Masters Running


Saturdaily, 4.20.24 (Read 34 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    I'm sorry I missed the colonoscopy discussion (not really). But then again, I missed most of my last one because I was out like a light through the whole thing, and that was fine by me. DW had to come to drive me home, but I also could have done it. As best I can recall, I got home and went right back to work.


    Good work with a weighted pack on the steep trail, Enke.


    Nice job of getting out with the dogs, and for a good 45 minute ride, anneb.


    Have a good time with your DW in Chincoteague, bioguy. If you go ahead and announce your retirement, then it won't be gossip when people talk about it. It is too bad that the department is losing so many people this year, and I hope the school can find good replacements (not that anyone can replace the great work you have done to educate and motivate your students over the years.


    Good afternoon strength workout in the pool, and on the Japanese Maples in your friend's yard. Good luck to you and DW at today's church clean up.


    DW and I made a really tasty chicken and potato dinner last night - we made it up as we went along and used up some homemade garlic aioli and a tomato and leek sauce, and so we'll likely never be able to duplicate it. So it goes...


    I woke up very early this morning, and thought that maybe if I got an early start on my planned longish workout, I could get it done before the rain that was expected to start at around 5AM. I almost made it: I had a bit of rain in miles 8 and 9, and then it started up again a little more seriously when I had about 3/4 of a mile to go. So I got in 11.86 RW miles, and I'm not calling it a Rule #1 violation since it was dry for more than the first half of the workout, and the rain that did fall was reasonably wimpy. I'll be ready for my nap a little later today.


    Have a greta Saturday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      5K on the treadmill before a church event up in Nashville.  It was gloomy and a little rainy out but nicer now.


      Thanks, Jay!

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        Jay - thanks. Nice almost halfer. I guess that's what happens when you get up too early.  Be careful or, one of these days, if you get up early enough, you'll be doing morning marathons. Incidentally, what's the earliest you ever gotten up and gone for the day's run or RW?

        I woke up very early this morning, and thought that maybe if I got an early start on my planned longish workout, I could get it done before the rain that was expected to start at around 5AM. I almost made it: I had a bit of rain in miles 8 and 9, and then it started up

        a little more seriously when I had about 3/4 of a mile to go. So I got in 11.86 RW miles, and I'm not calling it a Rule #1 violation since it was dry for more than the first half of the workout, and the rain that did fall was reasonably wimpy. I'll be ready for my nap a little later today.


        Incidentally, I'm pretty sure you're okay regarding RR#1 as I think you either need to get wet enough to have something to dry out when you get back or you had to wear a poncho or something to not.  Further, I'm pretty sure RR#1 doesn't apply when the temps are warm enough that the rain can't hypothermic you as happens in the winter months when not dressing properly for it enough. Beside, with twocat on sabbatical, who's going to enforce it?


        BTY - happy Earth Day weekend flower bedding.

        I've done something earthy ever year since 1970, if not before too.

        Opposite of your early work start to clear up the afternoon for swimming, my GS seems to like nearby trout fishing just as much so scheduled his virtual freshman year before they have to go back everyone finds out you have nothing to do 24/7 except what they want and need, you can go most anytime you want.


        KSA - happy Nashville


        After three days of increasingly beautiful spring, if not summery, weather, this morning's predicted rainy return to normal has been been revised enough to this afternoon that the morning light show started with the 90% waxing gibbous settling down behind  the Olympics as the dawning came into view over the Cascades to the east. Already 55F at j-o'clock so just need to time an arboretum loop probably in later morning as the sun gives away to the afternoon rain.


        ps - add not needing colonoscopies

        to the list of advantages of getting old.

        Unfortunately, I forgot what the other ones are.                                                                                                                       

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


          6.23 miles at the park this morning.


          If I had to work at the office on a regular basis, I would retire. It was a tough week. But part of that was because of 3 days of meetings. If I really worked in the office I guess it wouldn't be like that.


          I don't want to get into details, but much of the work we have to do for our new client is because of CMS regulations. Since our main business over the years was processing claims for self-insured clients we only have to conform to some of the CMS regulations. But boy, let me tell you, the list of new regulations and exceptions made my head ache tremendously. Near the end of the meetings I said I was thinking of running for Congress on the platform of simplifying/fixing Medicare rules. One of the guys in the meeting made up a campaign poster for me that was pretty funny. It had my profile picture (from work) in a circle with "Make Medicare Great Again - Vote for Dave Begley".  I am contemplating putting it on Facebook. I'm just not sure how people will react to a slogan that copies from a polarizing candidate. I don't want to stir up a hornets' nest among my Facebook friends. Plus, it isn't as funny now as it was after 20 hours of meetings with everyone dazed and confused,


          I was going to get some work done today but (fortunately?) I cannot connect to the systems. Guess I'll have to sit on the deck, enjoy the near perfect weather, and read a book. Tough life.



          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Dave - I'd vote for you.

            Can you fix the tax code too?

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


              Hi all,

              Mowed the front yard after a large cup of coffee from the excellent shop we visit when we are here. If I take the part time position next year, much of it is work from home which means I’ll be here at the beach and I’ll be drinking a lot more of that coffee.

              6 mile Galloway style run midday and I felt good, albeit slow. Then we tried out the new Vietnamese restaurant for lunch and boy was it good. Ready to mow the back yard now that I’m awake after a nap.




                Steve - I'm happy to hear you're starting to have pain-free time.  It's been awhile, hasn't it?




                Thank you for asking.  It's been about a year and a half.


                Dave59 - I'd vote for you.



                I got three miles in on Friday.


                Saturday was a slew of yardwork.








                  Thank you Steve, today’s workout has commenced!


                    Got my coffee at the coffee shop this morning so I guess I’m undertraining.