Masters Running


Thankfully Thursday, 6.14.12 (Read 371 times)


    Mornin' all!


    Carolyn, is there a difference between the east coast salt smell and that on the west coast?


    Speaking of slugs - we've got 'em. In the cool, early morning is when they are on the roads, so another thing I have to watch out for. We learned that a thin strand of copper wire around the bottom of planters will keep the slugs out - apparently it causes a chemical reaction that the slugs don't like.


    Spareribs, please tell the Saint that I love that bag she made for Prime Rib!


    Mike, I usually wear my Garmin on my workouts, but I never check it till after my workout so I can see if how I felt matched as fast/slow as I went, and how far I went. I like being able to change course on a whim, and still track how far I've gone.


    Hang in there, Lamerunner - you're making progress, even if it isn't as quick as you'd like (it never is...).


    Welcome back, Stumpy!


    Last night, I had the pleasure of giving our Conservation Commission award to a selected student at the graduation ceremony of our local middle school. It's such a treat to see all the fresh-faced kids marking another step in their progress toward being adults. The girls were all gorgeous in their party dresses and flats or low heels. The guys (most of them) had ties on, but many shirts were somewhat untucked like they just finished a basketball game and, indeed, many of the guys were still sporting sneakers and high-tops under their chinos. This is the 3rd years I've participated by presenting our award, and it is always good to be there.


    I slept till 4:30 this morning, and almost got caught up in being lazy. But a figurative slap in the face got me up and out the door for 4.5 quick miles in fresh morning air. As usual in these situations, I know I was better off on the roads than being a lazy slug (yikes!).


    Enjoy your day! - Jay

    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Jay—sounds like a nice event.


      Cooler and drier here, so IRC for this time of year.  10.3 miles.

      Be safe. Be kind.

      Renee the dog

        Bike ride got rained out yesterday.  Did some spring cleaning instead. (Yeah, I know....)


        Waiting, waiting, waiting for the Mr. to get off the phone so the family can do our last run before our big race on Sat. Wink  I've decided I'm running with dd, because I don't want to hear my ds whine if the going gets tough. Plus, he streaks at the speed of light, then crawls to recover, and repeat.  Not going to have a future as anyone's pacer....

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

        Marathon Maniac #957


          Mike, I usually wear my Garmin on my workouts, but I never check it till after my workout




          Same here, but the reason is because my eyes have gotton so bad, I can barely read the screen during the workout.....


          Luckily I can still hear the beep....


          9 miles for me today in 53 degrees, including 6 x 800m/200m recoveries.  Paces for the intervals ranged from 8:19 to 8:01.  This was a test workout, going for strong and steady but not all-out, and I finished feeling like I could do another 800 or two.  A good workout.  I need to stard doing these every week again.


          Work is very busy for me right now, and it's hard for me to keep up here during the week, but I see that I am not the only one.  Still, I do read the dailies, if sometimes a day late.


          Happy Thursday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            40 minutes of running this morning.  I wore some light gloves so I didn't have to thaw out my hands afterwards like yesterday.


            Hoping to sneak out at noon to make up for working the last 3 weekends.  I want to clean up around the back of the house (weeding, mulching, power washing, etc.) so I won't be embarrassed to have people over.  Roll eyes



              Holly, sweet Tempo repeats!


              Spareribs, very kewl Bag your DW made.  Can I send her my old Suede jacket?  Wink


              Nono, sorry to read your Mom is not doing well.


              I got in the pool last evening for the first time in 5 weeks I think, and as might be expected I felt like a total swim-newb again.  I didn't count laps and didn't really time anything.  Just out there trying to get a feel for the water again.


              This morning I Biked 20 miles at a pretty good clip (for me).  Still a little skittish taking corners but it will pass as I keep at it.  I felt pretty good today and happy I went a few more miles than I had planned to.  The Base Building continues ...


              I have a Sprint Tri on the 4th of July.  It'll be good practice/training.  Due to the lack of doing much of anything the whole month of May, I'm not expecting a good time on any of the legs.  However, with the new lightning Bike I'll easily have a faster bike leg than I had on my first Sprint Tri.



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                Rest day, so nothing exciting to report.  Except I actually it in here before 8:00 at night! Big grin

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                King of PhotoShop

                  Thanks Jay and Bill re the tote bag.  The Saint is pretty talented.  There is some person who does this for a living, where you send her an old coat and she makes something else out of it, like a tote.   She charges about $250.  I put the pic up on FB yesterday and it got a lot of kind comments.


                  Well, we don't see Hally around here any more but today is her birthday just so ya know.


                  5.5 at a brisk pace this morning, sunny and humid.





                    Nono, have fun at your race this weekend!  So cool that your whole family is running!


