Masters Running


Frying Friday July 19, 2019 (Read 40 times)


    The Toledo Mudhens and Corporal Klinger! Oh how I loved that show. Thanks, Stumpy (and Dave).


    Good luck tomorrow, Joe. That's a long time to be out there in what sounds like a hot day.


    Jay, I never feel guilty when it's nice here and you guys are suffering in HHH. I pay for that nice weather!


    BTY, that fan sounds like a great idea. The small locker/shower room where I change and clean up after my runs gets just stiflingly warm and muggy. Takes me forever to stop sweating! Hey, what is your avatar picture?


    Holly, is that the same place you were last year? I remember lots of drinking... be careful but have fun. And when is your doctor appointment?


    I'll get out for a run later, plan is 5 easy miles. Then 3 tomorrow and the 16.8 mile race Sunday. I've already decided I'm going to take that one pretty easy as I'm not in shape for it. At. All. And I don't want to fall or get too totally sweaty with this cast. But I do want to do it, so preparing for a new personal worst. But hey, I guess it doesn't matter cuz they changed the course this year (Falcon, GDR got re-routed at the top due to the mine expansion and at the end due to road construction) and added .5 mile. So, it's a new course anyway.


      I'm trying to decide if "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to receive permission" is appropriate in this situation.   So far the staff/management have been very open to some of my suggestions, and in fact ask me to give them more.  I'm thinking if I say I want to plug in an electric fan near the place I shave, at the sinks, that won't go over well, but I've yet to see an employee in that area.  (Of course I would be careful about how I plug it in - my father was an electrician and lived to tell about it.)


      Thanks for asking about the avatar photo.  Back in May, I portrayed American Sculptor Erastus Dow Palmer at an "Historic Walking Tour" at the Albany Rural Cemetery.  He is well known around here for all of the memorials he created throughout the cemetery but especially for the "Angel at the Sepulchre" in front of which I am standing in the photo.  That is his masterpiece and the centerpiece of the cemetery. 


      Updating my avatar is the only way I'm able to share photos on this site, outside of e-mailing them to others kind enough to post them here for me.


       BTY, that fan sounds like a great idea. The small locker/shower room where I change and clean up after my runs gets just stiflingly warm and muggy. Takes me forever to stop sweating! Hey, what is your avatar picture?  


      Trails are hard!

        I'm trying to decide if "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to receive permission" is appropriate in this situation.   So far the staff/management have been very open to some of my suggestions, and in fact ask me to give them more.  I'm thinking if I say I want to plug in an electric fan near the place I shave, at the sinks, that won't go over well, but I've yet to see an employee in that area.  (Of course I would be careful about how I plug it in - my father was an electrician and lived to tell about it.)





        If the locker-room is up to code, the outlets near the sinks are supposed to have GFCI outlets, so therefor safe to plug in electrical appliances.  it's actually a lot less load than the hair dryers I'm assuming most people expect to plug in in that location.  EE training taking over.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


        Marathon Maniac #957

          Erika - no, last year we went to Punta Cana.  The year before we went to Jamaica for a long weekend, and stayed at a Rui that was in Montego Bay.  This time will we the Luxury Bahia Principe Runaway Bay.  I tried to find a way to post a picture, but you can Google it if you are interested.  Looks to be a little over an hour east of the Montego Bay Airport. For us, this is about a 4 hour flight, leaving out of Dayton and stopping in Charlotte both ways.


          My doctor appointment is Tuesday.  Sunday it will have been two weeks since I hurt the foot.  I was hoping it would heal and I could cancel the appointment but alas, I don't think that is going to happen.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            I agree about the GFCI's, but all it takes is one uninformed member over-reacting to a fan plugged in at an area with wet surfaces, and they may feel the need to respond (in)appropriately.  It might be easier for staff/management to act in that way than to explain facts to someone who may already know all things.


