Masters Running


Tuesdaily, 7.18.23 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    I only posed the 'belly' question because my body is changing and I don't really know why, and I'm curious about the cause. If we're going down the rabbit hole about any kind of fat shaming, then I'm out because there is nothing productive there. Regardless of body shape, everyone here should be proud of how hard we all work, especially those with challenges, to stay fit and healthy. I'm very proud of you all.


    Steve, I hope that new job with the company comes through for you. You'd be great at it.


    We learned that one of the racewalkers in our group has qualified for 'All American' status because she beat the qualifying time for that status in her 5K racewalk at the recent National Sr. Games. Very impressive...


    I got out a little late this morning (4:40), and went 5.1 RW miles in cloudy, foggy, muggy 70° temps. To say that I was a little sweat-laden when I got back would be an understatement. On the way out, I surprised a deer having breakfast in our front garden. I guess I'll be spray the plants there later today.


    I have an 8:30 meeting at Town Hall, so I'll be on my way.


    Have a greta Tuesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Never mind.



        enke made a good point yesterday-


        when I was in the 8th grade I weighed as much as I did when I turned 45


        it was when

        I tried out for FootBall

        the coach got you up on the scales and wrote it down>>>>>>>>>I was very embarrassed in front of the team


        they made me a Tackle (which is standard for Fat Kids)


        so, at 14, I started working-out...........and have ever since



        like I tell people..........Fat Kids that got into Shape have better Coping Skills


        those Skinny Kids who can eat anything they want and never gain weight>>>>>>>>>For A While



        in their 30s and 40s they can't quite figure out where that Pot Belly came from

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Marathon Maniac #957

          I know the norm is to be body positive now


          Well, if not the norm, the hope, at least.  But we still have a long way to go if we want women and girls to be comfortable with their bodies, and social media doesn't help that at all.


          Enke – sad how someone can say something like that to us and we remember it 40-50 years later.  And lead to one bad dieting idea after another.


          BTY – that is an example of how some teachers and instructors can really be very cruel.


          Denise – you do some great workouts, and I think you are very fit!  Certainly way fitter than me!  (at the moment, anyway)


          TomWhite - good point!


          Jeanne - "personal weight coach?"  That's terrible!  I know when my DD was in Junior High and started to get a little thick, I thought long and hard about how to approach it with her, if at all.  Mostly I just stopped buying so much junk food and started focusing on healthy eating - for me - and occasionally shared with my DD how I was trying to move to healthier eating FOR MYSELF, without actually aiming anything her way if at all possible.


          I have noticed at conferences that women from the south tend to have BIG hair and heels, and yes, polished nails.


          3.5 miles for me today in 64 degrees.  My run felt pretty good today - less effort than usual.  I'll take it!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Another 5 miles for me this morning. Just an 8° drop in the temperature made for a nicer run today. It was still warm and humid but much more bearable.


            I'm overweight, eat too much junk, workout now and then without a plan, and watch too much TV.  But I live my life based on wisdom from Kurt Vonnegut who said, "If you can do a half-assed job of anything, you're a one-eyed man in a kingdom of the blind.".  I do a half-assed job at everything I do and it has been enough to get by.



              Thanks, Jay.  Steve- that sounds like a great opportunity for you and I hope it works out.  You are such a great employee and I hope you can spend the next years doing something that is a good and rewarding fit.


              I wanted to wait until tomorrow to do my 8 miler over on the path, but it might rain tomorrow, so I did it today even though it is too close to Sunday's 10 miler.  I got it done- but it was warm and very humid.  I was OK in the shade- not so much on the unshaded parts.  8.1 miles done.  At least I had water fountains. 


              We are getting a new roof due to hail damage that we didn't know we had.  The whole neighborhood was hit sometime last year, apparently.  We have a $5K deductible, so I'm not thrilled about that, but I'm impressed with the contractor who is a young man with an impressive business model.  He really hustles and will be around the neighborhood for a while!  Houses on each side of us are already done.  It's a scary thing to behold- the roofs are big and steep and it's REALLY hot up there.  It's about the worst job in the world to be on these roofing crews.

              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                About 10 to 15 degrees cooler for this run/walk (60F) than on Saturday when I overheated. So, as you can imagine, it felt really good!

                3.2 miles.

                Will head into the office today for a free lunch and dinner, the latter as part of the company summer social.


                Steve, I hope you get the job!


                My kids are I guess, naturally skinny, however, now that they are older, they do no exercise and have very little muscle. I would not say they are healthy. I tried to get them interested in sports, but video games won out.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  speaking of appearance and the work force - I wonder if Steve's glam lips will help give him an edge with the job opportunity? 


                  Up early for a 4 mile run in the cool air. 


                    Boy, I had to go back and forth between Sunday and Monday to figure out what all the hulla balloo was about.


                    Social media sucks when it comes to body image - for boys and girls, men and women.


                    All of us in here are doing WAY more than the average person, so give yourself a huge pat on the back.


                    I can attest to the fact that except for the fact that Tammy has 2 big black dogs, you'd never know she has 2 big black dogs when you walk into her house.  That sucks about the carpet. I know how bad cat urine smells. They did something wrong terribly wrong.


                    Steve, I don't think your boss would've called you into his office and talked to you about the job if he wasn't serious about offering it to you, regardless of the fact that they have to do a company-wide posting.  Kinda like government jobs - they know who they're going to hire before they post it, but they have to post it anyway.


                    Saturday I headed back to Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park for the first time since early April ran 14 miles in my favorite place.  I even took the time to wander down through Fern Canyon.  I'm so happy they decided to limit the number of visitors between May and September.  The view as I headed toward the mouth of the canyon.

                    May be an image of 3 people


                    Sunday, it was 5.5 miles in the McKay Community Forest.


