Masters Running


Sundaily, 4.21.19 (Read 45 times)


    Mornin' everyone.



    Tomwhite - 50 min pool run, shoes, no belt.

    Jlynne - 3 morning miles + 25 min of weights/core.

    Marj - 1 hr power walking, last 15 min speedy in incoming rain.

    Rochrunner - babying calf while doing weights at the gym.

    Dnaff - 2 miles with the dog + 5 miles without.

    Henrun - 1 hr of RW & running, half with Marj (pre-rain).

    Fatozzig - working to the music a day after deep ice massage + 1hr of core/ST/PT + new hip flexor stretch on the kitchen island with help from the Hub.

    Tet - 2 lakeside miles.

    Joe618 - 10K last Boston run along both sides of the Cambridge River with other runners & watching rowers 7 scullers.

    Holly - 30 min on the bike to nowhere.

    Dave 59 - 2.03 late early morning miles.

    RunnerKSA - 5 mile race in a drizzle on tire legs and hilly course - 3rd AG.

    Falconfixer - short walk with DW and pups + 6+ solo miles in cool windy temps.

    Pfriese - 5K in 23:16 and 1st AG.

    Twocat - 1 hr. on the elliptical + grocery shopping with DW for Easter brunch.

    Milktruck - 7.2 mid-day miles in springlike rain.

    BTY - short pool w/u & c/d, plus 10 X 100 yrd. IM repeats.

    Mike - lost argument, ran 16 + a nap.

    Deeze - 11.5 rail train miles with Sole Sisters in strangely warm/humid weather, dodging rain till the last mile.

    Anneb - 6.9 miles in windy, sunny, warmer weather.

    Wildchild - afternoon yoga with DD.

    Mariposai - yard work cross-training + 10K with the Easy Pacer + 2 more solo.


    Great photo (in blue) from the Boston meet-up!


    Good luck in getting Debbie to approve your Big Island Marathon trip, Mile, and congrats for signing up.


    That's pretty scary, Dave. I wish you posted the best 'compartment syndrome' description you found!


    Great racing, Paul and KSA!


    You're very funny, Fatozzig!


    Tasty menu, Twocat.


    BTY, you're doing some amazing pool work!


    Have fun at Wrigley today, Anneb.


    I hope you get molar pain relief tomorrow, Bioguy.


    Yep, Joe; we always feel that it's good to go away, and it's good to get back home.


    Made a last minute decision yesterday afternoon to make mixed sausage/seafood paella for dinner last night, and it was pretty tasty. We have fun cooking together, and usually do well.


    Back to the discussion about waving to other runners from a few days ago - I always say 'morning' to everyone and anyone I meet along the way each morning, and I almost always get a similar reply. I know some of the people were prepared to go silently by, but I think it is good that we all acknowledge each other's existence and effort to be out there on the roads/trails.


    I slept late this morning, but still got out for 58.6  5.6 EZ walking miles in 51° temps and lots o' morning ground fog. This morning, I saw more wild turkeys than cars along the way. I did say 'morning' to a few of the turkeys but, as usual, they didn't respond. I guess that's the difference between turkeys and people (although I have been known to call a few people 'turkeys.')


    Have a greta Sunday/Easter.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Great recap Jay. I try to acknowledge runners but we have so many here that the only people who respond are the older runners. Younger ones are usually connected to their music and ignore me.

      Ran 3 miles in overcast muggy 60 degree weather. No plans today except for watching the Bruins on tv this afternoon.

      Happy Easter to all who celebrate.

        coastwalker nice of you to wave or acknowledge others on your run. I suspect people in your area are a lot friendlier than you would find in a big city.


        I keep thinking I am the third poster today but nobody seems to be second. Hmm . . . 


        Interval day today. My goal was to run all 5 in under 5 minutes each. As they say 4 out of 5 ain't bad. Well, nobody actually says that but I need something to salve my ego.

        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


          I wave or say hello to everyone I meet when I am out running or walking.  I want people to remember that I am out there if something catastrophic happens farther down the road.  They'll hear my screams and maybe think oh yes, that's the gal that spoke to us, maybe we should go help.


