Masters Running


Saturday, 1.21.17 (Read 35 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Good runs yesterday for Spinach (10K meters, clockwise and counterclockwise), Catwhoorg (with an extra half mile 'cause it felt good), Spacityrunner (3.6 in the 'hood), Dave (12 hospital-free miles), Paul (a breezy 6), Holly (25 pool laps + weights and core), Leslie (run + core), Mike (6 plus birthday grilling).


    BerthaSlayer, as others have said more eloquently, if a race organization cannot respect you for paying their fee and being out there, at any speed, then they should rethink if they should be organizing races. It is their problem not yours. However, you are well within your right to tell them how demeaning their actions were to you, as a racer in their race - I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt, thinking perhaps they didn't consider how their words and actions were received.


    Spinach there was an indoor marathon near here for a couple of years, and they had everyone reverse direction around the oval every X-number of laps. It's a good track strategy. I dunno about taking you back in time though.


    Leslie, our cat runs and hides when I'm thinking about taking her to the vet - never mind trying to get her to swallow a pill!


    Gotta love Tet's perspectives on running and racing. And, well, on everything else too.


    Mike, when the month is over, you should start planning Debbie's next birthday. 


    I love Mariposai's political perspective as well. Good for you for adding a rest day!


    Holly, there are many different kinds of streaking...


    9.2 miles this morning in absurd 36F temps. There was a very light mist that eventually morphed into a bit of fog, as evidenced by the cone of light radiating out from my headlamp. I was able to do some modified (meaning slow) racewalking everywhere but on uphills, where my hamstring is still not happy. One day at a time...  We have conservation commission site walks this morning, so I have to skedaddle out of here!


    Have a greta Saturday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Jay, I have run several indoor marathons, They are pretty fun.  In all but one of them we changed directions every 30 minutes.  My feeling that running clockwise i would be moving forward in time and if I run counterclockwise I should be moving backwards in time. I guess I am not running fast enough counterclockwise.


      It is very icy out here so I haven't run this morning, maybe I will run in the afternoon if it melts some.


        Good morning Jay, Spinach and all to follow. Thanks again, Mr. Recapper   Glad to see you're back in your normal routine getting out at Jay o'clock. No indoor farmers market today?


        Gotta be respectful of that ice, Spinach.


        That cat sounds downright nasty Leslie. You're a good person for taking care of it while its owners are gone.


        Thanks for the perspective on living in a democracy Mariposai. I wish more people were grateful for what so many Americans take for granted.  And no politics in this statement, but didn't Mrs. Trump look spectacular in that blue coat she wore at the inauguration yesterday? Very pretty..


        It was 36° and raining here this morning. I was going to tough it out and run in these nice warm temps, but my left foot is still giving me fits and I didn't want to get 4 miles out and have to limp back home so I went to the Y. Six miles on the treadmill and 30 minutes of weights and core with lots of stretching at the end. I have my heel on an ice pack right now. My DIL thinks its plantar fasciitis which would really stink. Walking hurts more than running. Can anyone give advice on how to handle this? If I keep running am I going to make it worse (she asked stupidly, knowing what the answer was going to be).


        More blah blah blah here, but I'm hoping the Packers can pull off an upset tomorrow. The weather has been so awful here, we need a diversion to get us through the next few weeks   Green and gold emoticons for good luck!


          Had coffee with some friends this morning.  Nothing else on the schedule.  Cindy is with friends down in Knoxville so I am on my own.  I'll probably go for a walk, do some back stretches, and sit on the porch since it is going to be near 70° today.




            Rest day yesterday. 8 misty miles today.


            I appreciated people's comments about respect for the peaceful transfer of power yesterday. I agree, but I also think we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that there's something different this time, including deeply unpopular candidates, talk of "rigged systems," fake news, campaign hacking, appalling personal behavior, lack of financial transparency, and still-unresolved possible campaign collusion with Russia. And we're just starting. I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this is going to turn out well.


            On a brighter note, it's nice to see today's women's march (which, ironically, is much better attended than the inauguration itself) signalling that people will be watching closely.


