Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 10.17.23 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Congrats to all of the weekend racers: Old Coyote, Wildchild (?), Moebo, Tammy, and Leslie (I hope I didn't miss anybody)! And well-done on the meet-ups and course cheering.


    Nice 5.35 miles without the 'view' yesterday, Jlynne, plus core work and stretching and a Candyland stint.


    Good ketchup 6-miler, Tramps.


    Sorry about the struggles with the gloom, KSA, but good job of getting your 6.5 miles done.


    Good 30 minutes of neighborhood run/walk, anneb.


    Nice 30 minutes on the StairClimber, TomWhite. Any booster after-effects?


    Good 2.76 mile walk/jog, Enke. It's not nice that your Garmin is yelling at you. I don't know what I'd do with all that data from my Garmin.


    Good 10.5 miles, Deeze, plus recovery and core class and yoga focus flow. Good for you for having goal races.


    Good 4 miles while charging the EV, Tet. Do you get charged when it is going the distance?


    Good 3 mil miles with intervals and then PT, Steve.


    I drove home from NY yesterday after dropping DW at LaGuardia Airport for her flight to Cincy. I had intermittent clouds, sun, and rain squalls all the way. Two times I wanted to stop at rest areas for leg stretchers, it started to pour just before I got to them, so I just kept going. When I go t home (about 4-ish), I had to run a hose from our well feed for 4 hours to get the chlorine out of the system, and then do a test of every faucet to make sure the chlorine was gone from the pipes as well. Then I could turn the geothermal water feed back on so we could have heat again - I had had the wood stove going in the interim to take the chill off. What a process, but worth it to get rid of bacteria in the well.


    I got out for about 2.5 miles before we left NY yesterday, and 2.6 EZ predawn miles this morning, followed by 35 minutes of stretching and core work.


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay and those yet to post. Thanks for the start and recap. Glad that your well is back up and running. How long will your DW be gone?


      All of the posts about fancy Garmins and all of the info they provide has me scratching my head. I have an old Timex Ironman watch that doesn't tell me much. And I'm okay with that. I don't need an electronic device tell me I'm old and slow. I already know that. And I didn't have to pay for that information!


      4.9 miles this morning, and it was a little chilly. 34 degrees at 5:15 when I left the house, but at least there wasn't any wind. If I really push it, I can get my run/walk pace down to around a 12:00/mile. Jay - you have my utmost respect for doing races at a 10:00 pace. That is simply amazing!


      Off for day 2 in Candyland. It's that time of the year to work more hours. Yesterday I packaged our homemade peanut brittle when I wasn't waiting on customers. We had a group of people from Sweden come in to tour the production area, and they all left with a big bag full of chocolates!


      Have a great Tuesday everyone.


        3 miles at the park this morning. I'm not sleeping very well and I don't have a lot of energy, but I feel better for having done something.


        I really like my Garmin 255 and all the information it provides. (Even if my sleep score hasn't been good lately.)



          tet//............we got Moderna vaccine........both had gotten the flu ''old guy'' shot earlier


          jay// side-effects for me,

          Pickles has a sore arm,

          keep trying to get her to exercise afterwards, but no dice

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            tet//............we got Moderna vaccine........both had gotten the flu ''old guy'' shot earlier



            Does anyone know what these booster shots are supposed to do? Apparently you still get covid and pass it on to others even after getting the vaccine. I've had 4 shots and twice had covid. I've heard people say that if you get the booster, than if you get covid it is less severe but I have a hard time finding an actual study that backs up that claim.


            Are the shots only good for a couple months?


            I had covid recently so I have time to figure it out before I should get a booster, and if my doctor recommends it I'll get it. But it sure is a confusing mess to me.


            (Should I have asked this in a separate thread?)




            Rose Colored Glasses


              Thanks for the start Jay.


              Jeanne, you are inspiring me to restart my walk/run regime. Had 2 big setbacks with the "fall" and with the crud. Thursday is the day!


              Tomwhite, why don't people just listen to us re exercising that arm after the jab?  I had the regular flu jab and my arm didn't hurt. I tossed a ball to the little boys afterward. I would pitch a tennis ball and they would smack it.


              Dave, I sure hope you find your mojo. Good luck.


              Tammy. Did you know how much you've influenced me?  I used to use my phone for everything. RA posts, instagram, Words with Friends, all of it. Browsing. Shopping. I just always used my phone. Then I read how you would never choose to write a post from your phone!  So. As amazon prime was having some lightning deals.... I clicked on a tablet that included a keyboard. And it arrived yesterday. And I am typing on it now. And it is very easy. The whole set up was around $150. Let's see how long it survives. It got good reviews. Except for short battery charge.


              Okay. Ima do something productive now. I probably should vacuum.

                Thanks, Jay.  How is your knee doing?


                Dave- I'm so sorry about all the stress from work and life.  I know how you feel.  Just wake up and think "paycheck" for now.


                I really like the data from my Garmin.  I don't use all the features, by any means, but I like the heart rate feedback.  Since I run every day, I need to manage my effort and I like to know my exact distances and pace. I remember the old days when we measured our courses with a car or a bicycle and you hated to veer off of it because God forbid you wouldn't know your exact distance!  We were so proud of some of our training PRs and then we discovered that our courses were way off....


                8.1 miles over on the path/neighborhoods.  I got it done.  I really do like the Ghost Max shoes.  It's still gloomy, but I didn't have to start early, so I got myself in the car and over to the path!


                Holly- did you have any effects from the vaccines?   Dave- the deal is that we won't get as sick- supposedly- if we keep getting jabbed.  And, maybe, they will land on something that really helps with the latest variant.  I, too, have some time to decide about this latest one.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                  Thanks, Jay. Bummer about the well bacteria. Any idea why it happened? And how did you discover it (asked the owner of a shallow well)?


                   I've heard people say that if you get the booster, than if you get covid it is less severe but I have a hard time finding an actual study that backs up that claim.


                  Happy reading.  Hope the job gets better for you.

                  Speaking of COVID, interesting (if preliminary) findings on long COVID.


                  Gray, gloomy, and raw this morning on the bike for 22 miles. Hot shower afterward felt great. Off for more cycling in the Blue Ridge for a few days.

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    just like getting the flu shot, you're less likely to die from it


                    in my case,

                    Pickles is MORE likely to die from it (due to her leukemia),,,,,,,,,,,so I'll get it whenever it's offered




                    keep spreading the word Rosie>>>>>>>>work those arms

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                      RCG - glad I was a shopping influence for you!    I'm probably a bit more old school than most people in that I still prefer a desktop computer for most things. 

                      I doubt I'll get the covid booster. I got a couple boosters after the initial vaccine, so I believe I've had 3 covid shots altogether.   On another note , a running friend of mine got shingles last week. She doesn't get vaccines for anything, so never got the shingles one and her symptoms are probably not as bad as some peoples but a week later and she said her skin is still  hurting. I'm so glad I got that vaccine and hopefully never get shingles. I know two other people that got the 1st shingles vaccine, then got a mild case of shingles before getting their second.  all the folks I know that have had shingles recently have also had one or multiple cases of getting covid. I wonder if there's any correlation - like maybe a weaker immune system made them more susceptible to getting shingles? No idea, but thought that was an interesting observation. 

                      Anywhoo - - - back to work today after the last 5 days off, so lots to catch up on.   

                      I'm planning on a run after work today. Legs feel 100% recovered.



                        A couple of brisk walks this morning for 2 miles.

                        Interesting discussion of watches. I’ve still got my Timex Ironman that I love. However, since I’ve developed A Fib I spent the big bucks for an Apple Watch which has an ECG app. I bought last year’s version just as this year’s model came out and saved some $ (very little difference between the 2 models). It also has a signal if I fall.

                        Tramps- thanks for the article on long Covid. There are many more SSRI’s than Prozac with fewer side effects.

                        Marathon Maniac #957



                          Holly- did you have any effects from the vaccines?   


                          Not that I know of, other than a sore arm.




                          Just about 30 minutes of weights and core for me today.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Happy reading.  Hope the job gets better for you.


                            Now can you supply me with an interpretation and analysis of all the studies, especially which ones aren't "flawed"?  


                            I think they may help, but only for a few months. That's what I gather from what I read.




                              cold wind


                              ........60-min at city park,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,trailboots

                              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                                Slow 1.8 mile walk in the hood. Will go out again tonight to get my target minimum 3 miles/day.

                                Wondering what the suggested workout will be for tomorrow.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
