Masters Running


Saturdaily, 10.7.23 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Go Posie!!


    There is a lot of good stuff in yesterday's posts that I'd like to comment on, but I've got, got, got no time. We have an early work session for our non-profit board this morning, and I still need to do a bit of prep work for that session.


    I was up at 4:15 this morning, and got out for 3.6 EZ 'stay loose' RW miles in muggy 64° temps, and got back ahead of some early morning rain. Then 35 minutes of stretching and core work. My expectations for tomorrow's 5K are pretty low, given that I haven't done any speed work in what feels like about 35 years, and that I'm still, even unintentionally, babying my left knee. I may wait till after I warm up in the morning to decide to race or be a last-minute volunteer.


    Have a greta Saturday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good Saturday morning folks.


      Rest day for me which is good considering it is 41 degrees and raining.


      Yesterday, I went around different places with my daughter and son-in-law. One place we went was the Boyne Mountain SkyBridge.  The worlds longest timber-tower suspension bridge. I was making jokes about being at altitude (because although it is probably Michigan's premier skiing resort in the lower peninsula it is tiny compared to the Rockies or even places out east like Vermont or New Hampshire.)  But when I looked up the elevation of Boyne Mountain (1,120 feet) it is actually lower than at our place near Gaylord. (Gaylord is 1,400 feet in elevation).  Took the fun out of making jokes.



      View of the bridge in the distance if you squint:





        Boyne Mountain was the first time I attempted to ski when I was doing my psych residency in Chicago in the early 60’s. I eventually graduated to ski the slopes of New England and the west.


        Jay- good luck today regardless of your decision.

        Going to be a wet one today. Might end up on the Charles for a rainy jazz festival.


          Good morning dear RA family.

          Jay, have fun regardless of your decision tomorrow.

          Dave59, nice picture. It sounds like you had a good time.


          The Easy Pacer and I had a great time at the expo yesterday. These Majors expo are so big and fun. It was so cool to see runners from all over the world in one place. Today is rest day, we will do a few tourist things in downtown Chicago and then back to the hotel to chill to prepare body and spirit for tomorrow's adventure. Once again, thanks for your incredible support towards my running this race.  It will be an adventure tomorrow.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            Good luck Posie!

              Good luck Posie!


              +1, butterfly lady!


              Dave, that's on our to-do list when we're in the area again next August.


              Feeling normal again, I've been starting in on my annual winterizing to-do list, beginning with blowing out the sprinklers and closing them up. Next I'll be taking down the patio furniture, especially since we have a guy coming next week to do some reconditioning on it.


              And good luck to any other weekend racers here! I only wish I could still be with you.

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                Thanks, Jay.  Posie-  I hope you have a fun and meaningful race.  We are all proud of you and can't wait for a full report.  Jay- good luck tomorrow and take care of those legs!    Dave- I think that bridge would terrify me!


                8.2 miles not with the group. My houseguest wanted to go to the Brentwood path, which was fine with me and I decided not to go as far today. It was cold- 44 degrees but sunny. There's some wind, which didn't bother me (sheltered mainly) but Ken won't have a fun bike ride! Barry ran/walked an hour while I did my run. Then he and I went to breakfast! OH- Apple watch crapped out (battery) at 6.68 miles and I know it was at 99% when I started. I turned the whole watch off and back on and I'll see how it does this week before I call Apple support. This is exactly when my last Apple watch started doing this- 2 years old. Makes you wonder!!!  I run with a Garmin, too, which is my "main" running data.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                  Sending positive vibes to Mariposai for tomorrow!!!!


                  Rest day for me today, just some pushups, core stuff and stretching. And Costco, which felt a little like a workout for me, since I find shopping in those places to be quite a challenge. I usually let my SO go alone, since he loves it there, but today he wanted company.

                    It looks like race weather in Chicago will be about perfect. The American women all look good to use this a tune up for the Olympic trials next winter. But the American men better pull off some miracles. None have the qualifying standard. So, that means the team needs to get in on points. It looks like that produces three entries. Or it might just get us two. Rupp says he is in really good shape. If he is, maybe he and Mantz can get the standard.


                    All I did today was an hour on the elliptical. Tomorrow I have an 18 mile run on tap. Today, I have looking at rain pouring down once again.  I tell you the local water authority is going to start asking residents to use up as much water as they can.

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Go Posia!

                      Congrats on the grandbaby, BTY!

                      Holly, hope the counseling is productive, and that your DH stays open minded about it.


                      I decided not to do the overnight backpacking trip. A couple reasons, the bees/wasps are still active, it's going up to 80 F today so the hike would be brutal for me, and, work is getting in my way and I need to get ahead of some stuff before a busy next week, when I have a lot of deadlines AND when my brother and SIL will be visiting me. I sent MBE on his lonesome for a day hike. We'll see if he catches any fish today.


                      Meanwhile I did 3.25 mile power walk around the roads at the cabin, with a few short jogs, even got my HR up to 150 momentarily on a very steep hill. Now to get a bunch of work done.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."



                        Posie, I hope your butterfly wings carry you to a fun marathon finish!  Good luck!


                        I ran 5 hot miles this morning.  I ran out the sandy path to the beach park south of Turtle Beach again, and when I got to the marshy part, instead of turning around like I did on Thursday, I went out toward the ocean, and found a boardwalk.  I followed the boardwalk to a huge mansion with a no trespassing sign, so I turned around and went back out to the beach to run there.  I met a guy who told me that was Steven King's house!  Here's a picture I found on the internet:


                        I followed my run with a swim in the ocean (in my running clothes, minus shoes!)  Then ran the last 1/2 mile home.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          Hello everybody!


                          Good luck in your races, tomorrow, Jay and Posie!


                          It's amazing how the weather can change so quickly, here.  Last Sunday, the Twin Cities Marathon was canceled because of heat and, this morning, it was 42° for cross country practice.   I went 10.6 miles.


                          Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        °

                            Have a great race!  So glad you'll have good weather.


                            Doug--good news on feeling normal!

                            I followed the boardwalk to a huge mansion with a no trespassing sign, so I turned around

                            ♫ ♫ "As I went walking running I saw a sign there,
                            And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
                            But on the other side it didn't say nothing.
                            That side was made for you and me.

                            This land is your land,

                            This land is my land.... ♫ ♫"  


                            Steady rain this morning so no run for me. After the rain stopped and the wonderfully cool weather rolled in, I did get a rare afternoon 5+ miler done.

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                              Go, Mariposai! The weather is good here, and it looks to be similar tomorrow with less wind. Sometimes I miss living downtown when I could just head out on foot with the dog, walk over a couple streets, and spectate near mile 14-15! 

                              I went out today for 4.2 miles run/walk. I feel like now is the time to try and turn myself into a runner again. It’s been awhile though. 

                              Hope everyone has a great weekend.



                                I had to head out yesterday

                                Pickles had to go see an Apple Orchard Farm about 2-hours away from here


                                Good Discussion on how easily (or not) we all bleed





                                turns out the 4-hour drive did a number on my back


                                so going easy

                                ...20-min at athletic fields..........trailboots





                                the JV FootBall  Coach was in,



                                congratulated him on winning the Regional Championship


                                really good guy,


                                my Greatest Fear is he'll get snagged by a High School Program


                                I'll have to break in another coach letting me use their fields

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
