Masters Running


Friday The 13th! We're Doomed! (Read 38 times)


    Good luck getting through the day unscathed!


    Happy day late birthday Erika!


    Jay -I hope the MRI results are favorable.  I was wondering how that machine could possibly be quiet.  Good luck straightening the hospital thing out.


    Holly works on her core.  It may come back to haunt her.


    72F!  We're 69F while at home and 62F at night.  Programable thermostats are a must!


    Tetsujin209 rocks around some blocks before daylight to discover a new favorite route.


    Lamerunner laps up the workouts.


    Tammy preps for some soggy Leslie/Shorty fellowship. Thank you for the link.  The course looks fun.


    We've been discussing the possibility of making a sunflower garden.  Our pumpkins have been a flop the last few years.  The veggies are too much maintenace.


    Mrrun's running around screws up her running.


    KSA has fun in the sun during her run.  Will that same sun ever give her home a recharge?


    Rochrunner mills over an out and back workout.


    (((((Deez friend))))) She's lucky to have a strong support group.


    Moebo's "Rain Rain Go Away" dance seems to have paid off.  There's a 3.3-mile celebration run.


    TwoCat launches out the door for a lunchtime 4.


    Erika lands in Maui and takes a brief tour of the new landscape.  It is heart breaking.


    My online PT gave the go ahead for 12 miles a week at no more than 3 miles a day.  Other than that, I got nothin'.


    Marathon Maniac #957


      Tammy - actually kind of scary, . . . but, at least, it isn't for family law.




      Well, a family law referral means that she is contemplating divorce.  A defense attorney means she's thinking about killing him....


      Tammy - I'm with you on the garden retirement.  I decided a couple of years ago that it's just easier to go to the farmer's market.


      I woke up at 2:38am and tossed and turned for an hour, finally getting up at 3:40.  Stupid insomnia.  Now I am ready to go back to bed.  Or go for a run.  I have to decide here pretty quick.  Either way I am really going to be dragging at work at 1:30pm...

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Yep—it’s Friday the 13th alright… I got to the office and realized that I left my keys in the front door of my house.  It’s about 1-3/4 hours round trip to go back and get them and it’s about 1-1/2 hours before the next person arrives… I guess I’ll wait.  It could be worse, I guess… on October 13, 1972 - another Friday - my dad was stabbed 3 times and had his throat cut while three guys took all of his money… it’s a miracle he survived.  

        Okay—I’m going to see if I can get any kind of work done from my phone.  See ya!


        I just watched Tammy’s video she posted.  That would be a fun one!


        Oh… our girls won the Conference Championship… the boys took 10th… now we’re getting ready for Sections.


          Mornin' Masters.


          Thanks for the start n' recap, Steve. Sounds like you are making progress with your PT, which is great news.


          What did you decide to do, Holly?


          Sorry about the keys, Mike. And I'm very sorry about what happened to your dad. It does, indeed, sound amazing that he survived.


          House temps: In the heating season we keep our house at 66° during the day, and 62° at night, and we always have a window open a bit in our bedroom so we can get a little fresh air. When we had our geothermal system installed about 18 or so years ago, the installer said to keep the gap between nighttime and daytime temps no more than about 4° - otherwise, the heating system will have to work harder/longer to warm up not just the air, but also the hard surfaces in the home. During the day, I'll often turn the temp down to 64° and just put on a sweater or sweatshirt. And when the outside temps are consistently in the 30s, we'll switch to flannel sheets on the bed so it's not so cold getting in.


          After our well company comes this morning to do a bit of work, we'll be leaving to visit our friend on Long Island (NY). Of course, this will be the first rain-free weekend up here in a couple of months, and it will be raining in Long Island...


          DW saw Nikki Haley at a local Tow Hall event last night (I had a meeting), and she was impressed. DW didn't agree with all of her positions, but said she started on time, didn't blame everything on the Democrats (even included Republicans some times), explained her positions well, and answered audience questions on point, instead of using them as a launching pad for going in some other direction as too many politicians do. Interesting...


          I got in 2.23 S&E walking miles in 45° temps this morning, followed by 40 minutes of stretching and core work. Since I'm spending less time on the roads these days, I'm trying to do a scootch more core work.


          Have a greta Friday.



          Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


            Happy Friday the 13th everyone, and thanks for the start and recap Steve. I'll bet your grandkids love Halloween at Grandpa's house!


            A belated happy birthday Erika! Enjoy Hawaii.


            Oh my gosh Mike. I had no idea about your dad. I'm hoping they caught whoever did it and threw them in jail?


            Have a great weekend in Long Island Jay.


            And speaking of rain, it's finally raining here after a very long time. I went to the Y and did 45 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of weights and core. I'm just not feeling 100% yet, and got on the scale at the Y, because it's as accurate as the one at my doctor's office. I lost 3 pounds being sick last week. I hope I can keep it off.


            I'm having lunch with my two sons today, and really looking forward to it. We all play in a fantasy football league, and each of their teams kicked my team's butt the last two weeks, so the lunch is on me as a payback for losing 


            Have a great Friday everyone. Don't walk under any ladders today!

