Masters Running


It's the June 1 daily. (Read 478 times)


    Mornin' all!


    I feel like I've lost the last week: I spent most of it at a trade conference in San Diego, and the last few days trying to recover. I caught a nasty cough on the plane on the way out, which stayed with me the whole weekend and most of this week. I woke up Wednesday with an extremely sore back (I'm going to the chiropractor this morning), and was also a little feverish. Although the conference was a good one for us, it apparently was a bit more physically stressful than I realized, and I'm still paying the price for that. I hope to get out for a workout tomorrow, which would be my first in a week.


    I just don't have time to review the last week's posts, so I hope you all have been well, and have been enjoying good workouts and good times. And I wish this weekend's racers great success, whatever the objectives. I apologize for being so general, but that's what happens when one has tons of catching up to do and little time to do it.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Jay - no problem about the catching up - we all understand.  Just jump right in anywhere.  Sorry about the nasty cold, and I hope you feel better soon.


      2 miles for me this morning in my Vibrum 5-Fs, followed by 40 minutes of weights and core, catching up with an old episode of Dancing With the Stars.


      The every-other-Friday couples golf league starts this evening.  Should be interesting.


      Happy Friday!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        I’m with Jay; a lost week.  Feel better, Jay.

        Holly--Vibrams? I don't remember you running in those.  New?


        Easy 7 miler trying to get re-acclimated to warm and humid Virginia temps, after a gloriously cool week in New Hampshire.  (Lame, I waved but it was from 91, not 95.) Thanks for all your kind comments last week on my mother’s death. 


        Wake, funeral, reception, and packing up some stuff for donation all went as well as it could.  I grew up in a small close-knit town with dense family relations, so there were lots of people at these events, including some out-of-town relatives I hadn’t seen in 30+ years. Best of all, I got to spend some quality time with my three siblings, which doesn’t happen often enough.  I also came home with two huge boxes of family photos and slides (remember those?), some of which I'll digitize and share with family.  That should be interesting.


        Have a good weekend!

        Be safe. Be kind.


        Rose Colored Glasses

          Have fun golfing, Holly.


          Jay, fever and back pain? I wonder if you might have a bit of a kidney infection thrown in with that cold?





          3.25 recovery miles with Ralph and Todd.

          Then they went to swim.

          And I went upstairs for strength and stretching. Threw in a couple planks for good measure.

          St. Joe River Marathon. 10 June. Let the taper madness commence!

          (But not like Carolyn's) 


          TrampsALot!  We simulposted. Sounds like a nice trip. Welcome home. 




            Jay, fever and back pain? I wonder if you might have a bit of a kidney infection thrown in with that cold?


            I was thinking the same thing, Rose. You might want to keep an eye on that, Jay. Feel better soon.


            Glad to have you home, Tramps. And glad you got to spend some time with your siblings.


            Have fun golfing Holly. Remember - if you get a hole in one tonight, you're buying drinks Big grin


            Still feeling carpy from cold-related stuff but forced myself out the door for 6.5 miles this morning, 9:27 pace. The Y is on one of my running routes and I forgot to stash some tissue in my running shorts, so I stopped in there to blow my nose. Then spent 5 minutes trying to get it to stop bleeding.  Did you ever get a cold where the skin around your nose is just about raw because you've been blowing it so much? I'm a perfect model for a Puffs with lotion ad!


            Have a great Friday everyone.

              Feel better soon Jay!


              Six miles this morning----cooler, breezy and bright sun----lots of rain coming our way though so I am grateful to be back from some work travel and without big meetings today. The run felt great and I'll add a few more this afternoon with Hudson. 


              The kiddo and I are racing this Sunday and we'll look for the Twocats. Sorry to say that we may not linger as long post-race if it's raining, but we'll hope for a break in the downpours to at least connect.

              Renee the dog



                1 mi just now with the kids and Renee.  Back to the books.

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                  Go racers go!!!


                  06/02 Ileneforward - Wrigley River Run 10k, LB CA

                  06/03 mtnchk1 - Mickelson Trail Marathon, Deadwood, SD

                  06/03 OrangeMat - Celebrate Israel Run (4 miles), Central Park, NYC

                  06/03 rtravers - Covered Bridges Half Marathon, Quechee, VT

                  06/03 MilkTruck - Iron Horse Half, Simsbury CT

                  06/03 Twocat - Iron Horse Half Marathon, Simsbury CT

                  06/03 Mrs. Twocat - Iron Horse 10k, Simsbury CT

                  06/03 CNYrunner - IronHorse 10k, Simsbury, CT

                  06/03 The kiddo - IronHorse 5k, Simsbury, CT

                  06/04 Dove - Rainier to Ruston 51 miles, Elbe, WA




                  Rosecoloredglasses, where in Boise is your marathon next weekend? Enjoy your taper madness.

                  Jay, sorry to hear that you were not well during your trip out west. Like other's said, no need to catch up...we all behaved well during your absence, I promise.Joking

                  Tramps, welcome back. I am glad to hear that funeral, reception and packing activities went well. Enjoy going thru the boxes!

                  NCY runner, if you see the twocats at the race, please give them an extra hug for me!

                  Holly, what jlynne said.

                  Erika, which movie did you watch last night. We went to see the Avengers last weekend. I sure enjoyed the movie.


