Masters Running


Wednesday 14 February 2024 Catch A Falling Star... (Read 38 times)

    wildchild man I wish what you saw was what I saw on my route today!


    RCG how you have such a positive attitude in the midst of winter is beyond me. Regarding that podcast, it is easy to see how made up data ends up in academic journals. There is a LOT of pressure to publish. There are other variants of this, all of which is why I tell people that if you see a headline about a "study shows" you should view it as interesting if true. Most results, fraud or no fraud, turn out to be one off events due to some statistical noise and fail to hold up over the long run.


    Long run day for me, 18 miles all told. I way under dressed. It was sunny, but really windy and colder than promised. Every time the wind blew . . . brrr! Of course, being cold meant I ran slow, which meant I was out longer than I might have otherwise been. What kind of evolution produces a body that does that? 

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


      Dave - ouch. Hopefully, no real injury (except to the wall)


      Twocat - nice long run!


      Colonoscopy day (well just morning) was fine - things look good. I guess the elevated level of (something I can't remember from another test) was not significant here - good to know. Prep was not fine, and I'm hoping I don't have to do that again for awhile (please not in a year )


      Unfortunately, it doesn't really answer any questions about my shoulders, so I should likely see a rheum about that... yeah I'm just not up for another specialist. But, it seems like they are booked way out (like mid-July). So, I figured I would schedule and by then I'm sure the issue will have disappeared on its own, right? It could be earlier (also on a waitlist), so we'll see.


      No workout for me today, I am pretty tired from interrupted sleep and will probably just get back to it tomorrow.


        Glad you are ok and past that, Anne!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Good grief Dave59.  That’s too close for comfort.  A wall is more replaceable than you are. I hope the powers that be rethink the urgency of the project.



            Twocat, very nice run mid week!!!

            Anneb, hope your colonoscopy day went well. I was thinking of you.

            Dave59, ouch. Glad you are ok.


            Today was a good day at the Posie's work place. We are getting ready for an audit and my team is gear up for it. I so enjoy working alongside an inspiring team. We get things done with much laughter and supporting each one another.


            I went out for a one hour run during lunch. A mile into my run I got a reminder that in 15 minutes I had a meeting with HUD office....I turn around and run as fast as I could so that I can be sort of relax before said meeting. Tomorrow I will run longer. Still allowing my knees to heal after my crush on Saturday.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              dnaff - Wow! They took it out Saturday and he's already returning to work?  I think it took me almost a week before I could walk around and getup and down comfortably.


              Dave  We just can't work and do things like we did when we were younger and that's not a bad thing.  Give yourself some grace and walk away from the work before things start to go south.  You aren't do yourself or your work any favors otherwise.


              Well, The Hub confirmed this evening that he quit chewing.  He wouldn't tell me why.  I told him I was proud of him and I know it's hard.  Him: "You have no idea."  Nicotine is horribly addictive and I think chewing is maybe worse than smoking.  Keep him in your thoughts.  This won't be an easy road for him to go down.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                RCG - Cool out of this world sighting.


                I've never seen a monkey nor a toucan while out on the trails.  I have seen an escaped peacock.


                Hopefully Shorty puts down the chew.



                There was some talk here on the forum about supplements recently. Is there anything I can take that could assist me so I could work extended hours over the next 11.3 weeks weeks?


                Caffeine and weirdness.  I'll pour the last cup of coffee at 2:00 PM.  Then start chugging tea or water from a 1/2-gallon jug.  Your bladder will convince you to take a quick break.



                There is a LOT of pressure to publish. There are other variants of this, all of which is why I tell people that if you see a headline about a "study shows" you should view it as interesting if true. Most results, fraud or no fraud, turn out to be one off events due to some statistical noise and fail to hold up over the long run.


                Check the size of the sample group, length of the study and references to others who have worked on similar projects.


                I had a rest day, which was a good thing.  We interacted with 4/9 of the grandkids in person and gave them Valintine's Day treats.  We dropped off goodies to the other kids.  GS#1 is 16.  I gave him a Valintine's Day potato.



                I swear I spoil that kid.  I left work kind of on time. with the intention of getting to church.  I wound up at MIL's again with the furnace.  I got the inside temp up to 68F before calling it a night.  Her new furnace is due to be installed on Friday.  I was tempted to bypass a little reset.  However, I left it intact and removed it from the housing and the furnace would do nothing at all.  I put it back and thought better of the cobbling.  If something went wrong, it could go very wrong.  The stubborn lady will not accept anyone's hospitality.