            Marathon Maniac #957


              What did you decide to do, Holly? 


              I decided I would stay up and try to be productive, since I can try to catch up on sleep tomorrow.  (DH said, "Does this mean you'll fall asleep at 8:30 tonight?")  Probably.  Anyway, I didn't get a whole lot done.  I fussed and puttered with my carpet cleaner, trying to get the hose attachment attached, and when it would not, Googling solutions.  No luck.  But I got an 800 number for support that I will try calling.  I bought it less than a year ago, so maybe it is still under warranty.


              I did get out for 3 miles in 51 degrees.


              Mike - given what you have shared about your dad, I'm not feeling that sympathetic.


              Steve - good news from the PT!


              Jeanne - fantasy football mystifies me, but we don't really watch sports at our house.


              Steve - did  you see that there was a bigfoot sighting in Colorado?


              DH and I have had what seem to be productive talks.  He is of course on his best behavior.  We'll see if that can last.  Regardless, I can no longer go back to the way things were.  So, all is good at the moment.  He is planning what sounds like a super-fun day for us next Saturday, that includes, believe it or not, camel and ostrich races.  DH excels at planning fun and innovative things for us to do (it helps that he works for the county, and often has lots of time during the workday to Google things),and this one sounds like an awesome day.


              Watch out for black cats!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                Thanks, Steve, and that's great that the PT has helped and you can do more mileage!  Mike and I would take that to mean 12 miles a DAY!


                Holly- that's encouraging about your husband and the current behavior.  I hope it was a wake up call.   Are you liking the new job?


                Mike- wow. That's scary about your father back in 1972.  Congratulations on the CC teams!  Onward!


                5 miles over on the path.  I wanted flatness today.  Hopefully weather will be OK for a long run tomorrow.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                  Also a one-day-late Happy Birthday, Erika! I guess it takes a trip to Hawaii to get you to check in here on the daily. 


                   Well, a family law referral means that she is contemplating divorce.  A defense attorney means she's thinking about killing him....

                  Snork! Glad I wasn't drinking coffee when I read this or I'd have some cleaning up to do.


                  Moebo, I'm with you on the trail running. I really liked it when I tried it since walking through the woods has been a favorite activity going back to childhood, but the trails around here are well used and when they wash out what's left above ground level are the roots and rocks. I think I might have a tendency to not pick up my feet very much and I tripped a number of times. In fact, I almost did a face-plant on yesterday's walk to the cider mill.


                  Nice video, Tammy! Looks like a trail I'd enjoy being on.


                  I was seriously considering the group ride this morning, but after an early drizzle and the promise of chilly winds and clouds all day, I made an executive decision to opt for the indoor trainer where I could ride on dry roads under a clear blue French sky (with a lot less prep!). 11.66 miles on a route that would be good for interval training since it had about 5 regularly spaced climbs with downhills and flats in between. It was also the FulGaz "Challenge Ride" of the week, which inspired me to exert extra effort even though I'm not really in "challenge condition" after only 3 previous rides. I can say for sure that it's the first time my HR got up close to my max since I last did one of these rides in May.


                  Seriously carpy weather here for the weekend and beyond so it will be indoors or nothing for a few days. Really looking awful for the Detroit Marathon runners on Sunday! I hope it's better wherever you all are. 

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                    Happy Friday the 13th! I'll just stay home today, get my stuff prepped for what I need to bring for the race tomorrow and not do any housework/yardwork because I probably overdid it yesterday. I think if I stay in the house and keep it low key, i should escape the 13th unscathed. 

                    making some mediterranean quinoa salad to bring camping tonight, and making my avo rice balls for the race. Although based on that vid I posted, the A/S's do look very nicely stocked with all the things you'd want, but I'll bring the rice balls to nosh on while I'm running if needed. Would like to stay focused on taking in some cals each hour, regardless of whether I'm hungry or not.


                    weather still looking good for race morning. start in mid 40's, topping out at only 60 in the mid afternoon. overcast and minimal chance of any rain. it's the kind of weather Leslie runs in all the time so she'll appreciate that compared to the 50K she ran earlier in the year where it got above 80. 



                      Belated happy birthday to Erika!


                      Tammy, I’m excited for your race tomorrow, rest well today.


                      Doug, we have the same weather pattern.  It is not fun especially if you enjoy being outside.


                      My doc appt was this morning for whatever is going on in my back and or glute.  He’s a DO so much more hands on than an MD.  I feel I had a good exam and it was a worthwhile appointment.  He has identified the most intense pain at the lower edge of the sacrum and feels it is entirely muscular.  Rx for a muscle relaxant 3 times a day but a caution if you don’t need it, don’t take it.  Once a day should be enough.  I’m anxious to get going on it.


                      this is day 2 of cold rain with 2 more on the way. I’m doing a lot of puttering around the house.  Sitting is not comfortable so I’m doing easy things that keep me moving.  Like switching summer to winter gear in the closets and drawers.

