Masters Running


Thu July 23 Runs and Workouts (Read 410 times)

    Glad to hear better news, Denise.

    Erika - that's a heck of a profile for your race.

    I was up at 3:15 and out the door at 4:00 for mid-week medium long run.  Warm and humid (69°F, 94%)  this morning had my heart going pitter-pat, especially near the end.  I thought the HRM was going wacko but it was me this time.  

    13.1 miles, 1:54:00, 8:43/mi, AHR 155 (79% MHR)

    miles@pace(AHR) = 5@9:07(143), 3@8:48(151), 5.09@8:15(167)

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Great run Lou.


      Got an early start to the day.  4 circuits of fizzy lifting, followed by 16.8 miles in the fizzy fog.  That run felt pretty good.

        The legs felt sluggish this morning.  3.5 miles at recovery pace - 10:04.  One of those days.


        MIL is being discharged today so we have to find an appropriate rehab care center for her - to the tune of about 9K/month.  Ugh.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Morning, gang!!


          Denise - wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you and your son.  I'm praying for continued success with his recovery. 


          Leslie - almond snickers bars - doesn't get too much better than this; although I recently discovered a crunchy Reese's bar that is pretty incredible too ;-).


          dg - hope you have recovered from your coma!


          High 60's and humid this morning with a good bit of fog and absolutely no breeze whatsoever.  I could have used a puff of wind.  7.6 hilly miles @10:18 and 159 AHR. 


          Today is my Friday as I am taking off work tomorrow.   It's a "me" day tomorrow - no phones, nothing on the schedule - just my time to do whatever I want.  This will be followed by dinner at the new Frank Pepe's (arguably the best pizza in Connecticut) in the Mohegan Sun Casino. 


          Good runs all!

          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


            Good morning guys. Hang in there Bill, and take good care of your wife. It sounds like she could use some extra hugs these days.

            Sounds like a lot of humid, foggy running for you folks this morning. IRC here (sorry) - 61°, low humidity and clear skies. 6.5 miles, 9:15 pace followed with 5 minutes of jumping rope and some stability ball work.

            Holly - I went back to college at age 52 to finish a degree I had started 30 years earlier and graduated 2 years later.  While it was  intimidating sitting in the classroom with kids who were younger than my own, it was also very invigorating. You can do it!

            Great run last night, Tim. How's everything going lately? Have you been totally cleared by your doc?

            Erika - just looking at those elevations make me shudder!  Good luck with that one.

            Good news Denise! You must be thrilled to have your son home. I hope everything continues to go well. Take good care of yourself in the process.

            My DS and his wife met with the baby cardiologist this week - except for the major heart defect, everything else is okay. They had tested for Down's and a bunch of other stuff. So, the kids are somewhat relieved. We saw ultrasound pictures of baby Leo (my name, not theirs) and you'd never know there's anything wrong.  I can't wait to hold him...

            Have a great Thursday everyone.


              Very nice runs WRFB and PBJ.......Bill, what can I say.....sometimes you just have those days. It'll be offset with one of those days that just click and you end up throwing on an additional 3 miles just cause.


              Did an easy 6.58 miles last night followed by 11.64 miles this morning.  I'd love to get a 13 to 16 mid week long run in.......3:15am eh ?  I got a week or two to think about it before my plan calls for a mid week run that long.


              RAGBRAI.......The largest week long party on two wheels has been in full swing. It's a 440+ mile, 6 day bike ride across the state of Iowa. My Dad has done this ride for the last ten years so I tend to follow it. It gets alot of press around here and across the nation for that matter. Nearly all 50 states and several countries are represented.


              The small towns this ride goes thru and the overnight towns really go all out........not to mention it is a hellofa boost to the local economies. It's estimated over $300,000 will be spent in an overnight town.


    's a link with some work appropriate pics for your viewing pleasure......There's a saying stolen from the Las Vegas commercial.....What happens in the corn fields stays in the cornfields.....But some of those pictures find thier way to the internet........




                Good news for Denise and her son.