              Hey folks - happy sultry Friday. It's 94° with a 74% dew point here right now. Unheard of, really, in this part of the US. I had running clothes on this morning, but when I walked out the door at 5:15 it was already 75° and it was hard to just breathe walking, much less running. Off to the Y for a 5k on the treadmill under the big fan and 30 minutes on the Matrix high stepper to heaven. My poor grandson has a baseball tournament this weekend, first game tonight at 5:30. I was really hoping they'd cancel it but it looks like it's a go. I hope no one gets sick!


              Holly - great news about the vacation but bad news that your foot is still giving you grief. And it's such a PITA to get in to see a doctor without having to wait 2 weeks or more.


              Served lunch at the Salvation Army a few hours ago. You think we've got it tough? So many of the people that come there for meals are homeless. A lot of them just looked wiped out. Some with small kids too. The head cook had freezer pops to give to everyone, plus they were keeping the chapel open as a place for people to just be out of the sun and heat for the afternoon. As bad as we think we've got it,.....

                Posting with difficulty from my tablet since the PC is upstairs where it doesn't make sense to spend much time with this heat. I'll be chattier in a few days...


                Ran 2 miles on the 'mill at Planet Fitness this morning, although it was probably more since my watch for some reason didn't come up to my pace for a while. And I couldn't use the readout on the TM because I had to switch units early on due to two very chatty people getting on the ones right next to me (even though plenty of others were open). Aargh!


                Later -- on the hottest day of the year so far -- my DS asked me to go with him to start shopping for a new car. This was a new experience for him and I was glad to do it. We drove a couple, got some numbers from the sales reps, and then went out to lunch. So a good time in spite of the weather.

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  ...Good Point jylnne//......sometimes it's easy to forget.....

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                    Yes, as I step into my air conditioned home I am ever thankful/thoughtful of those out in this heat.  Passed by my lawn guys on my way home and thought...dang that's tough out there...we are expecting a cool down next week.  Looking forward to that (if it comes)

                    Up and out early this morning for a quick 2.5 mile walk around the neighborhood, then (after a shower and change) off to the "city" for bfast with a friend, then off to a pickle ball tournament to watch another friend play...then wills for a bit of a snack and now home.  I need a nap.

                    Trails Rock!


                      ...Good Point jylnne//......sometimes it's easy to forget.....

                      +1.   Thanks for pointing out, jlynne.


                      And give some love to the umpires at the game tonight...they don't get to sit in the dugout every half inning!! 


                      I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   



                        Thanks for asking about the avatar photo.  Back in May, I portrayed American Sculptor Erastus Dow Palmer at an "Historic Walking Tour" at the Albany Rural Cemetery.  He is well known around here for all of the memorials he created throughout the cemetery but especially for the "Angel at the Sepulchre" in front of which I am standing in the photo.  That is his masterpiece and the centerpiece of the cemetery. 


                        Cool, thanks!


                        Wondering how Dg's ribs are doing.


                        Always a good reminder, Jlynne.


                        5.3 GA miles this afternoon.


                          Hey y'all, got up early and taught the 0515 spin class.  Ran after work, which was better than I deserved.  It rained some earlier and we still had cloud cover so not too bad at all. 6+ miles.  Working this weekend (part of my "two weeks a year" as a reservist).  Also getting ready for a TDY (temporary duty) in Europe.  Our unit is partnered with a Romanian Air Force C-130H unit so we are going over to do some training with them.  Our aircrews will fly with them and we'll continue to share maintenance practices.  One of the emphasis items they asked for is CDAR (Crash Damaged Aircraft Repair) which will include training with the lifting bags.  We don't get to play with this equipment very often so it should be fun.  My primary subordinate officer's last day with us was today.  He's getting a promotion on the civilian side (and may get a military promotion soon as well) and the job is at Westover ARB in Mass.  So I'm getting to go to Europe (first time in a while...I think 2008) for a couple of weeks.


                          Good luck Joe!


                          Y'all be careful in that heat!


                          Have a greta night everyone!


                            Tom White, I love your friends.


                            Just checking in..Friday was a rest dat.

