Masters Running


40/40 Thread for Week Ending 3/20/11 (Read 804 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    For those of you who are new, this is the 40/40 thread, for people who are over 40 years old who run 40 miles/week or more. We give Free Passes to those who come really close or try really hard...


    Here’s what I have for last week’s tally.  Let me know if I missed you.







    Looking good!



    Power outage when on a TM – not good



    Switching things around this week



    What happened at the HM?



    Highest mileage in a while.  That Tuesday workout looks killer.



    Last 30-mile weekend before ORRRC Marathon



    Just guessing here…



    25K PR!


    51 miles

    Looks like you’re on target for your goal

    Milk Truck


    March a heavy snow month?  My sympathies…



    One more week of taper left






    You made it   Smile



    In spite of chest cold



    Smokin’ 5K in spite of missed turn!  Congrats to your DD!


    Free Pass

    How’d the HM go?


    Free Pass





    Here’s my tentative plan for the week. 









     0 miles

    p90x Chest and Back, light core



     7.2 miles

    3 x 1/2-mile hill



     5 miles

    Easy pace, p90x Core Synergistics



     11.5 miles

    7 am - 4 @ MP/Tempo ( 8:51, 8:34, 8:33, 8:33), 4.5pm



     7 miles

    P90X Ab Ripper, Shoulders and Arms  weather was too nice to pass up



     3 miles

    Easy pace on TM, plus P90X Shoulders and Arms



     15 miles

    Lots of MP  slow and sluggish



     44.2 miles




    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Thank you Holly.


      Getting closer to Boston. Let's see if I can keep over 50


      Day Plan Actual Comment
      Monday 8  3.1  no second run
      Tuesday 5 9.1   2nd run tonight
      Wednesday 10  0  Sad
      Thursday 5  5  
      Friday 8  8.4  
      Saturday 13  5  
      Sunday 7  5  
      Total 56  35.6  oh boy

      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


          Plan Actual Comment
        Sun 15 15   
        Mon 4  
        Tue 8 8.9   Includes 3 intervals (1.17, 0.78 and 0.39) @ 5k pace with 0.4 recovery.
        Wed 6 6.1   
        Thu 5


        Fri 3  3.5  
        Sat 4  3  
        Total 45  45  Time to ramp up again...

        And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



          I forgot about this thread last week and ran only 27 miles partly because of my HM race saturday, and partly because I chose to socialize on my mid week run days.


          Here's my plan


          Day Plan Actual Comment
          Monday 4  800 M Intervals
          Tuesday 8 5.5  Easy Run at lunch
          Wednesday 0-4  2  real easy Recovery miles
          Thursday 8  8  Tried to run at HMP, not happening
          Friday 0-4  3  -
          Saturday 13  6  
          Sunday 5  14  -
          Total ~40 ~43  Running 7 days makes getting to 40 easy

            Day Plan Actual Comments
            Mon 6-7  0 Recovery pace Got my but kick by a code
            Tue 12  10.5 5 x 1200's 2 x 2mile tempos@ 10k pace
            Wed 9-10  9.3  Long hill repeats
            Thu 14  10.45 easy
            Fri 9-10  10.2  with a 2 mle tempo
            Sat 8  8am 6pm  2 fer
            Sun 16  17  mostly easy. 2.5 mile strong finish
            Total    71.5  

            10k in 1975

              Thank you, Holly.  Smile

              Recovery week

              07 ... easy recovery

              07 ... easy recovery

              06 ... easy pace

              04 ... slow

              04 ... slow

              03 ... slow

              00 ... heavy rain, took day off to rest, revising schedule

              31 miles


              Consistently Slow

                Day Plan Actual Comment
                Monday 4.5  5  
                Tuesday 6.5  .5  
                Wednesday 4.5  1.4  
                Thursday 6.5  5.1 Knee recovery taking longer than planned
                Friday 0    
                Saturday 13.1  13.1  Seneca 13.1
                Sunday 5  0  Volunteered at GA marathon. Needed to rest the knee
                Total 40.1  25.1  

                Run until the trail runs out.

                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                unsolicited chatter



                  Thanks Holly,


                  Mon:  7 miles - 7.2 miles at a nice slow recovery pace


                  Tues:  10 miles w/ 6 miles @ MP-10 sec - 11.0 miles including 6 miles @ 7:13 and 2 miles @ 7:30.  legs were tired but strong.


                  Wed:  7-8 miles or massage - AM 3.0 miles recovery pace, PM 6.0 miles recovery pace.  legs feeling good today.  No massage, my therapist's daughter is trying to give birth, so no muscle joy here.. 