                Very nice runs this morning from PBJ, Lou, Jlynne.


                Slo---Ragbrai?  Who knew?  Interesting.


                5.2 @ 9:22 for me.  I've lost tons of conditioning but have been pleased that the toe's not botthered me at all (knock on wood).  I may even try running without it "buddy-taped" soon.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Lou – 3:15 – ouch!


                  Denise – Great News!!


                  Erika – free beer and burgers – my kind of recovery food!


                  Slo – looks like a blast!


                  Sue – enjoy your “Me” day.


                  Normally Thursday is tempo day, but I’m letting Saturday’s race be my tempo run this week.


                  8 easy-paced miles (ave 9:54) for me today in a misty/drizzly 64°, including 8 x 60-second striders.  Afterward I did my usual lower-body workout, so as to give the legs more of a break tomorrow.


                  I ran by the middle school track on the way home and spoke with a workman at the site, who says it won’t be open for another 4-5 weeks.  They began this at the beginning of June – how long does it take to build a track?


                  Tonight I will get my roster for DD’s fall soccer team (which I will coach).  Where did the time go?  We’re moving up a division this time, to the 7 and 8-year-olds, so just-turned-7 DD will be the small one instead of the star player.  Might take her a little getting used to...

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Renee the dog

                    Bayside's travel and my son's "Terrible Twos" are playing havoc with this week's schedule, but at least I got yesterday's 20 min of slide boarding in earlier this morning!   After the kids' swim lessons, I hope to get my hill work done on the treadmill while they pretend to nap.


                    Tonight, it is a birthday dinner for my BIL who's here along with my sis and their son.

                    <insert party hat smiley here!>


                    Good runs to all!

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                    Trails are hard!

                      Happy Thursday all--not sure the last time I ran on a Thursday, but a 2-1/2 day trip took care of the normal days (and added 3 lbs due to expense account eating  )


                      3.1 in just over 31:00 on a nice morning.  My Garmin came back from the shop while I was gone and the HRM worked!!!  Even with a plastic shirt!!!  so I think I can report with some confidence that it was AHR of 122, MHR of 136.  So I hope this really means that I've got some room to push myself into, both pace and distance.  Guess I have to decide whether my fitness is coming back as slowly as it seems or I'm pushing myself less than it seems.  I know I still have some paranoia about pushing TOO hard after the ablation, but all my docs have cleared me to run with no restrictions, so will continue to work past this.


                      Jeez, Lou--I thought 4:45 felt painful this morning--can't imagine 3:15.


                      Byll--Hope things go well with MIL (and DW survives, too).  Boy, I thought college was expensive.



                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                        I slept in 'til 3:25. 


                        9.0 miles at 10:05 pace.   I'm having trouble uploading to RA from my Garmin.  It keeps freezing partway through and I have to kill the IE process to try again. Usually I just have to try it once, but I was unsuccessful 6 times this morning and then just ran out of time.


                        Holly - you will absolutely be able to do this.   As a runner, you've already figured out the time-management thing.



                        Jeanne - when is Leo due?  I had missed this.  Is he going to be OK?

                        aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                        Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason



                          Lou - 3:15 a.m.?!?  And I was worrying about having to absolutely, without a doubt begin forcing my rearend out of bed by 4:00.  This calls for more sympathy coffee.


                          Erika - Yikes!  That is some profile!  Re the end being a slight uphill - made me smile.  My first ever 30k, about a mile from the end, the RD had us run through deep sand.  Well, okay, stumble through deep sand.  He always has some sort of sadistic twists to his runs.


                          JLynne - Good news about the other tests on Baby Leo.  Still praying re his little heart. When's the due date, and I am assuming it will be a C-section so as to not stress him out more than necessary?


                          SLO - That ride looks like a lot of fun.  And the comment about fresh Amish cinnamon rolls - yummmmm!


                          5 miles w/sprints every 10 minutes.  Total time 47:13:21 for a 9:27 ap.  Was suppose to be 6, but Mother Nature had other ideas.   Also another morning of sucky weather.  Damp and heavy.  Bleck, bleck, bleck.


