bring any running clothes for that! It has now warmed up to the mid 50s, but DW and I are going to pick up her sister at the airport now and then going for brunch. Maybe I will get the run in some time in the early afternoon.

        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Deez - bummer!


          Twocat - I was thinking of doing an easy key lime pie recipe.  Do those freeze well?

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Deez - Sorry about the covid. Seems like it is everywhere.


            Holly - All that stuff with chasing down wrong charges and missing refunds is terrible. It's probably hard just to get through to a person. And then they can't help.


            I ran a very easy 3 miles this morning. I woke up really tired even though I feel like I slept good. After the run I felt better but it didn't last long because I am tired again.



            Sometimes I try to clear out my stuff that I no longer use. General decluttering and I want to make it easy on people when I'm gone.  I have this one stupid thing I keep which I know I'll never wear. It is a Houston Aeros hockey jersey. It is the only thing I ever won. When we lived in Houston 24 years ago I would go the Aeros games when I could.  I went to the last game of the season and it was fan appreciation night. You could fill your name on a form, fold it into a paper airplane, and throw it out onto the ice. If it went into a little basket you could win a trip to Hawaii. All the ones that missed where swept into a big pile and they pulled out ones randomly for prizes. And I won the jersey. I've carried the dumb thing from house to house for 24 years.     The team doesn't even exist anymore.


            Not sure where I was going with that long random story. I think I had a point when I started typing it.

            I guess the question is, do any of you want a Houston Aeros Hockey Jersey?  I'll send it out for free.




              Holly, banana cream pie is my go to when DH wants a pie that is quick and easy. I cheat and buy a graham cracker crust, banana pudding, a few bananas, and some whipped cream on top. voila! ezpzpie!

              Ran 6.1 miles last night after work and will get in another run tonight after work. Tomorrow I have a Chamber of Commerce gala dinner to attend, so no time for running. Gotta dig out me fancy clothes for that one! 

              Mom and I plugging along on all the things. Thankfully when they moved from their big rural house about 8 yrs ago, they downsized considerably so there's not too terribly much to go through. My dad recently bought a 2019 Tacoma truck. Only has 24K miles on it. My mom wants to give it to my brother so he can get out from the Subaru he bought a few yrs back that he has $375/month payments on!  He can get a good price on his Subaru and then have a newer truck free and clear.  My brother moved to Colorado Springs last fall and is having a hard time landing a job, place to live, etc.  He's staying at an airbnb for now but it's not a viable long term option.  so having a vehicle w/o pymts would be a game changer for him.


              okay, lots to do today. better get scooting!



                Mornin' Masters.


                Lotta 2s in today's date.


                Good job of tricking Garmin, Dave. And thanks for the great winter photo.


                I'm glad you got your run done, KSA. I also really dislike the side-effects from medications, which is part of the reason that I fight so hard to stay off them. I'm glad that you got some answers and a direction to try with your cyst. I hope the ointment helps a lot.


                What a mess, Holly! At least you do a good job of paying attention to the details of your bills and credit ratings. I'd send a very direct letter to the collection agency and cc an attorney (even if it is just a friend...) to give that letter some additional weight. And when that gets resolved in your favor, I'd also send them a bill for the time you had to spend on this because of their error. They'll likely never pay it, but there may be some small satisfaction in being a PI their A. Nice morning 2.1 miles + core work. Amazing nails on your DD! I would certainly cut myself if I had them. I can't help you with pie recipes (I only bake cakes). But can't you bake one on Sunday and leave it in the fridge till it is time to take it to the office? Nice run this morning,even if you were under-dressed.


                Nice voila! moment and discovery, Tet.


                Good job of mixing up your workouts, Leslie. My PT had me sit with the top of my hamstring on the foal roller, stretch that leg out, and try to reach to touch my toes - boy, does that hurt! But it hurts real good. I give The Hub a lot of credit for soldiering through on quitting chew without any assistance - that determination will help him get it done.


                Nice to bookend the day with your strength workout and run club run, Norm.


                Sorry about the continuing knee popping, Tomwhite, but congrats on getting back out on the soccer field. You are so right about the value of even temporary distractions helping people out.


                Nice 22 mile lunchtime ride, Tramps. It must be nice to have a sense of Spring. Are your online classes Zoom-like, or is it all typing and no speaking?


                Good work on your February half marathon, Wildchild. despite the messy roads and trails. Sorry about your Dad's fall - I hope he'll be OK.


                Good to see that you are getting in more walking, Evanfelin, along with your strength/PT work and time on the bike. Good luck with getting the additional caregiver for your parents so you can get back to just visiting with them.


                Sorry about the problems at the VRBO, Twocat. But at least you are there. I hope you get your run in this afternoon.


                I'm sorry about the fibromyalgia flare up, Steve, but you seemed to have handled it well, with the PT work and getting the pooch on the trail.


                I'm exhausted from reading your workout, BTY. I'm glad today is a rest day for you so I can recover as well...


                I'm very sorry about your Covid, Deeze, especially when you are supposed to be off from work for a few days. At least you've got the lemon donut...


                Nice 3 miler, Dave. I wonder if that old, unworn shirt is worth some money?


                I'm glad you and your Mom are plugging along, Tammy. Sounds like there is a lot going on. I hope you get your run in oning, and enjoy the gala tomorrow night.


