Masters Running


President's Day 2.19.24. (Henrun start) (Read 37 times)

    I have no idea what you all are talking about with age and a diminished love of winter. Winter sucks. Always has. Always will. The goal in life is to create a situation where you can avoid year round. Ski trips do not count. You can go ski and wheh you are done, take a ride to somewhere winter free.


    Other than spending another day hating winter, all I did was spend an hour on the elliptical.

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

      I’m with Two!! LOL j/k - sort of!! 

      Up a little after Jay o’clock to get on a 30 PZ ride and a 5 min cooldown ride before work this morning.

      Had the scariest thing happen to me - turning down the hill to the hospital garage j almost hit a woman!! She was in the crosswalk and had the walk sign even tho I had the green light which happens all the time in Boston!!  I just didn’t see her coming across until the last minute - I sat in my car after I parked for almost 10 minutes trying to compose myself and giving thanks I didn’t actually hit her!


      The day was doomed from then on - we had a crazy day on the high risk floor with babies just not cooperating inside their mothers / not nice!! Glad to be home and am not setting the alarm for an early run tomorrow.



        I got distracted watching Irn Bru commercials.







        ps marj - thanks.

        Happy President's Day too, . . .

        at least to everyone in Alaska,

        Tennessee, West Virginia, etc.


        Happy George Washington's Birthday

        if you're a federal worker

        and get the day off


        Happy Washington's Birthday

        in the states of Conecticut,

        Michigan, Florida,Illinois, 

        New York, Massachusetts, etc.


        Happy Lincoln's and Washington's

        Birthday if you're in Minnesota.


        Happy Washington-Lincoln Day

        in the states of Ohio

        and Colorado.


        Happy Presidents' Day

        in the states of Hawaii,

        Washington, Texas,  etc.


        Happy Presidents Day

        if you're in Oregon.


        Happy nothing day

        in California, . . .

        I think.

        We cannot forget Gotham City.



        I got three miles on the mill followed by an hour of various PT.


        I hopped into unload mode for a bit and tackled 5,300 lbs. of windows in an hour and a half. It was a good time.


        I got turned away from a blood drive and I didn't even bite anyone this time.


        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