                  No running this morning. I will be working only until 2pm, so I figure I can fit in a nice short recovery run before I begin the war against the weeds in the backyard. 


                  The only great news around here is that the hummingbirds are back. Two weeks late according to my journal, but they are back and I am watching mama hummingbird eat breakfast right now.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Marathon Maniac #957


                    Holly--Vibrams? I don't remember you running in those.  New?




                    No, I got them last fall, but then the weather got cold and I didn't get many runs in them befire winter.  I found I use many different muscles running in them, and have to start slow or I will get sore calves and achilles' - plan on just a few miles each week until I get more accustomed.


                    Mariposai - I want to see Avengers!  But we will likely wait until it comes out on DVD and watch it at home in our pj's....

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      I hope to get back here later.  For now just some odds and ends. 


                      Today was my final long run prior to Grandma's Marathon!  Done, and over all 17 miles of it!


                      I keep meaning to mention a song by the band Of Monsters and Men titled "Little Talks."  I believe both singers play an elderly couple in which the male vocalist is now the deceased husband of the female vocalist.  For some reason the song really gets to me.  I find it so sad.  I never really had a song do that to me before.  Anyway, if you never heard the song you might give it a shot I am quite fond of it.


                      My DW and I received an invitation to a wedding.  Sounds good right!  We have no idea who these people are!  Confused  Not an inkling!  I went on line to see if I knew the groom.  Nope.  Bride.  Nope.  Bride's parents.  Nope.  Anybody that I could think of with the same last name as the groom.  Nope.  Any ideas on how to unlock this little mystery?  One possibility is I or my DW know the groom's parents but they have a different last name than the groom.  Any ideas on how to figure out if that might be what is going on?  Suppose we never figure out who these people are, what do we do about the invitation?  Just ignore it?  Ask directly who we know in this wedding party?  Decline to go and send a present!?  That last question is just rhetorical!  If I cannot figure out either my DW or my own connection to this wedding I am certainly not sending a present! 

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Renee the dog

                        Twocat, there's only one answer.  You have to go. Just to figure out the mystery!

                        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Hello everybody! 


                          Yes--good luck to all the racers!  And, Mtnchk--tell you DH good luck, too!  Robin--that Covered Bridges 1/2 sounds really cool.


                          Twocat--I believe the obvious answer is to just apologize for not remembering who they are and ask them.  I would never do that...but I believe that is the correct answer.


                          I went for 6.2 miles in 47:00.  It was nice being out on my regular course for the first time in two weeks.  All wind...just my boring little course up and down Birch Street. 


                          For many years, I have seen this one woman running up and down "my" street.  It always seems as if I only see her, though, as she's going one way and I'm going the other.  I always wave and she always kind of waves and gives me a snarky look.  Well, today, we happened to be going the same way, so I sped up, caught her, and started talking to her.  Right away she was all smiles and very friendly.  All these years, I had thought she was a crabby old...well, you know.  We ran and talked for a little over a mile before she had to turn around and head back home.  I hope I run into her again soon.


                          Oh--last week I heard that REI was having a sale on their Garmin 610 so, when I got home on Monday, I grabbed all my saved up gift cards and ran over there to get it.  They were $90 off!  Anyway, they didn't have any in stock so they ordered one for me and it came yesterday.  So, today, was my first run with my Garmin, too.  Now I have to figure out how to download the information.  I should have paid more attention to wildchild as she was using hers all week.


                          Okay--that's enough from me.  See ya!

                            holly, how great that your husband has lost 33 lbs and started P90X with you.  evan, it's neat that you will be a Dancing With the Stars star.  breger, congrats on deciding on a retirement date.  jlynne, I hope you shake your cold quickly.  rhoon, your book sure sounds interesting.  jay, sorry to hear about the cough and sore back.  I hope you spring back quickly.


                            Nice long runs for enke, holly (with speedwork), and Twocat.  Good job on the speedwork for mari.


                            This morning, it was in the low 50s, windy, and rainy.  I opted for the TM and got in about 4 miles at about an 11 min pace.  I had to guess a bit as to what I'd done as we had a brief electric outage and I'm not sure just what the TM display was reading when it happened.


                            A good day and good runs for all.




                              Nonoruns tagline reminds me of a joke by Steven Wright.  "I plan to live forever.  So far, so good."


                              I ran a couple miles on the treadmill and worked out at the gym. 


                              I set-up an appointment to see the doctor about my high cholesterol, but he isn't available until July 13.   I didn't want to wait that long to ask about my stomach discomfort, so I have an appointment with a nurse practitioner on Monday.


                              40's and rain today.  I had to turn on the heater to take the damp chill out of the air in the house.





                                Hey Troy, can we get a discount on your book if we order it directly from you?  Or at least get an autographed copy?  They might be worth something some day...


                                Welcome back, Jay and Tramps.


                                Lame, your DD's trail job sounds like fun!


                                Good luck to the weekend racers!  Looks like an RA party at the Iron Horse in CT!  Hope Mthchk and her DH have fun at the Deadwood marathon!


                                Mike, have fun with the new Garmin!  Let me know if you have any trouble uploading your runs.


                                I ran 5.4 trail miles last night after work -- no asphalt, all hills!

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
