Masters Running


...and a wonderful Thursday (Oct 2) it is... (Read 595 times)


Trails are hard!

    I'm going to sneak in and start the daily today. out at 6am in lovely Hagerstown, MD for three laps around a newly built mall. IRC with low 50's. Did about 3.5 miles judging by time. Will check later if the mall shows up on Mapmyrun. Have a great day and hope all yours start out as nicely as mine.

    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Thanks for starting us off Stumpy! Sounds like an enjoyable run this morning. Out for 5 with Brinkley this cool morning. I could see my breath today!! Just took it easy on these tired legs. 9:54 pace - 152 avg. hr. Had a nice dinner with my mom and oldest daughter last night as we celebrated her new promotion at work. Her excitement was just contagious and brought a tear to my eye as she huged her grandma telling her the news. Big grin Happy Thursday!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



        Just an easy 3 miles for me this morning. 38° out there so I needed gloves and ear-muffs. A clear sky and no moon made the stars really stand out. I was weaving all over the road while looking at the stars but luckily I didn't run into anything. Over at good old they have some new stuff. One is on blogging which had me laughing out loud. Here's the caption: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few. Big grin



        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Good morning everyone Smile Thanks for the start off Stumpy, nice early morning run to you which you seem excited about...good for you!! Nice 5 miler with the Brinkster Mary...glad you had a good time last night with your Mom and Sister. Good for here on the promotion. The way things are today, that is really nice to see. Good "chilly" run Dave...glad you didn't run into anything. Super pumped about my workout last night. Suppose to be my Mid Week long run with a 2 mile TT on the track with my goal by Ribs being 12 minutes. It was super windy last night, so I figured my track workout would be hindered somewhat with the wind in my face in turns 1 and 2 and on the back stretch. A lot cooler weather too with a storm moving in. I haven't wore a shirt for a long time and struggled with wearing one or not, but thought it really wasn't that chilly I am HAWT without one on Big grin Total miles: 13.1 - 1:38:03 - 7:30 pace.....New 1/2M PR by over 4 minutes which actually felt effortless. This was a strange workout because of how great my legs felt and the quick pace I was running on tired legs. Actually when I got home I had 12 miles and did the math in my head, and realized only 1.1 miles more and I could easily get a new PR. I sort of struggled with this because I felt I should maybe wait for a real race, but decided how often does one of these runs come along, so I ran another mile at 6:45 pace in pouring rain and temps at 54 degrees. I was pretty cold at the end, but it felt good. 2 mile TT Goal 12 minutes - Actual.... 11:46 overall Mile 1 - 5:47 Mile 2 - 5:59 This was the hardest speed work of my life, including any 5 or 10K's I have done without having someone else to push me. And I really had to concentrate because my mind and legs were arguing between each other on stopping the insanity and pain...mind won out! My breathing was somewhat hampered too because of my nose running and sinuses bothering me...actually started hyperventilating on the last 3 laps but pushed through gasping for air. Funny, after my track workout I was planning on just running home at a moderate pace, but my legs took off, and my upper body seemed to be playing catch up with my legs, till I finally gave in and run home at a quick strong pace. Great night Smile Have a great day everyone!!! Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            Super pumped about my workout last night.
            Wow, great workout. Dark Horse
            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
              Wow Tim. If 13.1 felt effortless at 7:30 mins/mile, you are going to smoke 26.2.

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Geez Tim - hyperventilating and you still pushed through ... you are very tough!!! GreTa job!!!


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                Renee the dog

                  Some excellent running going on around here!!! I woke up feeling like, "Why do I do this?" I left Renee home and headed out to our first day of "brrrrr" weather. Now I remember why I like summer running -- nothing to think about when dressing! I almost dressed properly. Ended up with 6 mi right at a 9 min/mi pace, which is what I was trying to do! Not bad considering my bad attitude going out. I'm feeling great now* and my ankle is feeling normal. Hope everyone has a great run today! *my 6 mi route is my favorite one of all, so I'm sure it contributed to my mood improving Cool

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Geez - pretty quiet around here today. Nice run NoNo - sounds like you found your groove. Smile


