Masters Running


Sunday, 2.19.17 (How'd I do, Tet?) (Read 34 times)


    Mike, I know how you feel. But hey, you're all Holly said and more. These darn kids don't come with instruction manuals, and each one is different (go figure), so while there are general "how to" guidelines, some kids just throw you for a loop. And maybe take a few days off the running stuff? Are you training for anything right now? If not, take a break. And remember, the end of winter/early spring is difficult for a lot of people. Hang in there.


    Deez, hope your quad gets better soon. Not sure you should be stretching it though. Maybe give it a few days of no stretching to see how it does?


    tomwhite, ouch. I missed the wrist injuries too. Wearing wrist braces?


    Ok all you squeamish types, the carcasses are from chickens we roasted either in the oven or the grill recently. We put them back in the aluminum roasting pans, cover them up, wrap in a plastic bag and store out on the deck. Natures perfect freezer most winters, and they've been frozen solid and all covered up for weeks at temps well below zero. We had a warm up recently though, and some thawed so I made the stock from the ones already in the stock pot. It's cooled off again now so the others can wait. We do end up eventually throwing a few out if I can't get to them, but this gives us options for using them. Geez.


    61 minutes of pool running today. I'm trying to battle my inner demons telling me it's all pointless and I should just give up and maybe DNS this race. But I've never DNS'd before and I don't intend to start now. I think it'll be a run/walk marathon to get me to the finish in decent shape. The foot feels better, but I can tell it's not 100%. Hopefully a few more days will make a big difference.



      Mike I think we all understand. And nothing is more frustrating than someone saying to stop feeling sorry for yourself. I think we all can at times justifiably do so. No matter how old they are we always worry about our kids. Especially when they do things to be worried about. I hope things feel get better for you and your son soon.


      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



        Holly, some of you anecdotes remind me of DD#3. Good luck with the diet changes.


        Erika, I'm sorry to hear about your foot.


        TwoCat, I hope your bridge keeps historical significance. IE, keep the big honking trucks out of the neighborhood.






        Holly S. it seems "birthday months" are becoming popular. I am lucky to get a day out of it. 




        C-R, I love seeing owls while out on a run. Very cool.


        Bertha, I'd not like those race conditions this time of year. Kudos to you!!






        I got 10 miles in a Friday.  I left Dad's at 4:00 AM Saturday. When I went with Dad to his Dr. he was told most of his symptoms would be cleared up with a few minor diet changes. He said he won't do that. Nobody said he had to like it. So...Thursday and Friday were genuine vacation days.


        I got home to DW watching two puking kids so the parents could have a date night. Two leaking water pipes that were left to leak in a knotty hickory vanity and into the basement floor. I had to figure out what to do for dinner. The grandkids got to hear a few bad words.


        After church, DW, the dog and I got two miles in on snowshoes in 51F temps!!!!!



          You would think that, with all the great weather we're having here, I would be in a great mood...but no.  I have been down in the dumps for a week, now, and have just been trying to ignore it but I have a big old case of the blues.  


          My sister used to call these "the mean reds" from that movie Breakfast At Tiffany's.  And we all get them Mike. In fact, I think the good Lord gave me a stretch of warm, sunny weather just because He knew I needed it.  We can't save our kids. And we all wish we had done better jobs trying to raise them. But like Erika said, "they don't come with instruction books."  You're a good dad, and you give unconditional love and support to all your kids and grandkids. I don't want to slap you and tell you to snap out of it, I just want to give you a hug and tell you I hope you realize what a good person you are.
