Masters Running


Thankfully Thursday, 6.14.12 (Read 371 times)

Top 'O the World!

    Good morning folks! ~ I can still say that for a few more mins. On my Android, so pardon the lack of paragraphs/breaks. warm, smokey 4 miler w the distracted furbaby this am.... Too many bunnies!!! Wink Hmmm, ref "thankfully:" too many things to list but will stand on, despite the wildfires, it is a glorious day here in CO!
    Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Hi all....


      After I lost my job, I told myself no goofing around on the internet until I find a new job....not that posting at RA is goofing off, but think ya know what I mean. No new job yet, but I have a meeting with the owner of 4 collision centers who is pursuing me, so wish me luck with that. (money is a issue right now - or his lack of generosity with my skills and abilities - so hopefully he will open his checkbook a little wider)


      My running is going very good just base building miles for now, with a speed workout once a week or so. I have built my long run up to 20 miles already, which was one of my goals after my back problems and surgery....just something about being able to run 20 miles which is very fulfilling to me. I will keep those 20 milers up every other week, with my weekly mileage around 50 - 60 miles. Another goal is to get in the habit of logging all of my miles, not just hit and miss like I've been for a long time now (I get behind, then it's hard to catch up) With the talk about using a garmin or not, I prefer not to wear mine anymore except on my long runs where I want to make sure of my miles, or speed work where I want to know my splits or tempo part of a run. Other than that, I know the mileage of most of my run routes, and time and pace doesn't mean much....easy is easy - hard is hard. I used to be so OCD about wearing a garmin and HRM, that if either one quit working during a run I would stop and wonder -  how I could continue on or make it that's just plain nutty if ya think about it  Smile


      I finally got in the habit of doing the back stretches and exercises my neurosurgeon gave me. Unbelievable the difference those have made, and I have no back pain what. so. ever anymore. Even though I still have problems - probably always will - but at least I can keep my back problems at bay and enjoy my running for who knows how long.


      Cool too as I have my weight down to 153 pounds and wasn't even trying really.....150 is always my goal weight so almost there. But honestly I don't fret about that much because being healthy is more than a number on a stoopid scale


      Obviously I'm behind here at RA, but wanted to say a big congrats and WTG to "Maniac" Carolyn. 


      MikeE......on your next quest of a sub 3:00 marathon time - set the battery life on your garmin at 2:59 - Smile


      OK....gotta scoot



      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        4.1 miles @ 5:15am, 51F, overcast, doesn't get any better than that.  No one around at that time of day, except for some bunnies.  My dang foot gave me that stupid pain in the ball of it, that I get occasionally, but it went away after walking for a few minutes.  I would love to train for that Light at the end of the Tunnel Marathon for next year but I can't imagine my body handling it.


        I read recently that frogs can't really see.  They can detect motion of small buggy-like things and an automatic connection is made between that visual imput and their tongue darting out to catch it.  So maybe that is why the toad just sat there?


        Last night we went to our son's middle school band concert.  He is in grade 6, taking clarinet.  I was very impressed with the grade 8s - they look sharp too with the boys in white shirts and ties and black pants and the girls in black velvet tops and black pants.  They did a medley of Disney soundtracks that was pretty good.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          mari, great picture you posted Tues. of the sunrise rainbow.  stumpy, you sure have been busy.  Mike, neat your son got a job.  bike, it's good to hear from you and that your running is going well.  Good luck on the job prospect.


          Nice long runs for mari and Mike.  Good job on the speedwork for holly.


          Monday, we started moving furniture out of our downstairs with the idea of repainting and replacing the carpet.  Tuesday, I did something wrong or overdid and my back is hurting.  Yesterday morning, I went for a short, easy, walk and did almost nothing the rest of the day.  This morning, I was worse and have done nothing resembling exercise or exertion today.  Tomorrow, we are driving to Muskegon and back for a funeral (round trip 8+ hours).  I'm not looking forward to the drive.  Hopefully, my back will recover or we can come up with a plan B for getting the rest of the furniture and old carpet out.


          A good day and good runs for all.




            Happy Birthday to Hally.

            Byll-I just got back to swimming after several weeks off.. Do it mostly for my shoulder. Got winded the first time back-but much easier the last few times. Trying to swim 1-2 x per week.

            Today was IRC-dry and high 60's with a sea breeze. As I often do, I took the T to the end of the line and ran home with the wind at my back for 6 miles.


            Adding to the Garmin discussion, I stopped using one after Marj's broke down and wasn't replaced. My OCD tendencies emerged, so I now go by known distances and time (I generally know my pace)-much more freeing and fun.

            Marathon Maniac #957


              Last night we went to our son's middle school band concert.  He is in grade 6, taking clarinet.  I was very impressed with the grade 8s - they look sharp too with the boys in white shirts and ties and black pants and the girls in black velvet tops and black pants.  They did a medley of Disney soundtracks that was pretty good.


              Very cool!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Happy Birthday to Hally, the cat! 

                Holly, those are impressive paces for your 800m. I have a speed session scheduled for tomorrow. I rather look forward to them.

                Spareribs, add me to the list of those who really liked the bag. The Saint is one gifted artist!

                Hi nonoruns, just because

                Mtnchk1, do you have another marathon to run this weekend?

                I sure hope the Twocats were not delayed at the airport. Don't forget to hydrate well, racer boy! Joking


                Well, my work started at 6am today, so I was done by 3pm. I came home, took a nap then my DS#1 and I went to Walmart to get new bike tires and other bike accessories. I hope to have my carmen-the-bike ready by Saturday for our first bike outing of the season! 

                Before, I did run 4 easy miles as the sun was coming up the horizon.


                Now off to get ready for graduation. I will be the MC for the ceremony. Help!

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  After I lost my job, I told myself no goofing around on the internet until I find a new job....

         too.  Oh, thanks for the tip for getting the sub 3!  Boy, it's sure nice to have you back...

                  Bushrat Runner

                    Ran my 4 miles today as a commute, nothing special. 


                    As for how King Salmon smells...just fine so far. But in a month, after a couple million 6 pound bags of fertilizer have swum up the river and been dragged out by bears, fisherpersons, dogs, eagles, and everything else to rot on the banks, there will be a slightly different aroma...

                    Marathon Maniac #957


                      Holly, those are impressive paces for your 800m. I have a speed session scheduled for tomorrow. I rather look forward to them.


                       I sure wish we could do a speed session together one day!


                      Re: bike accessories.  I was running along the river trail last weekend when I came upon some people setting up a table under a tarp at a place where the trail joined up with a local park.  I stopped to look - they were promoting bike safety and had a raffle for some free bike helmets.  Since DD has outgrown her old helmet and I've been making her wear mine when we ride bikes, I tossed our names into the jar.  Got a call yesterday and found we had won!  And they even delivered the bike helmet to the house last night - very nice!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
