Masters Running


Fridaily 4.5.19 (Read 43 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Jlynne - 6.99 7 morning miles + 20 min of core & stretching.

    Joe - Final SOS: 8.3 morning miles, with 7 at just under MP.

    RunnerKSA - 3.2 morning TM miles + 1.6 post-work TM miles.

    anneb - 5.6 EZ basement TM miles.

    Tramps - 22 warmer bike miles.

    HopesMom - Yoga, no bike.

    Anzlo - 6 morning run/walk miles in light sunshine.

    Twocat - 1 hr. on the elliptical before donning a monkey suit.

    Marj - Yoga + a class + ketching up on stuff on a weird day.

    Henrun - Running 2 miles into the wind.

    danff - Good yoga + drizzly, windy dog walks.

    Dave59 - 3.09 morning miles, sans OCD.

    TheProFromDover - Hitting the gym to be able to post. Hope to see you at the Boston Partay.

    Tet - 3 sunny afternoon upper trail miles with stairage (but who's counting?).

    Surly Bill - 5 EZ cobweb-clearing miles.

    Mike - 7 easy hard miles.

    Evanflein - 6.3 nighttime miles, looking for DH in all the wrong places.

    Steve - 4 solo AM miles + 4 PM miles with Tag.


    Hang in there, Fatozzig - you'll beat this thing.


    Congrats on your retirement, Milktruck. Sorry about all the family injuries and issues. But, yeah, find something to do.


    Sorry about the extra sling time, Spacityrunner, but I'm also glad no surgery is needed.


    Are there only extro and introverts? What's the 3rd kind?


    Tet, I am retired - sort of...


    Last night, DW made pasta with a beet, ricotta cheese, and crushed pistachio nut sauce. Sounds strange, eh? It was, but it was also right tasty. Tonight, I am volunteering at an art show/sale, and then meeting DW and friends (who are all going out to dinner together while I work) for a Chris Botti concert.


    My ankle didn't want to go out for a workout this morning, but I dragged it along with me anyway. It complained most of the way. I should have taped it before I went out, but I didn't, so I taped it after my shower, and it's feeling better now. I intended to go further (farther?), but went 3 RW miles in 30° temps this morning.


    Have a greta Friday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay and those still out doing stuff. Thanks for the recap. I'm glad your ankle cooperated this morning, and enjoy that Chris Botti concert.


      Happy to hear that no surgery will be needed Spa. Take it easy now and be a good patient!


      Hey Erika - how much snow do you have left? When's your next marathon?


      And speaking of "girls gone wild," where's Holly lately?


      Introvert/extrovert? I'm definitely the introvert at our house. I'm very comfortable with my own company. I'll try to wiggle out of most social stuff if I can get away with it. DH? Not so much. I'm fine with family and close friends, but I'm not real comfortable getting together with people I don't know real well.


      It was raining this morning so I went to the Y and did 40 minutes on the Matrix high stepper to hell, 10 minutes on the rower and 20 minutes of weights and core.


      Off to sell chocolate bunnies and jelly beans. Have a great Friday people!


        Mornin' all....thanks for the fine summary Jay.   Tape well...keep that ankle behaving. 


        Enjoyed Falcon's Denver report...some nice career input you provide.   And so very appropriate for Air Force people to call it a "vector"!!   Both for navigational purposes and mathematical purposes...a vector being a quantity with both magnitude and direction.


        Introverts think about stuff like that, sorry.


        I lumbered through six easy miles this morning.   Still more windy and damp than I'd like but it was in shorts and that's good. 


        Enjoy your Friday!


        I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


          Oops, while I was browsing around the forums, I stumbled upon one of your daily one from last year and wrote in there. Sorry about that, newbie mistake.


            Trip to the gym for a ARC trainer warm-up and some weights.


            My left knee got a little sore after yesterday's run. This morning it was even more sore, but after going to the gym and doing an easy workout it seemed to loosen up and get better. (Back to just a little sore.)


            I've been working on "The" project 6 days a week for the last 6 weeks and I am feeling burned out today. I am pretty much caught up but the next phase of user testing is supposed to start this afternoon and I'm afraid issues will be found which will force another working Saturday. I wish the project managers would just wait until Monday to start testing so I could enjoy the weekend for a change.



              Thanks, Jay, and good morning y'all.   3.3 treadmill miles this morning and that will be it for the day.  5K in the morning on an airport runway.  What could go wrong?


              Glad no surgery spacity!  We sure all have our share of aches, pains and worse.  Well, we are an older group and an active one.  Shit happens.


              Hoping for a new basketball coach announcement from Vanderbilt today.  Social media is chomping to hear the news, even though we all think we know who it is.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                Thanks for the condolences on my uncle. I really enjoyed the chance to see my cousins' kids who are mostly in their 20s now and have changed so much since I last saw them. The service was nice except for one bizarre event in the form of a religious rant by the clergyman who was there to "say a few words". I won't go into detail, but it seemed like it was really inappropriate given that my uncle was non-religious and most of his grandchildren are Catholic. Other than that it was a nice experience.