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                      Carolyn—just to be clear, my point was that I didn’t know anything about schools and assumed Ivies=rich kids. I later (too late) learned that because they had so much money these schools can often offer the biggest aid packages (Doh!) and have more diversity than one might expect. No regrets though. Glad you had the chance to go for free! Teresa and Erika—I think tuition benefits just vary by state; having a faculty union helps. Aamos—cool! Does that mean we’re fellow alumni? Dave—I like the blogging line! Tim—Wow! That’s a great workout that obviously reflects what good shape you’re in right now. Impressive! Well, the verdict is in on my Asics Foundation experiment. I had long been an Asics 1130 (or earlier versions) user but started having callus issues so I took my running store’s advice and switched to Foundation. Big mistake. I’ve been plagued by blisters on my arches ever since—a problem I’ve never had before. So it’s back to 1130’s when I go to the store today. Gorgeous 49F temp this morning; coolest morning yet this season. 10 miles total with the middle 6 at tempo pace (7:26). Felt pretty easy with this cool weather.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        Good morning everyone SmileTotal miles: 13.1 - 1:38:03 - 7:30 pace.....New 1/2M PR by over 4 minutes 2 mile TT Goal 12 minutes - Actual.... 11:46 overall Mile 1 - 5:47 Mile 2 - 5:59
                        A most excellent workout Tim! I took a little peek at the course description and elevation chart for your upcoming marathon and it really looks like a nice flat and fast course. You are primed to have a really great first marathon. I couldn't be happier for you, keep it going and welcome that taper when it comes! Big grin
                          5 cruise miles... Nice workout Tim...
                          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            I haven't wore a shirt for a long time and struggled with wearing one or not, but thought it really wasn't that chilly I am HAWT without one on Big grin
                   please! Wink SUPER workout, Tim! Stumpy/Kevin – thanks for starting us out today. Mary – congratulations to your DD for her promotion! Nono – yes, the changeover to cooler weather takes some getting used to. I’m glad your kankle has cleared up. Smile No run for me today – not a darn thing. Prolly won’t do anything after work either. So there. I was elated to get a response today from the Columbus Marathon registration people to an e-mail I sent them on August 5, 2008. They said that I may defer my registration to the 2009 Columbus Marathon if I want to, and so that’s what I am going to do. I was already in a bit of a quandary about driving a 3-hour round trip on Saturday to get my packet, and then another 3-hour round trip on Sunday as well, just to do a half marathon that I am not even in very good shape for. There is in fact a local half marathon the week before that (the Dayton River Corridor Classic), but I think I’m going to wait on racing for a while. My DH was telling me this morning that he doesn’t understand why I would pay money when I can run the same distance in my neighborhood..... Roll eyes ....but in a way I agree that if I can’t give it my best, it’s kind of silly to waste the money. Times are tight and getting tighter, and if I can’t give it my best effort, well, I don’t need another $50 t-shirt at the moment.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Maniac 505

                              I just learned, if you take a measly 9 month break from this running stuff, all of a sudden it is hard again Surprised 5 miles Tuesday, 6 yesterday, slow as a slug. I think I will take a break today and get some new shoes. if my pedals show up today I will take my new cyclocross bike out and play in the dirt a little. It's great to be back. Dave

                                hey Kevin. I'm glad your mall thing worked out well & you had a nice morning. Mary, your HR just keeps getting better. that's great news about you DD, nice the 3 of you got to go out to celebrate. btw, very nice picture the other day! be nice to those legs. don't want them to stage a revolt for another week or 2. wtg Tim! I don't know enough to be able to tell you what to do, other than to say recuperate wisely. Nice Nono. (that's fun to say. i feel like I'm patting you on the head). glad your ankle's ok. Gordon & Enke.. thanks for your advice the other day. I honestly do run better & faster in the frees, but i suppose I shouldn't blame feeling carpy on the drive to the gym on my shoes. Roll eyes. Gordon, what kind of foot strike do you have? (asking re Adrenalines) Enke, I will try harder for some slower runs. very wise. for some reason, i hadn't really thought of that. less, yes. & a little slower, yes. but not enough to really be recovery. It is hard to do but maybe I just need a little patience. Today was better, although my muscles still seem tired. feel stoopid saying that after what everyone else is doing. 4.61 miles, 9:41 average pace, 6:38 max. 167 ahr, 186 max. much better, in goose-poop free Frees Smile. miles: 10:44 147/164 9:34 168/172 9:22 173/179 9:12 176/182 9:05 179/186 (last clump) then 2 sets on the weight machines, 15 reps each... that's what seemed really hard today. stability ball usual things , plus the special Ribs™ hammie routine. very tired, i was walking out & my massage guy that teaches classes there beckoned me into his class. he's been trying to get me to take one for a little while now. we have discussions. This was a smaller group, I think he was trying to ease me in gradually. There was several exercises he wanted to show me, incl. a similar hammie routine but with 1 legs at a time, then some core stuff. (It's very nice of him really, I think he really thinks about his clients & tries hard to help. said he has a plan for me. I'm scared.Wink ) Anyway. I was definitely done after that! hope you all have a great day, whatever it holds.