          Good 5 miler yesterday; each mile 15 seconds faster. ( Though of course I started out really slow.)   Then a very moving Easter Vigil service last night.  Today's a sunshiney, car-washing, dog-walking kind of day.  Enjoy the day and Happy Easter to those who celebrate!


            I didn’t run yesterday. I enjoyed grandchild and children visiting instead. My tooth is very painfully throbbing. My dentist took the time to call and check I on me this morning. I imagine it’s root canal Monday morning. Going to try some light yard work and a jog today.



              Happy Easter all!


              5.8 miles in the forest preserve again- beautiful morning @ 57/sunny/light winds. The H has been running a little and joined me for the first ~1.5 before he looped back home and I kept going …


              Nice job on the intervals Twocat.


              Bio, hope you get some relief from that tooth. Sounds bad!


              I see the same runners over and over and generally wave or say morning, or at least a smile. Although, I never run with music.



                Good morning good people. Thanks for the great recap Jay. And nice 58.6 5.6 miles this morning.


                Enjoy that Bruins game Henry. Last night we were switching between Brewers baseball, Bucks basketball and hockey. Overload!


                4 out of 5 is great Twocat. I can't believe how well your return to running seems to be going!


                Sorry about your painful mouth bioguy, and even sorrier for the upcoming root canal! Good luck.


                Nice runs anneb and dnaff.


                Well, the last of our company left this morning.  We had 27 people here last night (in a condo) and - for the most part - it went pretty well. The weather was nice enough to send the 11 kids out for an Easter egg hunt and I'm hoping we didn't pi#@ off any of our neighbors! Just finished a quick 2 mile run and will tackle cleaning and all of the laundry that comes with house guests.


                Leftover party food for dinner   Happy Easter everyone!


                  good morning!


                  short on time, we'll have 25+ later (at DSO's) for dinner / gathering... but a house , not a condo... (27?)  And they won't be staying there, at least I hope not!   Hi jlynne : ).


                  belated hi Kevin!  hope your traveling craziness has lessened!


                  I said good morning to a goose this morning.   It did not reply.   was extending a pre-emptive olive branch; geese-attack season will be here before too long!


                  ran at a park, my old training-while-injured home away from home.   Doug, it's where we walked with Rosie & the Rocket Scientist.

                  I took a picture but don't know how to post one yet.

                  6.5 miles.   Dogs & other runner ...yay.  I wasn't sure early to start, because I'm a little uncomfortable there when I'm the only one around.

                  It made me so happy to be there.   And this morning, just about everyone waved.   Or even spoke!   : O.  : )

                  Tet, I saw Jeannine,... remember  when  you helped her with her marathon in Japan?   Don't know if I told you, since then she ran the Antarctica Marathon.  How cool is that?   (ha)      Not sure what else.


                  gotta go.   Happy Day however you spend it!


                    Doug--I hope you like it when you do get a chance to try it out.

                    Joe's vacation in Boston has got me nostalgic for my years there many moons ago. Nice pics.

                    Nice racing Paul. 1st AG!!

                    Mike--your secret's safe with us. Congrats on signing up. That's a big one.

                    Carolyn--cool that you do yoga together.


                    39 miles riding on another stunning Spring day.


                    I'll be joining Henry watching the B's try to stay alive this afternoon.

                    Fun to watch the Caps when they're firing on all cylinders. Last night was the first time this playoffs...but it's still a l-o-n-g trek.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      Thanks, Jay.   Bioguy- that tooth pain sounds terrible.  I feel so sorry for you!  Sure ruins things!

                      Twocat- you have come a long way!  Intervals!  Good job.


                      Easter Vigil service last night with wine and sweets reception afterwards at the church.  We went to our daughter's church for her 8:30 service this morning.  It was really nice.  It's a beautiful day (although started out cold) and at her church the kids had an Easter egg hunt between services.  Episcopalians don't really support doing egg hunts or Easter things until Easter actually gets here, so none of that happens on Saturday.  Yesterday was a terrible day anyway.


                      Got out about 11 on the path for 6.7 miles.  It felt hard (after the race yesterday) and I didn't look at my splits, and as a result I went too fast.  No wonder it felt hard.  So- that's done.    Daughter and her boyfriend and another friend of ours are coming for dinner.  My husband does most of the cooking.  I'll set the table, and, hopefully, we can eat out on the deck if it doesn't cool down outside too fast.  We like our Easter dinners on the deck!

