Masters Running


Sundaily, 2.25.24 (Read 35 times)



    Interesting stories about names!  Dawn, that's hilarious that your grandfather thought you were named Don!


    Congrats to the Twocats on your racing!  And Mariposai, have fun in Tokyo!


    My dad is still in the nursing care wing of the retirement place, and he's pretty bored and lonely over there, but my mom and I visit every day, and he seems a bit better than when I got here Friday.  Tonight my mom and I had dinner with some other residents in the dining hall, and one kind woman suggested bringing my dad to the dining room for dinner in a wheelchair to lift his spirits.  She had brought her husband to dinner in a wheelchair from the nursing wing, so we should be allowed to do that.  It seems like that would be so much nicer than eating alone in your room!


    I did a 5 mile trail run this afternoon on the grounds here - so nice to have trails and big woods right out the door!

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Congrats Twocat et al!


      It was sunny bit a little cooler than yesterday, mid 60's, so I taped up my knee and went for a 5.25M run. Knee is definitely healing up, it hurt less afterward than on Friday.


      I experimented with reverse surges; I saw another video professing that running slower is gooder for training, like REALLY slow, 11:00-12:00 pace. I was going along at my "just running" pace averaging 8:45 and would do a 1/4M at 10:00 or slower every mile. It was hard to run that pace; I would think I slowed way down but was still going 9:30. And my hip got sore going those slower paces. It's good to shake things up, though.


      Those are some nifty shoes Karen! Adidas tried that a few years ago but they were more athliesure shoes than running shoes, I see tham at Ross for $30. With advances in CAD/CAM and commercial 3D printing of various materials, I can see how that could be applied to make running shoes a bit better. Targeted durometer and density varying across the whole foot instead of just one density everywhere. Might be able to cut some weight, too. The On Cloud Eclipse shoes are working with negative space a little better, the hollow sections collapse as weight is applied, but the direction of the rebound is forward, not just up. I can see how that method of gait exploitation could be used with 3D printing to be even more efficient.


      The Adidas ones:

      Adidas' 4DFWD shoes uses 3D-printed soles to push you forward


      kinda like the airless tire concepts (originally designed for use on Moon and Mars)

      Airless tires: Why you'll want this game-changing technology - CNET

      60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying



        Mornin' Masters.

          I had to head out for this morning's conservation commission site walks. The location wasn't too far, so I decided to walk instead of drive there, and so added another 5.25 miles. So 12 miles for today, and my legs are telling me that I'm done for today, and I believe them.


        Have a greta Saturday.





        You'll never get a positive test result if you don't test.




        The boss's wife and daughter have been sick all week but coming in to the office to work.  I am pretty sure that I got it from them.  They are just the kind of people who would decide not to test because they didn't want to hear the answer because there was work to be done at the office.



        Tetsujin209 - Nice restaurant find.



        ps - what happened to MIL's foot

        to get to this stage?



        She has diabetes and gout.


        "Holly Stone" could be a superhero alias.

        Holy Cow!  TwoCat had a flight without a hitch!


        DD#!'s married last name is "Kelley".  It causes a world of confusion.


        Well, look at the soles on the Adidas!


        We had GC #8 (from DD#3) over all weekend.  Ellie (short for Ellie) is 11 3/4 months.


        We took her out for a mile in the jogging stroller I got when I found out DD#1 was expecting.  It's still getting use 16 years later.



        DD#3 took GC #5 and GC#1 to a monster truck rally at Ford Field.



        GC#2 (from DD#1) and GC#4 (from DD#2) had an annual Father/Daughter dance.