                    Nice intervals this morning, Holly!  And for you too yesterday, OM!  I haven't done any speedwork in ages - the last time I tried, my sore shin didn't like it one bit. And the marathons I was training for weren't speedy kinds of races.   But my shin is better, so maybe I should think about it.  Although it's not very practical to really do speedwork on the mountain trails where I run in the summer.  So I guess I just talked myself back out of it....  Smile


                    Good luck at Grandma's, Twocat.  Hope the weather's good!  Have you checked the forecast lately?  Joking 


                    Hi tomwhite!  I never knew chopped up snake = cat sushi.  Ewww.


                    Interesting and funny Garmin discussions lately!  I think all runners are at least a little bit OCD.  (And some are a lot!) I don't care so much about time (probably because I'm so slow) but I do like to log distance.  I'll leave the Garmin at home if I'm doing a known distance, particularly when I run with the dogs, because then pace is all over the place.   But I do love my Garmin.


                    And Mike, I don't think it was crazy to go out and check your 4-mile route to compare the Garmin, the measuring wheel, and the RA mapping tool - I think it was an interesting experiment!


                    4 mile trail run after work last night.  (Actually 4.08 miles.  In 46:57:07.)

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                      In case Hally is lurking, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Hally!! Happy Birthday to Lyndenrunner also!


                      that does sound like a nice event Jay. I could totally picture the attire also. When my son had 5th grade graduation last year, the girls were dressed up so beautifully - hair was groomed and curled, a little bit of make up on many of the girls, nice dresses, shoes, maybe a flower in their hair. and then there were the boys - the majority had on nice khaki's and button down shirts, a few with ties, but several others looked a bit more sloppy.  lol.


                      That jacket-to-tote bag really is sweet, Ribs. She is so talented.


                      I'm a garmin peeker. I try not to, but can't help myself. I especially hate it when I glance down at my garmin and it's still measuring my run in feet Roll eyes . my beeper doesn't work anymore. It only worked for about the first 8 mos I had it, then it graduallly got quieter and quieter until I can no longer hear it. Which is fine with me except on the rare times when I have it set for an interval workout.


                      Got in a 4.4 mile run last night when I got home. I took each dog out for a couple miles, plus they each got to stop at the creek to splash around and cool off.


                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Good morning!


                        Hey, Jay--so...what does a student have to do to earn the Conservation Commission award?


                        Nice runs Tramps, Holly, and Dave. 


                        Have fun with yours, Nono!  I remember running with my 3 older kids when they were younger.  I think Mikey was 4 and he did exactly what your DS does--sprint--recover--sprint--recover...


                        Yeah--that must be a little scary getting back on the bike and racing after taking a fall like you took, Bhyll.  I have a feeling, though, that in the heat of battle, you'll fly through the bike course.  Good luck!


                        No run for me, today,  I'll lift a little weights but that's about it. 


                        It's raining and storming, here...I should find something to do in the garage, today.  I love the smell of a good summer it summer yet?  The lights have flickered a couple times, already.  The good news is--if we do lose power--I was taught how to cook eggs without electricity.


                        So...Eric got a job.  It's through a temp agency so I really don't know how long it will be for and I don't quite understand how the temp agencies work but, anyway, his first day was yesterday.  He's on the 2nd shift and starts at 3 and ends at 11.  Of course, without a license, and no public transportation to where he is going at that time of night, it's up to me to get him to and from work.  Last night I was there at 1:00 am, he walked out of the building.  Our next priority--get Eric his license!


                        Okay--I'm just rambling--I'll go and leave you guys alone. See ya!


                        Dang!  4 more people posted since I started my post--hi guys!  Thanks wild!  I feel better, now.

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          Happy hally birthday.

                          It's okay for you to post on this month's monthly miles as I'm already way out of contention.


                          Jay - it's not the salt but maybe the different plants, seaweeds, algae, invertebrates, etc. 

                          Cape Cod is one of the lifetime stenc....., I mean fragrances in my memory bank.  

                          Let's ask rhoon what King Salmon smells like

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            wildchild thank you for the well wishes. Alas, the RD just sent out a warning saying they were expecting red flag conditions due to the humidity. I think there is at least a good chance of at least missing the thunderstorms.

                            I am now at LGA waiting for my DW to arrive from her office in NYC. Unfortunately, traffic is apparently a disaster and the car that is supposed to get her is stuck in it. She said to fly off without her if she cannot make it in time. But I have her bag. Oye! There is still time for all to work out. Here is hoping!

                            I am typing this on my cell, so please forgive for just ending here with my run: Final run pre-race. Four miles. Managed to dodge three sets of moderately fast zombie packs along the way. Not real zombielecks since they started far enough away that I did not need to speed up much to get away! Whew! Big grin

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              Happy Birthday Hally


                                 The good news is--if we do lose power--I was taught how to cook eggs without electricity.



                                Big grin 

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
