Masters Running


Sunday October 12th Runs, races, and recoveries (Read 428 times)

    Good races yesterday at Hartford. Enjoy and Recover well. Others are racing today (Chicago, etc.). Best of Luck! I ran 15 H&H miles at 9:05 min/mile pace. It felt fairly easy. 38.5 miles for the week (4 days only). Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

    Hill Runner

      Good morning Bill, Cross Training for me today lots and lots of yard work and stump grinding. The finger feels much better but will take a while to fully heal. Fantastic day to be working outside.... I should be tapering for the Ridge to Bridge anyway in less than 2 weeks away. I put 50 miles in for last week which ended yesterday for me. Great runs to all today.

      Upcoming Races:

      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

      Renee the dog

        Out for 1 -- I'm late for church...ran 4.25 yesterday -- short by .75...too many oysters the night before combined with running at low tide smell Dead Will do my leftover .75 and 4 from today after lunch in the heat. I love the heat and will miss it when it's gone... Great running everyone!!!

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

          10.04 miles - 1:17:55 (7:46) - Avg HR 137 Max HR 156 - Bright and sunny, 42 degrees another fine autumn day! Warmed up for a few miles then got it down to around NY Martahon Pace (7:27) for five miles as Brian and I ran this together as a bit of a dry run as we ramp it down towards NY. 8:45 - 8:13 - 8:08 - 7:47 - 7:33 - 7:28 - 7:26 - 7:25 - 7:31 - 7:28 - :07

            A Connecticut judge has given the brush-off to a blond woman's lawsuit claiming L'Oreal Inc. ruined her social life when she accidentally dyed her hair brunette with one of its products. Charlotte Feeney of Stratford said she can never return to her natural blond hue, a shock that left her so traumatized she needed anti-depressants. The good news: After extensive testing, it was discovered that her IQ is now 100 points higher. (Before anyone starts throwing rotten fruit at me, my wife is blond) =============================================================== Some comments on Saturday's daily... TomS: You're doing 10 miles now and at the same pace as your 8-milers? That's terrific. Jeanne:
            Off to plant 100 tulip bulbs. What the squirrels don't dig up and eat, the rabbits will get in the spring. Gotta feed the wildlife, I guess.
            Maybe, but certainly well worth the effort if/when they bloom. Perch: You're back! I figured you got wiped out in the stock market & they repossessed your computer. Evanflein:
            I suck at running slow. I tried an "easy" run at 10 m/m and almost went insane. I feel like my form totally falls apart when I run slower.
            And yet our better runners...Perch, Maine, Breger, Tramps, Gordon, etc. usually post at least one run/week at their recovery pace. I have the opposite problem...I suck at running fast. Teresa: I am just loving hearing your reports about DS16's amazing performances. I sure hope he sticks with it. Aamos:
            ...(gosh, when WILL someone invent tiny windhield wipers for eyeglasses?)
            A wild guess here, but they make anti-fog ski goggles and I know some skiers who have them and say they're pretty good...what if you put them over your glasses? Gordon: You never played "follow the leader" when you were little? Got to check out some of the race reports..I don't run Sunday's but golf this afternoon...I'll check back later to check out the Sunday long runs. Did anybody stay up to see the Gators absolutely wax LSU 51-21? #1 son is now uncontrollable. DickyG

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Teresadfp wrote:
              Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!
              Unfortunately, nothing changes in my world for Columbus Day, regular work day and kids still have school. But you lucky devils who actually have a holiday weekend, enjoy it… Smile Perch - just noticed your post yesterday. We were missing you. Hope the ultrasound went well. 15.05 miles for me today, with miles 3, 5, 7, and 9 aimed at my BQ MP (8:45-ish). Actual paces for those miles were: 8:42, 8:43, 8:34, 8:41. I felt pretty good and thought maybe I could squeeze out one more MP mile, but chose to err on the side of caution. I'm trying to be gradual in my increase of speedier paces. Judging by how much I was dragging on the last two miles, it was probably the right decision. Good luck to the Sunday racers!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                Good Morning! I'll be working tomorrow too Holly! Sad Out for a short 3 miles yesterday. I wanted to go further and almost did, but reminded myself that the training schedule is as it is for a reason. Can't remember the last time I only ran 3 miles. This morning it was 6 miles on a fantastic fall morning. Sun shining on the colorful trees was just beautiful! I ran with my neighbor and we are both so nervous about next week. I keep telling myself that this taper time is supposed to be good for me ... but I'm still scared. I was thinking of the Chicago runners this morning as it iis going to be warm again today. Can't wait to read the Hartford reports tomorrow. Cheers!


