Masters Running


Tuesday - 7/29 (Read 36 times)

Sayhey! MM#130

    Aamos, no, no second chance, he wasn't interested and neither was I really.  Click or no click, he seemed really immature.  Door#19 Thursday night.....the theatre actor turned tech writer.  Complete opposite of my usual type, so it should be interesting.  He grew up in SF.



    Forget race reports, we'll be looking for a date report, lots of details.  Erika and I have run in SF so there you go.


    Erika, you'll probably win the whole thing!  That's great.   Looks really fast and beautiful (10,000 feet to what, 4 or 5?  Schwoosh!)  Are you going to taper for it?


    OK Ribs, did SAm and JAnet have the salmon?.... is what I want to know.


    Just had to post to say wonderwoman over there in Wyoming is just the coolest.  "o, btw, my house got hit by lightning, but no biggie."

    Gee whiz, Carolyn, glad you and DH are ok.  Darn right "scary."  Frightening to the max (hey, rhymes with lightning!)

    Anyway, wow.

    shaky grins,

    A  (for a piece or two of my mind)

      Dave, I can see the endorphins leaking out of your post.  Or maybe it was the $250 of rebates?  Or maybe the idea of getting new running shoes, or maybe the bagel breakfast sandwich?  Which ever way, you sure do sound happy.





      2Kitty - That commercial cracks me up.  It's too closet to the truth in some cases in our household.


      Carolyn - Yikes re the lightening strike!  And I totally agree re the food/hydration thing re ultras.  I bonk enough as it is without deliberately adding to the stress, although I sort of did that in my last training for Mt. Hood when I was doing the metabolic efficiency training.  It sucked.  And I've listened to some interviews of some of the better ultra runners who believe in deliberately running themselves in a bonk, then follow it up the next day still bonked.  Too hard to recover from for me.


      Tet - Glad you found your granddog!


      And to take a page from Dave's book - Hi, everyone else. (waiving madly)


      6 miles this a.m. with 10 min of hill work in the middle.  My legs are pleasantly pooped.  And my butt is sore from yesterday's hamstring rollouts with the stability ball.  Been awhile since I've done that. 

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        Tet and Aamos:


        Knock knock


        Who's there?


        Sam and Janet


        Sam and Janet who?


        Sam and Janet evening, you may see a stranger, you may see a stranger, across a crowded room....




        Why just Tet and Aamos? Did you think no one else on this forum is old enough to remember that song?


        You sounded positively giddy in your post this morning Dave. If you fill out the rebate, you get the rewards!


        Good luck to all of your neighbors Mariposai.


        Good luck with the next door Enke. Mr. Right is out there, you just haven't found him yet!


        Looking forward to your recap on San Francisco Amy.


        Hope you're recovering from your Claire weekend Tom. Aren't those the best?!


        I'm on vacation this week, so yesterday I "slept in" until 4:30, then went to the Y for some Tough Mudder training with a group that's doing the same race I am in September. Wow! One hour of mountain climbers, burpees, jumping jacks, jump rope, sprints, situps, ski steps and other assorted forms of torture. Lots of core and upper body stuff too. After that, DH and I got in the car and drove to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to play golf and spend the night at a casino. DH got hot playing craps and won a couple hundred dollars. Then we played 18 this morning and drove home. Lots of good stuff to look forward to the rest of the week, including a trip to Milwaukee for the state fair.  I could get very used to not working!

        King of PhotoShop

          Wild, I completely agree.  Ultras are different. I was talking about that huge group of runners who do street marathons, running their LR's at 20.  Hope nobody mixes this argument up. And the ultras you and your group do are not the baby ultras I do at Cowtown of 50K on the roads.  The real ultra-runners are positively scientific about nutrition and hydration. Sorry for the confusion.  I can run a 50K on nothing but water and Gatorade or some other sports drink, but many ultra people run that distance and longer on training runs, and for them, they need to consider nutrition more seriously.  I'm in awe of anyone running 50 miles over hilly trails.


          Jlynne, everyone at every age knows the song from South Pacific, including you of course. But it was Tet and Aamos who were annoying me about  it.




            It sounds like a blast, Dave59.


            I have a feeling that DD has your idea of rest days down pat, Holly S


            Happy goal pace, TwoCat.


            Erika, the dog thinks that course would be IRC


            Carolyn, you had me at bacon. Your DH sounds very handy.


            how thoughtful of David!


            your trip to the UP sounds like a nice couple of days, Jlynne.


            DD#1 has started having contractions. If she can hold out until Thursday, then the baby will be born on SIL's birthday.  I'd rather what she wait until the end of September, so the tot can share birthday with me. However, that may be a bit too much to ask. If the little one can hold on until August 16 he or she will share a birthday with Avenger Doggie. That way I will never forget a birthday.



               I have heard this from several sources, and it may work for marathons.  But NOT for ultra training!  For ultras, you need to figure out your hydration and fueling, and figure out what foods and liquids work for you, and how often you need to eat.  I would not have done very well on Sunday's 27 mile 9+hour LR with no food!  Anyway, one of the best things about ultras is the aid stations - some are like full buffets!   Fruit, sandwiches, chips, pretzels, cookies, M&Ms, soup, bacon...   yum!


              My house was hit by  lightning yesterday, and it fried some of the wiring.  We lost phone and internet, but my DH found and fixed the problem.  Scary!


              Absolutely, regarding the ultra runners. I couldn't agree more. However, this could still be an important element of training for those running longer distances, as well. And it's not done all the time, but strategically used in the later stages of training, to fine tune your body's ability to perform with minimal assistance. Practicing fueling and hydration is important for many distances, but teaching your body to go without helps your efficiency and performance.  Anyhow, it's one of many tools in the box, so to speak. And as always, YMMV.


              And lightning hitting your house? Oh my... that must've been exciting!


              Tammy, here's hoping the fires are easily contained. You've been having some pretty beastly heat, too.


              Have fun, JLynne! Sounds like you have a  good week planned.


              5.8 mostly easy miles today at lunchtime in warm temps and sunshine!   Very nice indeed. And even ran most of the way up the big ol' hill to my office but since I was sposed to be going easy, I walked the last really steep bit.

                Jlynne, vacations are great and I will be so glad to retire in 3 years, 4 months and 2 days.  I love fairs, especially the MN State fair. When I retire i can go mid-week and avoid the huge crowds.


                Waving madly to everyone else .  These shout-outs are getting easier.


                For many months of the year other states weather is better than Minnesota. Not today!  73*, 50% humidity and no wind. Intervals were on the schedule for wednesday but I did them tonight. First real attempt at them actually. I have no idea if I did it right; 8:00 warm up, 8x1/4 mile with 1:00 rest. 2:44 - 2:39 - 2:50 - 2:43 - 2:36 - 2:38 - 2:52 - 2:38 (now you all know how slow I really am). HR went from 132 to 144, could have pushed harder, maybe next time.


                We had a progressive supper, the main course, at our house last night. Of course last Wednesday the contractor came to rip out the fireplace and install gas line. The next day the cement folks came to demolish the driveway. Really? Can you just come back on Tuesday? If this didn't drive me to drink nothing will.


                Off to the basement to practice the old licorice stick, it has been a while. Also need to read up on intervals unless Oh Wise One wants to educate me.

                “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


                Trails are hard!



                  Let me know if you get serious about doing Richmond or Philly, and I will find a way to get there, too.  I don't have Pennsylvania or Virginia, and Richmond would be a nice chance to visit Tramps and Tribee......

                  I do believe that Tramps has said he's doing Richmond this year, too.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everbody!  just saying hi, real quick.  And, it sure was cool to read how excited Dave was about his run.


                      1:09 AM Baby Granddaughter "Yet To Be Determined"



                      Tired Noah and excited Grammy





                      SIL and Noah after all their hard work.



                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Congratulations on the new Grandbaby, Steve!

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Steve, Your granddaughter is precious. Congrats!

                          God, my Lord, is my strength;
                          he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
                          and enables me to go upon the heights.
                          Hb 3:19