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Mike - one-and-a-half hour daily commute!

                        How long that's been going on?

                        Sounds like you live in LA.

                        How many miles.

                        Do you ever run it?


                        . . . she started on time,

                        Jay - funny as putting that in a government evaluation was the kiss of death as code for nothing else good to say about the person except, at least, they showed up on time.


                        Holly. Now I'm anxious to find out about Leslie's camping.

                        At least, she and Tammy should have fun tomorrow.

                        Supposed to be an 80% cover up up here

                        and some percentage cover up for everywhere

                        else in the contiguous Lower 48 but,

                        unlike today's clear and sunny start

                        before an afternoon walk to the beach,

                        the clouds roll in tonight so we'll see.


                        Did some j-o'clock DIY'ing for a white-hooked coat/hat rack by the entrance and white hat hooks on some prepainted white 8'x2"/1" slats to better organize the limited apartment storage including wishing I had some of the white screws like those provided with the coat rack and individually packed hat hooks when, voila!, some of the white painted tops of some old screws I had meticulously unscrewed for recycle disposal of some of the white garage shelving we used over on the island were still in the toolbox I'd brought over for the apartment.  Nothing like the hoarding I was able to do in the double length garage but every little hoard helps no matter when you use it.  erika - just call me "Peter the Second." 


                        ps - the single source gas heater in the living room in the island bungalow pretty much had us in down coats and warm clothes all winter so DW is making up for it with a warm cozy front room/kitchen (high seventies) while I'm good at low sixties at my desk at the window side of the bedroom that warms up just right for both of us for sleeping by keeping the bedroom door open at night.  Even for me, "warm" is better than trying to keep warm of the past 12 years to say nothing of the furnace when it got up to 108F in 2021 (June 28).

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          Belated happy birthday. Since you're in Hawaii....

                          Thanks for the start, Steve. An "online PT"? Interesting concept.

                          Scary stuff for your Dad, Mike, whatever the date.

                          Jlynne--some trivia for you to wow your sons at lunch. I may have mentioned that my grad school mentor, Bill Gamson, created the "Baseball Seminar League" in 1960, while at UMichigan. It was a fantasy baseball league (before the term was invented) and is widely acknowledged as one of the earliest such efforts. One of his colleague's student learned about it and developed it further into the better-known Rotisserie Baseball. The "Seminar" still exists and Bill continued to play until his death a couple of years ago. My often co-author, who I met in grad school, continues to play to this day.


                          First game of the season for my Caps tonight so I'm enjoying our last day of being undefeated.


                          The grass I planted a week ago is starting to pop up in places. I'm a little surprised, to be honest, but I have been diligent about watering.


                          Sorry to hear of all the bad weather. It's another gorgeous day here. I love autumn. 22+ mile ride followed by a little hanging out on the pier at the kayak launch (where we often park to start our rides).


                          Have a great weekend, especially racers!!!


                          ETA: Old news for us perhaps but study finds running rivals medication for anti-depression and anti-anxiety treatment.

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            weather still looking good for race morning. start in mid 40's, topping out at only 60 in the mid afternoon. overcast and minimal chance of any rain.


                            That sounds just about perfect!


                            Dnaff - great news on the "muscular only" diagnosis!



                            ps - the single source gas heater in the living room in the island bungalow pretty much had us in down coats and warm clothes all winter so DW is making up for it with a warm cozy front room/kitchen (high seventies) while I'm good at low sixties at my desk 


                            Nice that you are finally able to not freeze.  I love to feel cozy at home, and would do without in other areas of my life to have that luxury, if needed.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Good luck Tammy and Leslie at the race!  That weather does sound good. And Holly, good work getting out to run.  And I am very glad you and DH are having more productive talks. I hope that continues.  And ostrich racing?? Who knew.  enjoy it.


                              Erika, enjoy Hawaii!  I have never been.  Maybe someday, though it is quite a long trip from the Northeast.


                              I did another 5 or so mile run on the rail trail this morning. Cool and cloudy.


                              Also, last evening, I went to a studio yoga class for the first time in a long time.  It was a vinyasa to Grateful Dead music, taught  by one of my favorite teachers. It was a lot of fun.

                                Nothing to report this week except short walks with my brother and his wife. It was a bit tiring having house guests for 4 nights, and trying to work remotely, but we had a great visit. Had some Dungeness crab last night!


                                A big hit was going to see the salmon run at the Issaquah creek hatchery. The salmon were jumping quite determinedly (high, out of the water) at a barrier in the creek trying to get upstream, but would flail and fall back into the water. It's designed so that they cannot pass that section, and are instead diverted into a fish ladder, but that was closed as the hatchery already had full tanks of fish (3 x normal, apparently). We felt sorry for those determined salmon! Such effort!


                                We also went to see the Jacob Two Trees troll. Pretty cool. He's 14 feet tall, for reference.


                                I like 64 to 66 degrees inside the house during the day in winter, 62 degrees overnight for sleeping (just like Jay). I dislike being too warm and prefer to put on fleecy jacket or sweatshirt layers.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