                I think that the fact that we're all in this forum sort of labels us as introvert-leaning for the most part. I'm definitely guilty as charged!


                Woohoo! After going stir-crazy for the last month and not running while out in Arizona, I did an honest-to-goodness outdoors run this morning, which was not as bad weather-wise as predicted. Naturally I was overdressed, but got in 4.1 good miles on my favorite rail-trail route. I'm entered in a 5K a month from Sunday so have to recover my form, such as it is.


                Happy TGIF to everyone!

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                Trails are hard!

                  Oops, while I was browsing around the forums, I stumbled upon one of your daily one from last year and wrote in there. Sorry about that, newbie mistake.


                  Any way you get here is a good way.  Welcome and hang around for a bit.  we're all pretty friendly, introvert OR extrovert. 


                  Well, an engineering introvert, anyway, Joe.  Speaking of social occasions, if you're in town on Saturday afternoon, find directions to the Lir for the Marathon Partay.  Well worth the trip!


                  Still no running, but a fair amount of walking around site.  All the contractors must be made of sugar, as it's raining and they are suddenly very scarce.  Oh well, I can catch up on posting and paperwork.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                    Hi All!

                    I get to feed my extroverted side (I have an introverted side too) and go to company bowling today. Drink beer, bowl, try to win money, good times. 

                    Heavy heavy rain expected through most of the weekend. We are even on flood watch for rivers/creeks. Hoping that it is at least light rain on Sunday morning because i have trail running plans with about 30 other people that morning.


                    Singer who runs a smidge

                      Morning, all!!  Well, my ongoing fight with software ended up with the company saying, "There seems to be a bug.  We've asked the developers to fix it."  Since it only took them four days to believe me that there was a bug, I guess I should be happy.  I am relieved that they have my files now and it's their problem, not mine!


                      Yoga done, but it's supposed to rain all day, so no biking.  Looking forward to the weekend!!


                      DH and I are both introverts, but I am an outgoing introvert.  I'm better with people than he is, but we both prefer to just be with each other most evenings.  I used to insist that we leave the house at least once during the weekend, but now that I have a 1.25 hour commute one-way for work, I don't mind staying in.

                      When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                        Jay - Thanks for the summary, but I guess I have confused people.


                        In an effort to not literally break Rule #1, I was being a little silly "Oregon sunshine" = "rain". There is going to be a lot of it the next week so if I want mileage I'm going to break Rule #1 most likely. That expression and, "Oregonians don't tan, they rust" may be more local than I thought, so sorry about my silliness.


                        Just did my off day 3 miles of walking in overcast, sometimes light rain, sometimes not. Will do some lightweight strength work a little later today.


                        Have a good day and upcoming weekend runfolk !

                        65+ Bests: 5K-26:11, 10K-TBD, HM-TBD




                          In an effort to not literally break Rule #1, I was being a little silly "Oregon sunshine" = "rain". There is going to be a lot of it the next week so if I want mileage I'm going to break Rule #1 most likely. That expression and, "Oregonians don't tan, they rust" may be more local than I thought, so sorry about my silliness.



                          yes, lots of rain this weekend!  And since we, Oregonians, are not made of sugar, we run in the rain. I have 10 trail miles planned for Sunday and unless it's just really downpouring hard, I'll still be out there  Whereabouts in Oregon are you? I probably asked before but don't recall.


                            We, too, are getting the rain that's hitting Oregon.  It's wreaking havoc on The Hub being able to work. . . which means he stays home and bakes.   Thankfully, the cookies he made last evening while I was at a meeting are leaving the house for a couple of his AA meetings.


                            Anzlo, we rust here, too. 


                            Jay, that sauce actually sounds really good.


                            So remember my buddy, Karen, was dismissed from her job about a month ago?  When they advertised her position, they required the new person have an MBA to do the job (which Karen doesn't have, instead she has years and years of experience).  They have since hired a guy . . . and now they've reached out to Karen and have asked her to come back as a consultant to teach the guy the job she was doing.  How ballsy is that??  And in true Karen fashion, she said she would - at $225 per hour.  You go, girl!!


                            That's about it.  Enjoy ~~

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                              And in true Karen fashion, she said she would - at $225 per hour.  You go, girl!!



                              that's classic! Good for her!




                                ...40-min x-bike......




                                Scary Knee Event-


                                for about 4-mornings

                                a week ago my knees felt like they would buckle when I got up


                                did my yard-work on my tuckus this week


                                a buddy suggested my Hip PT stairs exercises (which actually helped a lot..........120 reps each leg twice daily)


                                goto 7:00


                                knees now feel fine............thank goodness.....



                                always took good care of my knees when I ran,


                                I have much more Sympathy now for people with Bad Knees

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
