Masters Running


Fridaily, 2.23.24 (Read 35 times)


    Happy Birthday Leslie and Norm - hope you celebrate lots!


    Quiet day with 3 short walks followed by a visit with friends


    Twocat  - good luck tomorrow!



      Happy birthday #5 or whatever to fatozzig and C-R.


      Dave59 the weather for the race looks to be about perfect. Clear. Mid 40s at the start and mid 50s at the end.


      mrrun thank you! I need all the luck I can get!


      I did a two mile shake out run today. All I can say is that it is a really, really good thing the race is not today! It has been rainy and windy since dawn. But tomorrow should be a whole different story.


      DW and I picked up our bibs at the expo today. Pretty sad expo. I normally end up buying some race souvenirs. But there was literally nothing to buy! Some RDs clearly need a lesson in marketing and sales. Leaving money on the table like that should disqualify someone as an RD for life. Or until they get an MBA. 

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


        Never mind.


          Happy birthday Leslie and Norm - hope they are both great.


          Good luck with the marathon, Twocat!


          No workout for me (yet) but might happen still... it was really nice this AM but now has clouded over and is going to snow a little. I guess it is February...



            Today I woke at 3:23


            AND, I just had no energy, no idea why. 


            I think I know why. And then you have a pie to make!  I hate these events with the pressure to participate - and likely it is mostly women bringing the food with Sr management showing up to eat the goodies. If it isn't in your job description, politely decline.


            I am being crushed with work - helping out another team that is underwater.  Next 3 weeks are going to be tense, but then let up.

            It's so gorgeous out today too, sunny, 50s, but only time to slip outside for 5 minutes here and there. Deadlines looming.

            No reply from the VP on my email explaining my thoughts. Not surprised and don't care. I'll check the document before it gets finalized to see if she ever corrected the misquote. I doubt it though.

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              I love where I work. 


              email from the boss about closing an hour early today:  (which doesn't really affect me since I am leaving at 3 )


              Not as lucky as John Lee, 141 years ago, but think of this as your own small act of God. Sunshine has determined that offices will close at 3:30.



                Twocat-  have a good race.  That’s strange about the lack of Things To Buy!  Back in the mid-90s I came out of semi-retirement from marathons to run St. George (Utah).  The expo was great and I bought enough stuff to have an entire wardrobe that said St. George Marathon.  I got the long sleeved shirt, the denim shirt, etc.    The race was hard and I decided I needed to quit about halfway into it.  Then I remembered all the stuff I bought and decided that if I quit I wouldn’t want to wear it.  I got to 16 and decided I had run enough to justify wearing all the stuff.   Needless to say, I did finish the race- I think in the 3:30s.  It had a lot of downhill and my legs were just unbelievably sore.  I could barely walk the next day.  I still have a bunch of my St. George stuff.

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                  Good Friday evening, Masters,   I just had a very enjoyable workout.  I did all of the strength exercises I was supposed to do, and now I'm getting closer to where the weights are challenging in the newton-me 10-2 cadence.  To be on the safe side, when I made the transition from a 2-2 count to a 10-2 count, I dropped the resistance considerably on everything, typically by about 33%.If I make 6 reps, the weight is deemed too light and so I add a 5 pound stack topper on the next workout, or if the weight is sort of heavy, I add a full 10 pounds.  So I'm not in a place where any of the weights are so heavy I won't get 6 reps, but my left biceps was a little tight when I got out of the shower following my swim workout.  Enough for me to catch myself before straightening my elbow out all the way.I take that as a good sign that I lowered the resistance enough and that it's a good thing that I did.  In the pool I did 1,500 yards of what was supposed to be 1,700 yards, but I forgot to write the 4 x 50 yard freestyle repeats on my card, I was in such a hurry when I left the house.  But the two main sets that I did, I pushed pretty hard.  Not all out, but enough to know I was working towards all-out.   The 4 x 50 yard backstroke with flip turns were all at 42 seconds, and the 2 x 100 yard IM repeats were both 1:24, just like the two that I swam the last time I was in the pool.   Wednesday I think.


                  Holly said


                  I went to the Y at 6am to swim, but it was just not working out today.  My swim cap kept riding up and finally fell off, so I stopped and braided my hair instead of the pony tail I had stuffed into the cap, but my hair is long enough that the braid kept interfering with my stroke.  Plus, my goggles kept leaking into my left eye.  (My face must be lopsided or something, because it always seems to be the left eye this happens to.)  AND, I just had no energy, no idea why.  So I gave it up after 500 yards (20 times across the pool) and went home, where I took a really long hot shower because I just could not get warm.


                  But that's okay, some days are like that.  Mostly I am just trying to get back into the habit of swimming, if only once per week.  If I stick to it long enough, it will get easier.


