Masters Running


Wednesday, July 20th daily thread (Read 648 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Good morning all,


    So, did you have a nice, quiet evening, Holly?


    Mine was spent trying to watch the tour de france recap show, but I kept falling asleep.


    Anyone eles see "Wilfred"?  It's not for kids, but they got the dog mostly right.  Well, maybe a dog with a mean streak.


    Lift, step, spin this morn.  Same auld lange syne.


      7 miles.  It's hot and it's not the way I like it.  I'll pay the fine before I say anything that crazy.



        I ran 10.1 miles this morning, as always by "feel".  I did an interesting and fun "Thirds" workout where the first 1/3 is run at an easy pace, the 2nd 1/3 moderate/GA, and the last 1/3 hard/tempo.














        And a 1.1 mile cool down.  Considering that my paces are slow by about 30 secs./mile this time of year, I'm happy with that.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


          7 miles.  It's hot and it's not the way I like it.  I'll pay the fine before I say anything that crazy.

           Big grin 


          You can tell it's hot in Wisconsin when the lead-off story on all of the local news stations is the weather. Like winter in reverse.


          Nice workout this morning Bill.


          Holly - hope your night was ok. I have to agree with the posts from yesterday that the drinking probably isn't what's causing your DH's problems and maybe in a way he's a little (lot???) jealous of the fact that you are in such excellent condition. And I know you cook healthy meals too. Nothing causes more arguements at our house than talking about diet and drinking. My DH drinks way too much and uses driving around in a golf cart and yoga once a week as his support for "working out." I keep telling him I want to grow old with him (oh wait - we're already there) and would like him to be healthy enough to travel, play with grandkids etc. Good luck.


          OM - glad you got the green light to start running again.


          Back to the Y this morning for 45 minutes on the eliptical. I never thought I would look forward to being able to use the eliptical! Three weeks until my next appt and then I'm hoping that like OM, I'll get the green light to start running again too.


          Stay cool people.


            Jlynne, great to see  you back to exercising. 45 minutes in the elliptical is good!

            Bregarcito, that looks like a fun 10 miler. I will have to remember that next time I am running a 10 miler.

            Speaking of 10 miler, twocat that was a heck of a good run yesterday. Look at you young man! back to on the wagon!!!

            Where is mainerunner?

            Slow-Hand, when do you leave for your bike adventure?

            DG, your post yesterday made me smile in different ways! 

            Opie with the giving heart! What a way to blessed DG with your garmin!

            Deez4boys, have fun on your 13 days off. Are you traveling anywhere? Being a tropical girl I love the heat and humidity, but not for running! 

            MikeE, how is the injury healing up?

            OrangeMat, did the arms behaved last nightCool Great news about your green light to start running!


            Speaking of running in the heat, I decided to RAW today, just one more run in the heat to get ready for the Light at the End of the Tunnel marathon on Sunday!


            Have a grand day you all!

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              I hope Holly and DH had a useful and civil discussion.

              Good to hear OM will be running again!

              Nice job, Byll.


              I know most of you have already seen the worst of this heat wave--and I'm a heat wuss--but I thought I’d share a cautionary tale from yesterday. 


              I ran an easy 13 in yesterday’s H&H.  It was tough but I’ve certainly done worse and I felt okay afterwards.  Last night, though, after being in AC all day, I went to a concert at an outdoor venue.  It was still about 90F, very humid with no breeze at all, when the opening act started at 8 pm.  I was hot but felt fine.  However, just before the show started--out of the blue--I felt this wave hit me, like I was going to pass out.  I was sweating heavily, though DW reports that my skin felt cold and clammy and I went pale as a ghost.  Very strange and a little disorienting.  We left our seats, got a large cup of ice from the concession stand, sat back on the lawn area, while I iced down my neck and drank lots of water.  After quite awhile, the worst of the feeling passed—though I never felt quite right again—and we were able to return to our seats and catch the main act (Lucinda Williams!  Well worth seeing.)


              I don’t know what it all means but I’m assuming it was heat/hydration related.  The weird part is that it hit me a good 12 hours after my run.  Moral: Be careful out there…even long after your run.


              I decided to take an unscheduled rest day.  Haven’t decided what I’m going to do about tomorrow’s scheduled 12 miler…when the real heat gets here.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                For me today was an elliptical day.  The good news is I was cleared by my PT to do speed work tomorrow.  Hay, wait a minute!  I hate speed work!  How is this good news?  Confused


                Part of the reason for popping in to do a short post is that I have signed up to rejoin my old Reach the Beach relay team "The Rosie Ruiz Fan Club" for this September 16ths race.  As part of that I have agreed to recruit 2 to 4 members.  This is a great race.  The team is NOT competitive.  We are not going to win.  We are not going to try to win.  We are going to have fun.  It is a 30 hour party on wheels followed by a two hour party at the beach.  Our team is well organized and, in my humble opinion, we have the best support vans on the course!  If you are at all interested drop me a message we would love to have you join the team.  Our motto, "Skip the pain and ride the train!"  I guess in this case van!  Big grin

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                MM #6177


                  OM - glad you got the green light to start running again.


                  It was a false green light. Sorry if my sarcasm wasn't clear. Obviously I can't run if I'm not supposed to move my arms. That's like saying "sure, go ahead and run... as long as you stay off your feet". OK, maybe it's not EXACTLY like that, but close enough.


                  Needless to say, I will only walk this week, and start up running after my next doctor's appointment next Tuesday.