            I'll be quiet now. Promise. 

            Be safe. Be kind.

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Hello everybody!


              I have my heel on an ice pack right now. My DIL thinks its plantar fasciitis which would really stink. Walking hurts more than running. Can anyone give advice on how to handle this? If I keep running am I going to make it worse (she asked stupidly, knowing what the answer was going to be).

              Well--I have been dealing with (what I think is) plantar fasciitis for a year now...along with a sore left hamstring, a sore right knee, Achilles tendonitis, and now pain on the top of my left foot.  And this is after I took off a whole dang month to let things heal up!  So--if it's gonna hurt, anyway--I'd say to just keep on running.


              I went 8 miles, this morning.  I always say I hate running in the morning, but nothing beats a nice foggy run on a Saturday morning...I loved it...and then I iced all of those body parts mentioned above.


              Okay--I have to get to a granddaughter's house to help with a school project.  See ya!


                I appreciated people's comments about respect for the peaceful transfer of power yesterday. I agree, but I also think we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that there's something different this time, including deeply unpopular candidates, talk of "rigged systems," fake news, campaign hacking, appalling personal behavior, lack of financial transparency, and still-unresolved possible campaign collusion with Russia. And we're just starting. I genuinely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think this is going to turn out well.


                On a brighter note, it's nice to see today's women's march (which, ironically, is much better attended than the inauguration itself) signalling that people will be watching closely.

                This. Yes, something disturbingly different. And I'm sorry, but I won't be quiet. But I'll behave here at RA, just beware of my FB stuff. You don't have to like me. And while I can fully appreciate Mariposai's perspective, I grew up here and this is not normal.


                Jlynne, when I was having foot problems last summer it seemed that walking uphill was the worst. I tried rest days (many), icing, some ibu (although I've grown to not like that stuff), flexing/stretching the calf, all of it. Nothing seemed to make much difference, and eventually it just got better. Now I have no problems with it but it sure toasted my summer mileage last year. I hope you can get over it soon, but it does seem that patience is the best treatment.


                Like Tramps, yesterday ended up being a rest day. And I'm planning on 8 miles later, although they won't be misty. We had a brief warming (hey, to -5!!!) yesterday but back into the minus-mid-teens to 20's today. 20 miler will be run next weekend.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Spinach - if only......


                  Today would have been a perfect day for my LR (48-50ish temps), and I fully intended to do it today, but it would have meant skipping DD's morning basketball game.  Then I started feeling guilty about putting my LR ahead of watching her game (I admit, knowing who they were up against, and knowing that our team would likely be slaughtered, was impacting my thinking), so I changed up and went to watch her team get crushed play.  Sometimes that's when the team needs your support the most.


                  Then I took her to an afternoon practice of a select spring soccer team she is thinking about joining (two of her friends are on it and have invited her).  I'm trying not to think about the expense (fees and travel expenses to out-of-state tournaments) because I think she would enjoy it and it would keep her busy doing something positive.  So I am keeping my mouth shut and will let her decide.


                  5.55 miles for me total.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    This. Yes, something disturbingly different. And while I can fully appreciate Mariposai's perspective, I grew up here and this is not normal.




                    +1  And I like you Erika


                    You're a good mom, Holly.



                      Had a blast at today's 8k race. Total mud fest. Came in second last just edging out a 70 year old dude. It really was fun. Water up to my knees at times. 


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**




                        6 round the 'hood this afternoon after the first bad wave of rain had blown through

                        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Lori - Well Done!  And some of those 70 year olds are pretty darn fast, at least around here...

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Had a blast at today's 8k race. Total mud fest. Came in second last just edging out a 70 year old dude. It really was fun.

                            Hah!  He just got chicked!  Congratulations Lori!


                            Trails are hard!

                              Had a blast at today's 8k race. Total mud fest. Came in second last just edging out a 70 year old dude. It really was fun. Water up to my knees at times. 



                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                                8 mile run through town... much faster than planned... I blame the near ideal running conditions.


                                Great photo BerthaSlayer.