                    Yesterday, I spent about half an hour doing core and mobility work in the morning, and this morning I overslept, so I only had time for 4.2 miles instead of the planned 5.


                    Thursday, we head to the Oregon coast for The Hub's annual family reunion at Tugman State Campground.  Lord, give me strength!  I will be stepping away from everyone for a 9-mile run Friday morning and 5 miles Saturday morning around the lake.


                    Okay, gotta get to it.  Later ~~

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      Leslie - you follow an actual training schedule more than I do so take a look at your training runs for the upcoming 50K and let me know a couple weekends when you'll be doing 20 to 25 miles and I'll try to come down that weekend to do a training run together. What is the longest distance you usually run in prep for a 50K?


                        fatozzig//......w0w............gorgeous picture




                        heat index wind


                        ..........40-min at athletic fields..........trailboots,,,,,,no cane

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                            Kinda like government jobs - they know who they're going to hire before they post it, but they have to post it anyway.



                          Some years back I applied for a paralegal job with the City of West Carrollton.  I, and about 150 other people, came in and took what I can only describe as the hardest English test I have ever taken.  And I am GOOD at English - I even placed out of and got a free credit for freshman English at Wittenberg U. when I went there, based on an essay.  But this test was HARD.  Anyway, my results were in the top 10, so I was invited back for an interview, and then later a second interview.  Eventually I got a letter saying they had chosen someone else.  Out of curiosity, I contacted the person I had been interviewed by, and asked, out of curiosity, what had made them not choose me.  She said that they had already chosen the person for the job before they even posted it, and in fact she had been working in it for MONTHS, but their charter required them  to advertise, test and interview people for the job, regardless.  I WAS SO ANGRY!  Not only had I wasted a lot of time on the process, but I spent so much time thinking and worrying about whether or not I would get the job - FOR NOTHING!


                          A few years later, a similar experience with a paralegal position with the county Prosecutor's office.  Out of 800 applicants, 200 were chosen for testing, and out of those, 7 were chosen for interviews.  I made it to the second interview, but was not selected for the job.  I didn't ask, but always wondered if they already had someone chosen for the role and were just wasting our time.


                          So recently, when I saw an ad for a paralegal position for another local city, and they were going to be testing for applicants at 5:30pm last week, and I told my DH, NOPE, I'm not even going to waste my time.  Of course there must be times when they (local city and county agencies) actually need to hire someone, but I am very hesitant even to try for those anymore.


                          I know, whine, whine, whine...


                          Leslie - beautiful picture!  Also, how many people show up for your hub's family reunions?


                          Tammy - out of 10 50ks I have run, I have never had a LR more than 23 miles in training for them.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            The lawyer here who worked in the cyber-security area (me) just fell for a facebook hack and it was a nightmare.  I received a FB message from a trusted friend wanting to add me as a legacy contact and I totally fell for it.  Messaged my cell number AND a code that I was sent!    Obviously, he was hacked first. . So I gave the bad guys all my information and they immediately changed my password, email address etc. and I could NOT get back in. Facebook can not be reached by phone, and the steps to reclaim the account were ridiculous. I finally had to send a copy of my ID! I'm back in now, and I deleted the post the bad guys posted about how I was moving and about selling a bunch of  stuff. It was scary and horrible. IA few people contacted me about the post to let me know.  I KNOW BETTER-  Lesson learned. I think I'm OK now.

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                              Leslie: I wanna walk through Fern Canyon!


                              Tet: Your story yesterday reminded me about one of my business trips to Tokyo (Hino City) with my boss, who was a 6'4" ex-basketball player. We stayed in a sort of company dorm several blocks from the company HQ and walked through some neighborhoods to get there each morning (which I found absolutely fascinating). I remember one morning we passed a group of cute little kids in their uniforms on the way to school. They were so startled by us and by my boss particularly that they were wide-eyed, giggling, chattering, and pointing. So we ended up laughing along with them. I'm sure they told their schoolmates later about seeing a "giant Gaijin" on their walk!


                              Thanks to whoever started the "fat" discussion  for making me look more closely at my body in the mirror -- something that is generally anathema to me! Not pretty and now I might have to start doing something about it. Similar to others, I'm not overweight at all and probably weigh less than I have at any time since high school. But what slight excess is there is distributed around my waist in a rather unattractive way. Not a "potbelly" but more just loose floppy flab around my beltline. I'd post a picture but then you'd not be able to unsee it. Anyway, probably not a bad idea to gain control over some slipping eating habits.


                              Instead of going with my Tuesday group on a familiar route, I decided to ride on my own and explore a possible new route of interest. The route-finding was a success and it was a really nice day for a ride. I was originally going to go just 20 miles or so but ended up with 26 miles, all of it off-road (trail, path, sidewalk). And I now have a way to ride from home to a destination where I used to have to take my bike on a car carrier.

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                                posted: 7/18/2023 at 2:35 

                                Quote from enkephalin on 7/17/2023 at 8:50 PM:

                                I always thought a small layer of fat helped swimmers - makes you float just a little more than your competitors and more efficient moving forward. My apologies if I am off base in that assumption.


                                Enke - this not incorrect.  A small layer of fat, in particular, helps open water swimmers, and I would think that if I planned to swim the English Channel or something of that ilk, I'd try for more than a small layer of fat.  Insulation against the cold.  As far as buoyancy is concerned, having "some" fat rather than being extremely low in the BF% category, is probably a small advantage, but having it on your extremities vs around your organs probably doesn't make any difference.  I think it's an "all other things being equal" sort of equation.   In context, her insinuation that my body fat was the reason I was a good swimmer marginalized my effort, my years of swimming miles and miles between the ages of 8 and 12, and the physical conditioning I'd been doing for several years.  And yeah, it was fat shaming.