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                      Marathon Maniac #957

                         geese-attack season will be here before too long!




                        No doubt!  And the large flock of geese that lives on my curve of the river nest along there, too, so I generally slow to a walk anytime there are geese on the path in the spring.  Fun to watch the baby ducks and goslings, though.


                        Jay - I'm sure those turkeys said hello to you, in their own turkey-like way....


                        Jlynne - 27 people?  Ack!  Where did you put them all?


                        Twocat - I am loving how well you are recovering.


                        Dg - Hiyah!


                        Bioguy - tooth pain is not fun.


                        I generally either nod and smile, wave, or say hello to other runners, almost all of whom will nod and smile, wave, or sell hello in response..  The bicyclists come at me pretty fast, so I generally just smile and nod at them.  However, quite a few of the bicyclists just ignore me.


                        5 miles for me today in 44ish degrees, then 25 minutes on the recumbent bike.  My foot does not actually hurt, but it still fees "iffy," so I am not really sure how to proceed.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Bouna Pasqua!


                          The Easter Vigil Mass last night, to me, best reflects the central tenet of Christianity.  As a kid, it was always that really long Mass (with fire!) that would allow me to just be able to hunt for my Easter basket (if you found a sibling's, you weren't supposed to bring it out for them).  As I got older and began to understand the meaning that changed.  It also changed when I was deployed over Easter in '06 and celebrated it in Qatar.  And after losing DS#1 fairly early during Lent it has become even more meaningful.


                          But this is a running forum!  I went out this morning and did my (fairly) recent tradition of trail running on Easter morning.  I went out to the local Nature Preserve and ran all of the loops (two hiking, one equestrian).  The equestrian trail has a couple of small water crossings so it was quite fun.  About an 11 minute pace (I did hesitate at the water crossings) but I'm typically slower on trails anyway.


                          Made some potatoes au gratin, DS#2 making pork tenderloin (he added some herbs and it's wrapped in prosciutto) and there will be asparagus and key lime tartlets (made by DW).  After that I'll be headed back to Montgomery.


                          Have a greta day everyone!

                            ran at a park, my old training-while-injured home away from home.   Doug, it's where we walked with Rosie & the Rocket Scientist.

                            I took a picture but don't know how to post one yet.


                            This has been nostalgia week for us I guess. I surely do remember that day, as I was still new to all this meet-up stuff.


                            Paul, I'll second Carolyn on the 5K time! I'm just satisfied these days if I can keep it below 30 for as long as I can.


                            What got into Leslie yesterday? It was like a day-long comedy skit. 


                            I tried walking with my DW this afternoon and found out that, although I can walk around the house OK, doing an actual walk with a full stride is still too painful to be worth it at this point. So she's out completing her walk alone while I'm sitting here at the computer. One bit of good news however is that I took one of my bikes for a short ride around the neighborhood and it looks like I'll be back to biking this week (if the weather cooperates). I'm starting to see that cycling has fewer of the nagging, skeleto-muscular injuries that can stop you from running.

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Easter Vigil was beautiful last night, but didn't get home until 11pm and still needed to put a few things together for work today -- I'm dragging a little to say the least!! Still glad I went to the mass since I was busy at noon when the hospital had a little service.


                              I've heard of tongue ties frequently, but not so much the lip and cheeks. The procedure is either a clipping or laser procedure to release the ties - the first appointment they could get was May 3 which is totally unacceptable so they are calling other doctors tomorrow.

                              DIL texted me early this morning about breast pumping, feeding etc and  she seems to be in a better place today. I keep giving her support and reassurance she is doing a job and my son has been great with the whole situation - very proud of both of them.





                                Well, the last of our company left this morning.  We had 27 people here last night (in a condo) and - for the most part - it went pretty well. The weather was nice enough to send the 11 kids out for an Easter egg hunt and I'm hoping we didn't pi#@ off any of our neighbors!


                                can you give us any advice - we're having 22 people next Saturday and I think it's going to be too cool to be outside - 4 kids ages 11-12.  found out today that 2 couldn't make it...


                                Paul and KSA congrats on your racing


                                1 hour power walking