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  I will be back later with I hope a more light hearted post. But, I have a serious question that I am hoping some here have (third hand) experience with. My TP got her test results back and she has Hodgkin's lymphoma. Looking at WebMD it appears it is very curable. I must admit however, that I am not happy with the level of detail on WebMD regarding cure rates, treatments, or what the treatments do to you. Any information or web page links with information would be greatly appreciated. DW said this morning when we commented about what a gorgeous day it is for a race here and that it is too bad I will miss it, that something like what my TP is going through helps put such things into perspective. Sorry for the negative post on an early Sunday. But, I just heard from her last night and I am a bit anxious for her at the moment.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                    Congrats to Mariposai on her race! (Lucky Lyndenrunner.) Byll & Holly—nice 15-milers Twocat—sorry to hear about your TP I got to sleep late today and do just a 3.5 mile recovery trail run @ 9:41. Warm out there today.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      That was the problem yesterday...I was playing follow the leader...I was in fourth place when we all took the wrong still turned out to be a great day
                      Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                        lemmingrunner, next time be in the lead, OK? Glad the day went well otherwise. 3 butterfly hugs sounds like a good deal! Twocat, sorry to hear about your TP. Another beautiful fall day here. I am thinking of taking my Garmin and the kids to a park to see if they can run a mile. Then we could tally up miles until they hit 25 and enter one of those kids marathons. I might get a run in much much later tonight.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          Too bad about your race, lemmingrunner. Big grin (Good one, Enke). 100 pushups 100 situps 30 barbell curls 30 lat pulldowns 50 wrist barbell curls 30 squats Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                            10 miles in total-2 with DW and penny the dog followed by 8 more solo first 4 easy; slowly picking it up and last 4 with 2min-moderate/1minute-easy fartlek out in 34:20 back in 30:30 congrats to all the racers this weekend-both on the east and west coasts!!

                              hi everybody. Nice running so far today! Twocat, I'm sorry to hear that. The only thing I know is anecdotal... my brother had it when he was in his early 20's. It was diagnosed in the third stage, and he's ok now at 51. I didn't realize until recently that his whole life he was expecting it to come back; he finally realized it wasn't going to & is finallyl allowing himself to enjoy himself. I hope the best for your TP. a beautiful day by the river, it was a busy place because there were 2 5K's today. 12.04 miles (Big grin) slower than the rest of you! 9:40 average pace, 7:27 max. miles were a bit all over the place but not too bad, I was mainly going for HR (low) & distance. Hit my distance goal. ahr 170, max 188. congratulations to all the racers!

                              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                                Beautiful Sunday here today.. 76 and sunny at noon! Great running yuz guys! Saw PT yesterday about my leg and I really didn't learn anything, just confirmation that it is the soleus and I need to nurse it, strengthen it and stretch it. I did learn my right leg is about a half centimeter longer than my left leg for what that's worth. The PT did an impedence electro therapy on the soleus area because it is too deep muscle for massage or ultrasound. I think I'll fix this on my own rather than pay $35 co-pay twice a week... stock market effect... So today I gently ran 4 miles with Tory then 30 minutes high rpm spinning and then 30 min elliptical on rolling hill mode. Leg was a bit sore during the run and is soreness free after the X-training. I'll just be taking it easy on the running for a month or so (until 8K race on Thanksgiving).. Skiping the marathon (probably..maybe). 4 training cycles and 3 marathons in 12 months is a good enough year, I think I need a break from high mileage.

                                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova
