Masters Running


Sundaily, 8.12.18 (Read 38 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Saturday's workouts:

    Tomwhite (40 min pool run with letters + 40 min HH 3-1s at soccer fields in 97° temps)

    Jlynne (4 morning elliptical miles + 20 min of weights, core, stretching)

    Holly (7.1 sproinkless miles in 71° temps)

    anneb (8.75 morning miles in better temps and 63° dew point)

    RunnereKSA (10.6 miles in 2 hours with no walking breaks in 68-78° temps with some H)

    Pfriese (12 humid morning miles)

    Dave59 (1 heartless mile + 2 with sproink at J o'clock)

    Henrun (2.2 cooler, humid miles with a start-off sprinkle)

    Quickadder (16.7 morning miles without and with the Saturday group in 74° dew point)

    Spacityrunner (1 hr of kayaking on calm lake in some heat with wildlife sightings)

    Falconfixer (local 5K at goal 7:30 pace - 1st AG)

    Mike (12 miles in 85° for a tough run)

    Evanflein (5.2 EZ miles)

    Tet (27 bike miles - longest since '05)

    Fatozzig (5 minute run on cement legs, but felt OK)

    SteveP (truck repair cross-trtaining)


    Jlynne, we got corn, zuke, squash, tomatoes, red and white potatoes, garlic, eggplant, turnips, and red and white onions at the farmer's market yesterday. So I made a mess of roasted veggies to go with our salmon crusted with garlic aioli mustard last night. 


    Good run, KSA!


    Stumpy, I confirmed that the racewalker you saw at Cigna was my friend, Hank. When I asked him about the encounter with you, he said; "I mentioned that I was allowed 3 paddles from 3 judges. Jokingly. He was very nice and knew what he was taking about. I can smell knowledgeable people miles away! Let him know I loved the comment!"


    Holly, you don't come close to dumping/venting here too often.


    Mike, you have a very smart and savvy granddaughter. I have a feeling she'll make sure that 'tradition' lives on for a long time.


    Starr, a good arm swing is very important to racewalking success. Here are the keys: keep arms always at 90°; short swing in front, longer in back (like trying to reach your back pocket); the back swing should be aggressive, as if pulling on a tug-of-war rope. An aggressive back swing helps the opposite leg comes forward more quickly too, which can improve overall speed.


    Nice riding Tet.


    It's sad when dogs (and cats) get older and less able, as it is when it eventually happens to us too.


    I started out this morning in a very light drizzle, and with remnant ankle discomfort that bothered me yesterday too, and didn't go away (as it usually does) even though I had my ankle brace on all day yesterday. So I dialed it back a bit this morning. After about a mile, the drizzle morphed into a light rain that was actually quite nice. About 2 miles in, I heard the wind picking up, except it wasn't the wind. I looked up the street, and saw the wall of rain coming toward me. So I flipped around and started running back toward home. By the time I got back, there wasn't an inch anywhere on me that was dry. Interestingly, my ankle felt better after that mile or so run. Go figure. 3.2 miles.


    Have a greta Sunday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Thanks for the great start to Sunday, Jay.


      I ran 3 this morning to try out my new Hoka Bondi 6 shoes. They were very comfortable.



        Thanks, Jay.  That sounds like quite a rain that caught you!  I'm surprised with as fast as you walk that you didn't beat it!


        Dave- I really like the Bondi 6.  It doesn't feel as clunky for some reason as past Bondis.  I think it is going to be my "go to" long run shoe.  I tried out new Pegasus 35 Turbos this morning for 3.4 miles.  They are very expensive but highly recommended.  I had some local Fleet Feet reward bucks so I splurged.  I hope I didn't embarrass the shoes with my slow pace!  They felt pretty good- not nearly as cushioned as Hoka, of course, and I'll have to get used to the firmer forefoot, but I don't regret having them (at least 3.4 miles in....)


        Taking my daughter's cat to her church this morning for the handoff back to her.  He can chill in his crate in her office while she preaches.  I hope he does OK.... That saves her a trip down to our house to get him as she's trying to settle back in from her trip.


        Greta Sunday, y'all. 

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          woke up to Jay's heavy rains and didn't go out for several hours (after breakfast, some newspaper reading, etc.)  power walked further into a different neighborhood - lots of funky stores and murals to eyeball. stopped at gourmet donut shop on way back and suddenly some rain drops appeared.  had to power walk really fast the last half mile to protect the donuts in their paper bag.


          off to hear music this afternoon (indoors).


          enjoy your sunday!


          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            nice "dialing-it-back" 3.2 miler jay that ended up with you running for the first time in a long time to avoid getting too wet which you did anyway. However, if you don't mind getting wet in a nice warm drizzle, you probably wouldn't mind the experience of facing up to the weather and getting as wet as if taking an outdoor shower. Try it, you'll might just like it, after all.  I do, . . . as long a there's a nice warm shower awaitin' not too far away.

            ps - nice 90o arm swing explanation..


            however, for me, just a one mile stroll around the 'hood on very sore quads from the last 11 miles of Saturday's 27 miles of cycling swingin' arm up to 300o to pick ripe blackberries for pancakes for Queen DW.  Gotta maintain the meniscus recovery regime and make sure she doesn't take off on any two mile walks, 25 minutes spinning, weights or anything that might relate back to me if she doesn't get the all clear at Tuesday's follow-up.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Cool front moved in this morning. Occasional drizzle made for a wonderful 12 mile Sunday morning run. It'll warm back up by Wednesday, but I'll enjoy while it lasts.