                          When I got home, The Hub was already up and fixing breakfast.  Very sweet of him, but unfortunately, it wasn't what I wanted, and now it's sitting like a big ball of  in my gut.  Me and eating right after working out is not a good combo.  I usually have to wait an hour, but will have a glass of milk and Ovaltine.


                          We're trying to adopt the neighbors' cat away from them.  They feed her, I'm assuming, but I don't think they give her any attention and she's an absolute love bug.  She popped in the back door this a.m. while I was feeding the boys, so she got the have an early breakfast, too.  The way I figure it, they can keep her up on her shots, etc., and we can do all the lovin'.  Works for me!

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            It is so great to hear the update from Denise's son.

                            Lou,  great 13 miles today. Look at the pace for the last 5 miles

                            Predawn, you are my hero. Waking up at 3:30, I am such a wimp for not wanting to wake up early today to fit in a run.


                            This has been a whirlwind of a week for my butterfly wings. Lots of traveling, lots of seeting, lots of mental work trying to make sense of the budget, and tons of funs with running friend. I will post some pictures when I got the chance. It was so great seeing Erika, divechief and the world traveler tet.

                            No running for me yet. I am getting tired of burning the candles in both ends...summer is so hard for consistent training for me. I got back home past mid-night last night, but yesterday morning I ran 8 miles with 4x1k@ 5k pace with 90 sec rest.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              That "accountants gone wild" comment from Steve yesterday was LOL.  Holly, I am sure you can do it.


                              6am, 59F, slight breeze, 3.1 miles.  IRC.


                              I am feeling really well this week.  My balance is so much better, and I ran again this morning!  I am starting to feel like a real runner again.  A big part of my identity (as a runner) went missing for the past 4 months but now it is back.   But at my pace, after 4 months off with no cross training my endurance is laughable.  But, I did 3 x 1mile segments, with 0.1 mile walk breaks (a big improvement from just two days ago when I could barely hang on for 1/2 mile).  I have to run downhill to hit a 10:00 pace, pathetic eh?   And on the flats I am doing 11:30.  But I did pull out all my reserves for the last 0.36 mile at 9:04 pace.  Which just about killed me.  Wow.  But I am SO HAPPY to be running again and NOT feeling like puking or fainting or off balance afterwards.


                              Life is good.


                              Baby Leo, love the name, maybe they will stick with it?


                              Ok, I've had two people comment that they think I am too obsessed with running and run too much (or did previously).  I am not sure how to take these comments.  Does running hook people who are slightly obsessive complusive, or is running just addictive regardless of your personality type?  And when does it become "too much"?  I don't see how something that enhances your well-being so much can be a bad thing.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                                Ok, I've had two people comment that they think I am too obsessed with running and run too much (or did previously).  I am not sure how to take these comments.  Does running hook people who are slightly obsessive complusive, or is running just addictive regardless of your personality type?  And when does it become "too much"?  I don't see how something that enhances your well-being so much can be a bad thing.


                                Depends on the source really. I'm guessing those comments came from non-runners and perhaps even non-exercisers? So many people enjoy critiquing or judging others because it gives them a feeling of superiority to put others down, pass judgment or to criticize something that someone else is doing.  I think any sport can attract OCD types, but I don't think all runners are OCD. Many people are perfectly content to run a few times a week for fitness/health reasons, without ever being in races, being competitive, strive to improve times, etc. So I don't think running in itself is inherently addictive.  And I only think that something, like running (or any interest really), can be a bad thing when someone does become so obsessed with at the cost of other priorities in their lives, such as people that become so obsessed with working out that they ignore or place a low priority on other important things - such as a job, family, kids, other obligations, etc.  But as I think any runner here can attest to, when you have a good healthy balance in your life, running can enhance that balance and prove beneficial in other aspects of your life because you have the energy, the fitness, the health, the stamina, etc. that undoubtedly affects, in a positive way, those other aspects.

