Masters Running


Thursday 1/24/19 (Read 38 times)

    TwoCat - I lucked out!! Once again the forecasters were wrong on the weather timeline and I squeaked in a 1.5 mile easy run without getting rained on!! The moisture in the air and the puddles from melting snow made it feel like rain, but it wasn't!! 


    I tweaked something yesterday I think maybe during jumproping in Crossfit - I have never had knee problems and today I have a sore spot on the outer aspect of my left knee cap. I felt it when I was doing some little warm up jumps today which is why I think it was the jump roping.We did this routine of increasing sit-ups, 70 jump ropes, 5 kettle bell swings and I finished with 7 total sets + 10 situps. So that makes 490 jump ropes!! YIKES!!  Hope it feels better tomorrow - back to computraining and another CrossFIt class.


    No offense to the husbands here, but I could use some peace and quiet myself!! That will have to wait until we open Maine again but between hubby being out of work since the Columbia Gas job ended, his mom living with us and Justin's upcoming surgery, I sometimes feel like I want to run away!! Justin has been doing great and still working the program, but he is one of those people who constantly has something wrong and he thinks everything needs surgery!! This shoulder surgery for labrum tears isn't going to be easy and will surely be a test for all of us!!


    Happy Thursday Masters!!


    Marathon Maniac #957


      Holly--24 years?!  Wow. That dude needs to get out more. 




      Well, we have gotten away together many times, but he just never goes away by himself or with other guys.  His work has never required out-of-state seminars, and he's not a big fan of "guy trips."  He would rather do stuff with me.  I am not sure what it says about me that I really enjoy my trips away with my running friends, without him...  I guess DH just doesn't understand the need for "me time."  Or maybe, when you are a husband, most of your time is already "me time." 


      I'm so excited that I will have complete control of the TV remote...

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



        Holly, enjoy your "me" time!  I totally know what you and deez mean.


        I have a whole month of "me" time -  DH went on a trip to SE Asia - Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia!   Our dogs are so old that I don't want to leave them with a dog sitter, so I opted to stay home with them.  After they're no longer with us, we can both travel as much as we want, but for now we either travel in the van and bring them along, or go on separate trips.  I'm planning a girl's running weekend after he gets home.

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          I love "me" time. DH used to not get it either. I think guys are just wired differently. The way I feel about it is that I have always had so many demands on my from others, spouse, babies, then kids, pets, work, co-workers, etc, that there are times you just want to disappear into a cocoon. Lacking that ability, savoring quiet alone time where you don't answer to anyone but yourself becomes very luxurious. I guess the cliche would be soaking in the bubble bath for an hour behind a locked door, but the reality is more often something simple like getting up before anyone else and enjoying that first cup of coffee alone and in silence. I'm lucky to be able to say my DH gets it now, and actually takes steps to make sure I get some quiet alone time pretty regularly.   Enjoy your time, Holly.


          Got out for 5.6 miles today and it was about 20° out there! Felt wonderful. The only problem is that when it gets warmer the surfaces and snow get a little slipperier so sometimes the footing isn't great. That's the best thing about below zero temps: the packed snow is firm and dry.


            Hey y'all, another easy 6 today.  Outside this time.  Not really cold, but there was a brisk wind.


            Hmmm, early in our marriage, DW and I tried to calculate how much time we spent together...I was working swing shift, she was working days (spec ed teacher).  It wasn't much...but worked when DS#1 was born since I would get home in time to feed him and DW could keep sleeping.  Of course I've been "geo-baching" for three years now so I get quite a bit of alone time (DW has her pups and DS#2).


            Have a greta night everyone!

              I do not get the "me time" problem. DW and I never had that problem. Not her, not me. Both of us have gone on separate vacations since waaay, waaay back. Heck, we even went separate places for our honeymoon! At least technically true. After we were married she went to Europe with her friends and I traveled cross country by car camping along the way with my best man.  True story. Of course, prior to the wedding DG (not W yet) and I went to Porta Vallarta for a week. We have always thought of that as our real honeymoon.

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Hello everybody!


                I think there needs to be a ruling made on whether, or not, deez broke Rule #1.  If someone goes out for a run--thinking that it is raining and ignores Rule #1--doesn't that break the rule?  If someone were to throw a punch at somebody but miss--that is still assault--and a crime.


                Steve--Ryan is taking a week off from both running and skiing to see if the pain goes away.  We'll see how it feels on Sunday.


                Warm weather in Erikaland usually means bitter cold weather in my land.  It is 4 below with howling winds, right now, and it isn't supposed to warm anytime soon.  So--it was 6 miles on treadmill, today, and I will, more than likely be doing more miles on that stupid thing over the next few days.  I'm not sure how I will handle my SOS (Something of Substance) runs, next week, but I will deal with them as they come.


                Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!


                  Adventure day today..gone from before sunup to way past sundown..visiting waterfalls, climbing mountains and hiking trails.  Morning started off at a frosty 22f but by afternoon we were a toasty 52f.  Nice lunch out and a good time with friends.  I'm sleepy now...

                  Trails Rock!

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    This shoulder surgery for labrum tears isn't going to be easy

                    that's what DW has.  It's bad.

                    Pain'll go away if she has surgery

                    but the realignments'll prevent tennis

                    movement so she gets quarterly

                    cortisone shots for the pain

                    to keep needed tennis mobility.


                     (can you believe someone's never heard "Boris the Spider" before?).

                    I guess that's about all the proof I need that I'm not a boomer.

                    However, now I really want marj to tell me what I am too,

                    . . . . "kids of depression parents"?

                    me time - the older I get, the more “me” time

                    I get, mainly because DW doesn’t run
                    and my running takes so long nowadays

                    not even my friends can keep down to me.

                    However, at this stage, I'm so not crazy

                    about me time anymore that shopping

                    with DW is even fun.

                    1.75 miles counting stairs - actually, if I’m serious about counting stairs, which I was in Japan and now here again, I take a map or make a magic marker rendition of the trail and write down the number of steps at certain numerical or trail junctures along the way.

                    In fact, that’s what I did today on a couple of troublesome and mostly intersecting sections of the Hillside Stairways that didn’t always agree with the PublicStairs count but I think I’ve got it straightened out and am finally ready to finalize an out-and-back, looping route going up a little more than 700 stairs and, by using the adjacent paths to all but two of them worn down by park users, including canines, seeking to avoid the stairs, minimize going down to less than around 100.  We’ll see.

                    However, I think I’d rather be in spacity.

                    ps Miller Field - what’s the big deal about changing the name of a baseball field that’s only been named after the “champagne of beers” since 2001 when nobody in Seattle could, as they say, “care less” about changing name of our insurance company field since 1998 to a cell phone (T-Mobile Field).  The new pink color isn't that great but maybe that Brewers have some better memories in Miller Field that the Mariners had at Safeco Field, . . . but I doubt it.



                     A 1/4 mile walk, 1 mile run, 1/8 mile walk.

                    Congratulations - another 3/8 and you'll be up to me,

                    except you'll be doing more running

                    Congratulations on the honeymoon too. I guess it worked.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