                  Holly, I have absolutely no suggestions about the long hair, other than one of those long-hair swim caps.   Do you have one of those?


                  I don' think the goggle leakiness today was a problem with your face, per se.  Have you tried wetting your face before putting the goggles on?  I think it's a good idea to get your hair wet in the shower before you go out to the pool deck, to keep your cap on better, and to protect your hair from chlorine and chemicals, but that's just hear-say, or hair-say, or my computer says it's heresy.   But once in the pool, wet your face before putting the goggles on you'll get a better seal.  It's like putting a little motor oil on  the gasket of an oil filter before threading it on.   OK, that's probably a bad metaphor, but it works.   So I guess I have two suggestions for your swim cap, and one for your goggles.


                  I've only had a problem with my swim cap falling off one time, and my solution was to cut my hair to about 1/2" in length.  Also not a good suggestion for you, but it fixed my problem.

                    It was very windy earlier in the day, but by the time I ran at 15:00 it had settled down. 4 ez miles on the Bay Trail.


                    The Victory half/10/5 is Sunday where I went running, and they were out flagging the route and putting up apology signs (Bay Trail gets a lot of use on the weekends, and we have some very entitled people in the East Bay, believe it or not). I talked to the race people a little, Brazen Racing puts on very good races. Segway into swag and merch; Brazen race shirts have NO sponsor logos plastered all over them, and the designs are done by local artists.



                    I'm in no shape to race, the medial meniscus on my Left leg is still messed up from lifting/twisting on Monday. I can find a gait where it doesn't hurt to run, but when I walk I can feel the pinch. The KT tape helped, but I think I'll have to go with a full reinforced knee brace if I do a long run tomorrow (near 70 degrees!). Just when my PF heals up I get something new, greta, just greta.


                    I also got woke between 03:00 and 04:00, for the last several nights. Not as woke as you guys, I go back to sleep after 20 minutes or so. I wonder if it's the full moon? I've noticed before that I am restless when it's full.


                    Happy birthdays!

                    Break a leg racing!


                    note: just now I started having an ocular migraine. we talked about these before. I had one last week, too. I wonder if it's the bright computer screen in a dimming room? When I've had them before it seemed to correlate to a change in lighting, like walking into a brightly lit store from a dreary outdoors.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                      Just checking in to wish Leslie and Norm a happy birthday!

                      And also to wish Twocat an excellent race tomorrow.

                      Jay, I hope the magnesium continues to help. My SO tried a tart cherry juice/magnesium drink before bed for a while but it didn't seem to have any effect for him.


                      I've been taking a break from running the past week or so. I was sick for a few days (weird virus that wasn't covid or flu), and then my left butt/back thing started up again. I figured I should give my body a chance to rest before my aches get out of hand. I've been doing my PT exercises and walking, and will start up running again when I feel like the aches are all gone (hopefully soon!).

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        BTY - thank you for the suggestions.  If you cut your hair to only a half an inch, then why do you need a swim cap?

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          The cap protects your hair (even short hair) to some extent, and also makes you more hydrodynamic.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                            Happy birthday Leslie and thanks all. 

                            Ride and run day for me after work. It’s tough getting older but it beats the alternative. 

                            Thanks for the kind thoughts today. Tomorrow is a long run day and im here for it. 


                            "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                            "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                              Happy birthday to Leslie and Norm! Hope you both got some special treatment and cake!!


                              Good luck, Twocat. And yeah, some races don't have any expo at all. What race are you doing? I could look it up, but I'm lazy. Our local marathon doesn't have an expo, just a few tables from local vendors set up at bib pick-up.


                              Anneb, regarding the name thing, I did think of you because of the "e" in your name. My in-laws would often write my name with a c, and one time I was pretty fed up, so gave them back whatever it was (a card? don't recall now), saying "I don't know who that is, sorry." And Jlynne's name is Jeanne, not Jean. It goes on and on...


                              I had problems getting to sleep last night, too. Apparently a widespread problem!


                              Rode the indoor bike 18.8 miles, then a pretty nice hilly walk for 2.1 miles. Legs/hips feel pretty dang good. Something about cold air (ok, upper 20's) with a little breeze just makes my eyes water, nose run... bleh. Have taken to going out with a few Kleenex in my pocket.


                              Anybody read "The Goldfinch"? It's next up on my reading list. And holy carp, it's 760 pages long! Goodreads says it takes an average of 16 hours to ready. That's at almost 3 weeks of reading about an hour a day on the bike... I start it tomorrow. Will be doing good to get it done before it's due back at the library!


                                Happy birthday Leslie

                                Happy birthday  Norm

                                Good luck on their race to Twocat and Miss Twocat

                                Just 2km today. Lot's of work before we depart to Tokyo on Monday. Tomorrow is my last long run, an 8 miler

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
