Masters Running


Saturday! Saturday! 2.17.24 (Read 35 times)


    Jay has a Sunday race!




    BTY, I'm always impressed by the detail with which you plan, execute, and then assess your workouts, be they swimming or strength workouts. You take a much more analytical approach to them than I think I ever could.





    Dave59 - I'm glad you were able to race after your fall.




    I did a bit more research and really felt like I needed to tell the VP/MD more information on this study she was misquoting. Their data is pretty weird and we shouldn't even be comparing ours to theirs. So, I ended up writing a polite email (she can't interrupt me that way!) to her and my boss, first apologizing for my outburst and then explaining my point of view that they didn't get, and also adding more about another potential issue. I Cc'd our statistician as I know he gets it. After I sent the email, I logged off work and have decided not to check for a reply until Monday so I can stay stress free this weekend. 





    The skier who hates winter?



    Speaking of which, this was very sweet: 100 Small Acts of Love. (Some of you may need to step up your game. )



    Since I'm done running, I get bored during my cool down and I started looking up affirmations for DW, our kids and others I'm fond of. DW specific: I have hot water ready for her tea every morning.  Even when we go to bed angry.


    Deez - In an amount of time that goes by too quickly, all parties involved will reflect fondly off the hugs and kisses jealousy.


    Mariposai - I'm sorry friend has cancer.


    Our kids had tickets to a comedy show.  DW and I watched 6/9 of our grandkids as the parents had a night out.  It was fun, but hectic.  And loud!









    After 5 hours they were still hitting it hard.


    It was overwhelming, but I loved it.


    Except when 6-year-old Josie gave me a piece of cheesecake and told me it has rabies.


    Marathon Maniac #957

      Dave59 too bad you cannot do my winter runs for me.


      Have I mentioned that I hate winter? I woke up to another snowstorm!  I tell you we are going to need two summers without a winter to warm back up. Given it was snowing. Also, given I am not Dave59. Also, given I hate winter!! 


      Steve - great pictures!  You are blessed!  Hopefully you didn't end up with rabies.....

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