                  I did walk last night, 4.35 miles, to the group workout in the park. Saw all of my pals there and walked the loop while they did their quarter mile repeats. It was good. Smile



                    Looks like RIbs will be collecting some fines!  Wink


                    Tramps, glad you're OK. That sounds scary.  You''re running some long mid-week runs lately!

                    Byll, nice run!

                    Jeanne, glad you're back on the elliptical.  Funny to think you'd look forward to it! 

                    OM,  I was wondering how you would run without moving your arms. Hope you get the real green light next week!

                    Holly, I bet you needed a drink after talking to your DH last night!  Hope it went OK. I tend to agree with Jeanne that maybe he's jealous of your fitness.


                    Those of you who have spouses who run are lucky.  Mariposai, Twocat, Sarge, Tramps - who else? 

                    My DH doesn't run but he's gotten back into rock climbing this summer.  He had surgery to fix his shoulder last winter, and he's been working out to regain strength, and I'm happy he's getting more exercise.  He also likes to hike and backpack, and he's always been thin, for which I'm thankful.  Hopefully he can ski again this winter, now that his shoulder is fixed. 


                    You know, if I didn't get any exercise, I sure would be Mrs. Cranky Pants.  How do folks manage to stay sane when they're couch potatoes?


                    Three mile trail run last night, 10:34 avg pace which is blazing fast for a trail run!  The lightning in the distance provided some good motivation.  60° and overcast and breezy, which felt great and helped with the speed.

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      OM I was kinda wondering about your green light, but hoping.  Once you can start up again this period will soon turn into a distant memory good for some stories later on.  Really, I can actually state unequivocally it is true!


                      wildchild what kind of shoulder operation did your DH have?  My DW needs a whole new one and I am looking for some (hopefully success) stories to encourage her to do it.  As to running, my DW took it up as a last resort.  When her shoulder went tennis was out which is her real love.  (I can tell you right now I am a distant second!)  Odd thing is that in my house she was always the jock!  Back in junior high she was the women's class MVP, then in high school played varsity everything.  The only team I was on was the "Mathletes" team.  I still have a couple of the pins I won!  Not too many jocks on that team though!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        You know, if I didn't get any exercise, I sure would be Mrs. Cranky Pants.  How do folks manage to stay sane when they're couch potatoes?



                        Nacho Cheese Doritoes.  Big grin



                        Mike – I have been wondering about your healing as well.


                        Tramps - scary!


                        Okay, so after yesterday’s lunchtime conversation with DH (which ended with me saying my break was over and we’d have to discuss it at home after work) I braced myself for the argument I thought was coming.  At the heart of the matter for me was the control issue.  I’ve gone years without drinking before, and could do so again, but I enjoy the occasional mild buzz, very rarely drink to excess, and don’t feel my participation in drinking needs to be mandated by DH.


                        Then, bizarrely, DH never mentioned the topic the whole night.  This morning I could stand the suspense no longer and I brought it up myself.  Turns out DH talked to his best friend on the phone after our conversation and, while he didn’t say so in so many words, I suspect his friend helped him see he was being unreasonable.  Turns out the friend’s girlfriend has decided to quit drinking for a month because she feels it’s harming their relationship.  I suspect that she may have suggested to the friend that HE ought to quit drinking with her.


                        So, another marriage trouble spot avoided.  Whew!  Thanks for all the feedback, though.  It’s nice to see that I wasn’t the only one thinking he was being a bit unfair.


                        4 slow and gentle miles this morning in a very humid 80-ish.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



                          wildchild what kind of shoulder operation did your DH have?  My DW needs a whole new one and I am looking for some (hopefully success) stories to encourage her to do it. 


                          My BIL had his left shoulder replaced yesterday. The doc said it was a mess - lots of bone spurs, etc. He also said if my BIL is religious about his PT/rehab, it should be just like brand new. I'll keep you posted....


                            Glad to hear that things didn't get heated, Holly. Now, for the real issue . . . does he recognize that it's his eating and lack of exercise causing his diabetes? and does he really even want to change that?


                            I think we are finally out of our low temps and rain. Should be 80 today, up to 90 by Friday (score! that's company rafting day!) and then mid 80's over the wknd. perfect!


                            here's a few pics from last night:


                            don't let the photo fool you. Jade is still not that thrilled to have puppies around:



                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Nice runs in the heat everybody!  Tramps--I'm glad you're okay--that must have been scary.  I know we all--okay--I like to think we're all invincible--but this is some dangerous heat out there.  Be careful everybody!


                              When I am able to run again, I promise to never ever complain about the weather or my times or anything else!  This heel of mine is just not getting any better.  I guess I'd better get myself into a doctor.  Thanks to all of you who have asked, by the way.  It's nice to know that people care. 


                              Holly--I'm glad there were no arguments for you last night and I hope your DH takes care of himself.


                              OM--you continue to amaze me with your attitude. 


                              Twocat--that sounds like a fun race--I hope you find somebody fun to fill the spots.


                              Nice pictures, Tammy. 


                              I think I might, finally, have some time to dink around with posting some pictures on here, tonight.  I have some from that race my kids and grandkids did last Saturday.


                              Okay--that's it for now.

                                ....just back in from 90-min hiking in 104.........I love HotWeather, but my buddy from Minnesota was about to DIE....


                                he's been here

                                 5-years now,

                                so I brought him a V-8

                                 and explained it's UniqueMagicalProperties for HotWeather.




                                he didn't drink it til we got back


                                we need to work on TIMING



                                ...............good running guys....


                                ........and speaking of Peeing,

                                if your urine isn't the color of straw, keep drinking til it is...........Hydrate Baby Hydrate....

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