                Yesterday, my massage therapist recommended rubbing magnesium oil on my feet at bed time to bet a better night's sleep. She's going to make some for me, but DW also has some, so I used a bit of it last night, and I did sleep pretty well. Coincidence, or does it work? I'll try it again tonight.


                I got in 5.9 EZ RW miles this morning in 25° temps, with the big moon dancing in and out of the clouds overhead. Then I did 35 minutes of stretching and weights. Then a shower. And then (finally!) coffee.


                Have a greta Thursday.



                Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                  Thanks, Holly, and good recap, Jay.   Denise- boo on the COVID.  It seems to be everywhere again.  Can you go next week for the infusion?  They were pretty insistent with me that I stuck right at a year.


                  6.8 of the planned 5.2 miles.  I felt better- still not quite normal but I kept the effort easy and did OK.  I went over to the path so it was flatter.


                  The nationwide ATT outage is affecting me, but at least here in the house I can make wifi calls.  What a mess.  I guess it affected other carriers, too, but not as much.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    Thanks for the start, Holly. Spiky ball on the wall with that neck/back muscle?

                    Deez--covid sucks.

                    Dave--collector's item; ebay.

                    Jay--I'm surprised; magnesium sounds like one of those Tik-Tok grifter fads. Is there any science behind that? As to teaching,we did a lot of experimenting including online-only, mixed with F2F, different formats, etc. Counterintuitive but, if run properly, there's lot more student-teacher, and student-student interaction in an asynchronous online course. Very helpful for students who sometimes are not as vocal or assertive in F2F classes, especially women and folks from different cultural backgrounds.


                    Best to all of  you dealing with parent issues.


                    Kind of gray here today but comfortable upper 30s for a 5.2-mile trail run.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                      Good afternoon Masters!


                      Holly, I don't think I believe you about that Broccoli and Cheddar soup.  I'll need convincing.   I'll send you my home address for the proof in the pudding soup.   Same with the Banana Cream Pie, Tammy.  Just not believable to me.


                      Deez, please get well soon.


                      Dave, that Hockey jersey is probably worth a lot of money to somebody.  Not in spite of the fact that they don't exist anymore, but because of that fact.


                      Jay, I have an extra roll-on Bio-Freeze if you need to apply it to your shoulders after my workouts. :-)


                      On that subject, if there are any other Bio-Freeze fans out there, I'm sold on the roll-on. This current one, and the previous one, have lasted me quite a long time and I use it after every workout, and often in the morning after I shower at home, no workout needed.


                      DW and I (especially DW, and therefor especially me) are both very happy with the work our carpenter has done so far on the improvements at the stairway from the kitchen down to the garage and then down to the basement.   We still need to go pick out a railing before all of the finishes are picked out, but it's such a huge improvement over the original set-up, and even a huger improvement over the way it had been left for the past two or three years when DW lost confidence in my nephew's construction skills.   When our carpenter left last night at 9:30 after working all day at his full-time gig 90 miles away, he told me he had to be back to the job site 90 miles away at 6:00 AM,   I gave him an extra $100 for his troubles.   Not sure when the lad sleeps.


                      I was inspired this morning to put together some weekly workout programs that I can set up a week at a time starting next week, rather than coming up with a new workout every day.   I'm not sure how that's going to work out.   Seems like there are so many variables to work around.   Maybe something simple at first and then get slick after seeing how it works out.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Spiky ball on the wall with that neck/back muscle?



                        Hmmm, hadn't heard of that one before.  Google gives me several options.  Do you have a specific one in mind?


                        BTY - I will let you know next time I make it....

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Marathon Maniac #957



                          Jay, I have an extra roll-on Bio-Freeze if you need to apply it to your shoulders after my workouts. :-)


                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Hey, Friends - Gotta be quick.  Too much to do, especially since the day started with a Zoom tutorial. 


                            4 chilly predawn miles that I didn't want to get up for, but I did anyway.


                            And last night I look high and low for the charging cord to my watch, to no avail.  I ordered one for 2-day delivery (fastest option).  Hopefully, it'll be here by tomorrow.  I'm guessing I'll find the lost one about the time the new one gets here.  If the new one doesn't get here tomorrow, I'll be watchless until Monday and that'll be very weird.


                            The Shoe Issue - I'm too prone to AT issues, so I won't go any lower than 10mm.  And I've been in a stability shoe for so many years, it would take a long time to transition into something else.  I wouldn't mind trying to transition during off season, but not while I'm starting to ramp up for for race season.


                            Outta here!

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance




                              Deez, bummer about the covid!  Hope it's not too severe.


                              Holly, does everyone bring a homemade pie to the pi day work thing, or is it acceptable to buy one?


                              I met a friend for 5 trail miles this morning in Evergreen.  The parts in the woods required spikes and the parts in the meadow were dry dirt!  Good run.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                                I was thinking same. Don't buy something generic from the grocery store, but if you have a bakery or pie shop that is special, maybe that would work? I absolutely will never bake a pie and would have to do this.


                                Holly, does everyone bring a homemade pie to the pi day work thing, or is it acceptable to buy one?


                                Hmm, no Covid in our house but DH caught some kind of bad stomach virus that basically took him out for 24 hours. I actually have not heard of any Covid around me since the holidays! Sounds like I am an anomaly.


                                I did a challenging hills ride this AM, but went out for a brisk walk at lunch (from the office). It is in the low 50's again - part sun/clouds - so I thought what the heck?! The riverwalk is nice and quiet (of course all the businesses are closed this time of year). So, over an hour of activity for me today...

