Masters Running


Good Thursdays to you all (Read 511 times)

    Will try to run this evening after I install inlaws AC.  Then off to do yard work, clean pool, ect at home.  If I don't work 12 hours Saturday I will run race Sat. AM.


    Mike good luck on your trip with DS.

    OM get well soon, rehab sucks

    Perch keep Aug 28 open CRIM 10 miler, Rochester, Tselb all usually attend it is about 50-60 miles from M59 and M53


    Run long and sweat lots

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good morning Derrick....sounds like a very busy schedule for you! Good to hear you made it to new Orleans safely holly....what great food too....yum-O!! Out for 2 with Brinkley, then home to get B'Nellie for 2 more. It felt much nicer out there after the storms went through last night. DH offered to get up and comfort Hailey downstairs and I let him.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Just a quick post while I have the time this morning, I got 5 easy miles in on Tuesday in 43:24 (8:41) and then yesterday morning I got in a nice 9.61 miles - 1:26:25 (8:59) - This was our annual Special Olymics Law Enforcement Torch Run.  We had a great group of about 25 full time, part time and administrative personnel running today with 7 of us completing the whole distance.  I'm glad our leg is early in the morning becasue by the time we finished at about 9:00 AM it was getting pretty warm and humid.  We were lucky that it was a bit cloudy at the start and when we finished it had cleared to bright blue skies!  Another nice run for a very worthy cause.


        Haven't decided what I'll try to do later today, it will depend on just how bad the heat and humidity is after I get out of work.  I have a scheduled 3 mile road race tomorrow and would like to be somewhere around 19:59, anything close will be good.


        Mike, I hope your trip goes well with your son.


        Good to see Holly made it safe to New Orleans.


        Mariposai - my son is taking a quick course to prep him for the boards that he has to take and then he will start the search in earnest.  We do have a couple of contacts with a local hospital which may help, thanks for asking.


        OrangeMat - I love that shot of the "backside" of Mount Rushmore, I'll have to check it out the next time we head out west! Wink


        Mary - I absolutley love the photos you post of the puppies, just can't get emough of them and that last one is just so "cool"!


        Later everyone, and stay cool.

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Nice out (70°Wink with low dewpoint (52°Wink even with sprinkles!
          4 EZ miles in 35:38 (8:54)

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            I'm enjoying "On the Road" with Jack Kerouac Mike E.  What will happen next?  Wink


            Add another item to the list of things that can go wrong on a run: a putrid deer carcass, festering in the swampy heat.


            I had a 10-miler scheduled today and I managed to avoid retching in the H&H by going nice and slow until I met the road kill at mile 6.5.  I was on the way home so there was nothing I could do but try to get by it without retching.  I failed. Badly. Dead  I skipped a spur on my route and walked/jogged it home for a total of 8.5.

            Be safe. Be kind.

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Just 5 posts in and I think that Tramps gets the "worst morning run" award already.      That happened to me a couple of years ago and it was a section of road that I could not avoid.     I'd take a deep breath when I knew I was getting close and hold it until I was passed it.    Thanks to DH and his attempts to hold my head under the covers after a fart, I can hold my breath for a pretty long time.  Wink


              Good luck with your road race tomorrow Maine!    We are counting down the days for our trip to your fine state .... 23 to go.  Big grin


              I can simply hear Perch saying "aahhhhhh".


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                What a difference a day makes! Yesterday at this time it was 75° with 90% humidity. Today, it's 50° with winds out of the northeast at 15-20 mph. Brrrr - not dressed right this morning.


                Welcome to the Midwest Perch! Are you all moved in, or still in the process of selling your home/relocating?


                Those puppies are so cute Mary. How much longer will you have them? It must be incredibly hard letting them go. Seems like they each have their own little personality.


                OM - loved the picture of the "other side" of the presidents on Mt Rushmore! Did you ever see the Alfred Hitchcock movie "North By Northwest"? I always remember the scene with Cary Grant fighting a guy on President Lincoln's nose Smile


                Have fun in The Big Easy Holly. Watch out for those drinks called hurricanes. There are some great restaurants down there - Commander's Palace is one that comes to mind. Nice that you're letting yourself enjoy the food while you're down there.


                Hope things are going smoothly for you Mike. Good luck with your race weekend too.


                Walked 3 miles this morning and wanted to keep going. But the doc said only 2 miles two times a day so I'm already breaking one rule. I have an appt to get stitches out tomorrow so I'm hoping for clearance for more things. I'm missing my favorite 10K on Saturday and was thinking that maybe the doctor would let me at least walk it....


                  A much more pleasant morning for running -- 54 degrees, cloudy and a bit of a breeze for 4.6 Rosie miles.  Busy morning for others and Rosie even saw a distant relative -- a Siberian Husky...

                  And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    HI Jlynne!     A 10K seems like a big jump from your 2-mile walk restrictions.    I hope you get good news from the doctor tomorrow!   Two of the puppies leave next Wednesday night, then the weekend of the 18th, 5 more leave.    I'll have one more until the 25th and Mr. Hudson until the 28th .....he won't be spoiled at all .... no sireee!!   Big grin


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                    Marathon Iowa 2014

                      I always enjoy Tramps's upbeat adjectives.  Putrid eh?


                      About 7 miles this morning on the streets of Liverpool New York.  Pretty humid out there.  My luggage is going to smell so good when I get home tonight.  "Festering" is the adjective I'll choose.



                        Glad I wasn't eating breakfast when I read Tramps' and PBJ's posts!  Putrid and festering...  Yuck.   I passed a deer carcass on my trail run on Saturday, but the bones were picked clean already.


                        Holly, I know what you mean about the weird flight routing - one time an airline wanted to route us through Chicago to go to Australia - we were already looking at a very long flight and didn't want to make it longer  by starting out going in the wrong direction.


                        Mary, do you ever run with 2 dogs at a time?  Wondering why you take each dog out alone for 2 miles.


                        3 mile trail run last night in a mountain park that's a little lower altitude and more runnable than the one I usually go to. The trails aren't quite as steep and not as technical.   I managed to actually run the whole loop, including the monster hill back up to the parking lot at the end.  11:27 avg pace.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                          {{{pukey Tramps}}}


                          Runners run

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            Mary, do you ever run with 2 dogs at a time?  Wondering why you take each dog out alone for 2 miles.


                             Yea, I did that once .... it was not a great experience.   Black eye


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              {{{pukey Tramps}}}

                               I never puke, just retch.  I have a top-notch gag reflex. Smile


                              Movie trivia for the day: Jlynne--DW and I recently embarked on an Alfred Hitchcock movie festival...aiming to watch his whole body of work chronologically (via Netflix) this summer.  We just finished the silent movie era, none of which I'd seen before.  Historically interesting but nothing to get excited about.  In an early talkie called "Blackmail" (1929), Hitchcock stages a chase scene (such as they were in those days) at the British Museum.  Apparently, it was so well received that he returned to this device--chase scenes at famous landmarks--repeatedly, the best known of which is the Mt. Rushmore scene. 

                              Be safe. Be kind.


                                More Hitchcock trivia (just read it in a book I've just finished). The plot of 'Rear Window', a romance between Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly was based on an actual affair between Robert Capa (a Life magazine photographer) and Ingrid Bergman.