                Happy Birthday Stumpy!!!!!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Still no energy.  I did 13 miles, but a lot of it was more run/walk than run.  Still, got the distance covered. Temps were 68-75 with a breeze, so that felt quite good.


                  Now, off to take DD to look at glasses and school clothes.


                  Happy Birthday Kevin!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    4 mile foggy run over the Boston University bridge (see FB). Back to eat some of Marj’s doughnuts.🍩


                      9.3 trail miles with DD to start the day. Dew point 76 and rising and I finished up just as wet as Jay even though it wasn’t raining.

                      Started running at age 60.

                      AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                      AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                      Upcoming race: Contraband 5 miler 5/4/24 


                        Hey y'all, an easy post-race run this morning.  Went by feel, in this case how my knee felt after yesterday's race and runs.  Warming quickly and humid when I went.  First 3 miles were at an 8:50 average pace.  The last 2+ miles were done as run / walk and wound up at an 11:00 min/mile pace overall.  Most important, knee feels ok.


                        Coastwalker, thanks for the information.  For fun I tried to (badly) do the arm swing you described when I was walking.  I suspect it was awful.


                        Henrun, hope the doughnuts were safe!


                        Have a greta day everyone!


                          Gourmet donuts!!!  Yummy...

                          My kayaking made Jays recap...Yippeee and oh boy would I love to check into Jay's B&B...that would be some good time for sure!!!

                          Happy Birthday Stumpy...hope it is a fun filled day!!!!!

                          Met with a friend and we walked the Hot Springs Mountain this morning.  Hot and humid at 7 a.m. we slogged out 5 miles in 2 hours.  My knee is not happy with me but I.don'!!  Take that!!! 

                          My dolly girl is around 17 yo and it is getting harder and harder for her to get around.  And she is doing some "strange" things and I fear she is getting doggy Alzheimer's.  I have her on CBD oil for anxiety (its not working) and meloxicam for pain (only slightly working)  After losing the 2 cats last year...I can't stand the thought that she is losing her way...but at 17 yo it is a reality.  Sigh...

                          Trails Rock!

                            For those of you with misplaced invitations, if you are going to be in the south-west CT area, I would be happy to send you an invite in the future. Just let me know. Seriously, if you let me know I am happy to meet you in person!


                            TamminGP I read the fires are starting to get put under control. I hope that is true and your fire issues are resolved soon.


                            Mike E overall as traditions go, that is a nice one.


                            evanflein wish I could have said it did not rain here yesterday. We had a total wash out.


                            StarrRuns that is a LOT of tomatoes!


                            tetsujin209 as to what a difference 13 years make, sadly, amen.


                            fatozzig cement is better than pain. I know you are going through a lot to find a cure for your running ailments. I hope something takes soon.


                            SteveP I take it you can get under the truck without a lift. I wish I could do that with one of my cars. I received a backup camera for it as a gift. But to install it you need to be able to get under the car. Either I need a lift or to become two dimensional. As much as I hate to do it, I am going to have to take it to a local mechanic to have it installed.


                            coastwalker you do not get a pass on Rule #1 here since it was raining when you started out!  See the universe saw what you did and reacted accordingly! When it rains stay on the inside of the door.


                            RunnerKSA the cat will be happy to return home. Cats are really only happy at their home. The people can go, but the cat will want to stay put.


                            mrrun so did you save the donuts?


                            stumpy77 I had no idea it is your birthday! So, happy birthday!


                            Quickadder, Falconfixer and spacityrunner it is like a swamp outside here too. This must be one continent covering  huge humidity front.


                            Yesterday was the big barbecue. Total wash out. Ended up moving tables indoors. I have no idea how my DW managed the logistics of staging everything in the house instead of in the yard. Pretty incredible, but she did it. Food was a big hit. I made 4 pounds of smoked salmon and it went like white lightening. The beef rib rack was gone fast as well. In the end there was less left over than I expected.


                            Tomorrow I get fitted fro an orthotic to wear post hamstring surgery. I sure hope they can make it quickly and I can get this operation over with soon. The sooner that happens the sooner my life has a chance to get back to normal. Well, normal as in running marathons normal!

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              There are parts of the fire getting under control. The south and East sides of the one I'm closest too is pretty much under control (I'm in the SE corner of it) but it's still raging to the west and northwest and a few folks are still under level 3 evacuations. The Klondike fire is another one burning about 5 miles away in the next town south of us (Selma) and it's currently at about 51K acres (Taylor Creek that I'm closest to is about 47K acres) you can see how rapidly these two are growing from the acreage estimates on the map below from yesterday.  these two fires are about 5 miles from each other in the rugged wildness area and they will let them merge into one. The main goal is keeping residences near each fire safe, but once you get in the rugged wilderness, it's too hard to fight since there are very limited safe lines for dozer lines to be laid. and because the two fires are fairly close, they won't let firefighters on the ground between the two. It's too unsafe.  Expected containment won't happen until late October. 
                              here's the visual:   Klondike Fire is growing rapidly and several new areas put on evacuation notices today: 

                              but for today, I took advantage of the gift of blue skies and clean air and met up with some friends for a trail run. 6.3 miles and that gives me 27.1 for the week. Highest week I've had in quite awhile. I should take more vacations. 

                              My view today:

                              Image may contain: sky, tree, mountain, plant, outdoor and nature




