Masters Running


Marching On, 3.1.24 (Read 34 times)

    Carolyn-  remind me where you are in PA.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



      Happy Friday evening, Masters!


      Interesting way to start off the day, today.  The cat woke me up at 3:00, then a couple more times, before he finally went outside.  I refused to go out on the sofa and start my morning with computer stuff, and determined I would lay in bed until I finally got back to sleep.  It worked and I think I fell asleep around four - and slept until 7:30.   I don't think I have overslept in years, literally.  I was able to get things lined up and got myself to work almost on time, by some miracle.  I had another very busy and challenging day at work, then came home and got the dogs fed and they had some outdoor time, and I was at the Y ready for a strength workout by 5:40.   Fortunately my workouts are effective but very brief, and I was pushing off the wall to start my swim workout at 5:59.  The pool closes on Friday nights at 6:30 and I was done at 6:29:40, out of the water 10 seconds later.  I asked on my way out if we are supposed to be out of the water by 6:30 or out of the pool area (back in the locker rooms so they can lock up) by 6:30, and the lady at the desk confirmed just please be out of the water by 6:30, as they have 15 minutes to do their closing duties which don't take that long.  It was a very short workout but I needed a short and easy workout. Just under 31 minutes long, and just under 1000 yards.  The warmup and presets included 3 x 100 freestyle on 2:00 and 3 x 100 Backstroke on 2:00.   The freestyle repeats went 1:24, 1:23, and 1:22, though I wasn't particularly trying for a progression...or whatever swimmers call progressions.   The backstroke repeats went 1:30, 1:32, 1:32.   They weren't hard but rather felt "brisk" like cruise intervals.  I did some kick drills without fins, and then finished up by doing 8 minutes of breaststroke pullout drills.  Push off the wall, glide, give a dolphin kick, then a strong pull, and then what is supposed to be a strong kick, but I'm lacking in that department, I think.  I'm not swimming any breaststroke races at my next meet, later this month, but I was really just looking for variety.   After each pullout, I would walk back to the wall and repeat; on 40 seconds.  3 reps every 2 minutes.


      Last thing I did tonight was drive to Trader Joe's to get some spray roses for DW, when she returns tomorrow.  Funny exchange with the cashier.  Her. Got plans for the weekend". Me (with 2 dozen eggs, 4 dozen roses, and boxes of granola bars, peanut butter protein bars, and Maple Creme cookies in my arms):  Well, my wife is away this week, so .... (Startled look on cashier's face).  "So I'm preparing for her return so she has some  beautiful roses when she returns tomorrow afternoon."   Relief now on her face.   I have to admit I left chuckling to myself.


      Have a great night, Masters!


        Thank you for the greta start Jay.  I may be interested in peanut butter pasta if it had chicken,




        Has your in-person PT given you exercises you can do at home? If not, ask him for them. I'll bet you can do almost all of what you've been doing with him at home, and for free (unless DW wants to charge you...). A lot of my morning indoor workouts are exercises that I got from my PT.




        Oh I have been doing my homework.  I have added resistance bands because I'm a glutton for punishment.


        KSA - I was at a hotel for 13 years.  After I was invited to leave, it went downhill fast. I really enjoyed that. I was offered the old position back shortly but declined.  I had offers from other properties four years after I got out.  However, you can be on call 24 hours a day when you work at a place that is open 24 hours.


        Happy march Dnaff.



        Ya think?   We feel for ya, Steve.


        Some drivers are financially responsible for shortages and damage.  Disputes can get heated.


        Erika - I'm sorry to hear about the renter's disaster.


        Holly - Your boss' wife has sent an email to the wrong person before.  It should only be a big deal if it becomes a habit.



        My hip/butt/back thingy continues to improve, so that's good. 4\


        Post of the day.


        Tetsukin209 - Thank goodness the doctor is not going in again.




        BTY - Sorry you were up at three.


        We had a corporate guy haul everyone who operates a forklift into a series of an hour and a half meeting.  He's very impresses with how capable he thinks he is.  The first 20 minutes was spent watching him fill out paperwork from the previous session.



          Howdie dear friends.  Greetings from Tokyo.  The Easy Pacer and I arrived here three days ago. Tokyo is so beautiful and so far we are in love with tge people and the culture. Tomorrow, Sunday, March 3rd is the Tokyo marathon.  Ready or not, here I go.


          I will postca recap of my adventures as soon as I can.


          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Good luck and I hope you have an amazing experience!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              neat. Have fun.

              Wave to Kipchoge and Sifan on the out-and-backs, . . .

              and any Joyfuls you might see in their cherry blossom

              pink getups, . . . Oh whoops, they'll all be far behind

              you if they're aging as fast as I am.


              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                Good luck Posie and most of all have fun!!