                  Thurs:  13 miles w/ 10 miles @ MP - 13.0 miles including 10 miles @ 7:22 pace.  great run


                  Fri:  7-8 miles - 3.5 miles nice and easy recovery.  then out to dinner with the lovely DW.


                  Sat:  11-13 miles - 13.3 miles at a good aerobic pace


                  Sun:  13 miles - 13.0 miles including two big hills and lots of rollers with 9 miles at MP (7:30 pace).  very good run on tired legs, but, the legs just kept the pace up even when i was trying to slow up alittle.


                  total:  70.0 miles (overall weekly pace 7:53)

                  Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")


                    Taper time; week two of three.

                    Trying some mid-day runs to acclimate to warmer temps.


                    Day Plan Actual Diff Comment
                    Mon 5 5.1 +0.1  EZ @ 8:23
                    Tues 8 8 +0.1 2 EZ + 4 tempo (7:20) + 2EZ
                    Wed 5  5.2 +0.3 EZ @ 8:39
                    Thurs 8 8 +0.3 7MP @ 7:47
                    Fri 5 5.2 +0.5 EZ (no watch); guessing about 8:40
                    Sat 13  0    6MP finish had to work
                    Sun 0  13.2  +0.7  first 8 @ MP (7:55); 8:09 overall
                    Total 44

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                    Mike E

                    MM #5615

                      Okay--I'm not sure how to make one of those fancy charts but here's my schedule for the week


                      Day       Plan                                      Actual                                 Comments

                      Mon       Light Weight Workout       Light Weight Workout      20 minutes of upper body

                      Tue       Run 10 Miles                      Ran 10.2 Miles                  Didn't feel all that great but managed a 1:10:17. 

                      Wed      Light Weight Workout      Light Weight Workout       23 minutes of upper body

                      Thur      Run 10 Miles

                      Fri          Light Weight Workout

                      Sat        Run 22 Miles

                      Sun       Rest

                      Total     42 Miles


                      MM #6177

                        Thanks Holly. I'm quite happy to be back. Smile


                        Mon....... 4.36 miles walking, 3 miles elliptical, yoga

                        Tues...... 6.5 miles

                        Wed...... 9.3 miles

                        Thur....... 3.3 miles AM, 7 miles PM

                        Fri......... yoga

                        Sat........ 5.5 miles

                        Sun....... 13.15 miles, 2.6 miles walking (to Rita's for free ices!)


                        totals: 44.75 miles running, 3 miles elliptical, ~7 miles walking, 2x yoga

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Okay--I'm not sure how to make one of those fancy charts but here's my schedule for the week




                          Just hit "quote" on someone's post with the chart, then copy and paste it.  Or, if you send me an e-mail to hollys4874 at yahoo dot com, I will send it to you in a Word document.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Thanks Holly!


                            Be lazy and eat.... race week!

                            Day Plan Actual Diff Comment
                            Mon 5 5   -- 8:41
                            Tues 3  3  --

                             9:55 with dogs

                            Wed 6  6  -- 8:49 dress rehearsal with 2 at MP (8:20)
                            Thurs 4  4  -- 8:40
                            Fri 4  4  --  
                            Sat 2  2  --  
                            Sun 26.2  26.2  --  Tobacco Road Marathon 3:50:54 (9/31 M55-59) not bad
                            Total 50.2  50.2    8:20 is too fast.. oops

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Like that?  I guess that wasn't too hard.


                              Day Plan Actual Comment
                              Monday 0  0  Light Weight Workout--Upper Body
                              Tuesday 10


                              Wednesday 0  0  Light Weight Workout--Upper Body
                              Thursday 10 10.2 1st half felt great--34:29--then turned around into the wind and finished in 1:11:11
                              Friday 0    Light Weight Workout--Upper Body
                              Saturday 22 22.6  2:48:33 
                              Sunday 0    Watched my team race and went bowling but that doesn't count for anything
                              Total 42 43.00  

                                Okay--I'm not sure how to make one of those fancy charts but here's my schedule for the week


                                Day       Plan                                      Actual                                 Comments

                                Mon       Light Weight Workout       Light Weight Workout      20 minutes of upper body

                                Tue       Run 10 Miles                      Ran 10.2 Miles                  Didn't feel all that great but managed a 1:10:17. 

                                Wed      Light Weight Workout      Light Weight Workout       23 minutes of upper body

                                Thur      Run 10 Miles

                                Fri          Light Weight Workout

                                Sat        Run 22 Miles

                                Sun       Rest

                                Total     42 Miles



                                Hey Mike -- Funny meeting you here...  Wink

                                And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx


