Masters Running


Race Reports for the October 28& 29 weekend (Read 42 times)


Trails are hard!

    Jay, you had a most excellent race! To set a race/course PR is no small feat! I'm just amazed at your pace racewalking... Good job, and I hear feeling like you have nothing left at the end is the way to do it! I'm always a little ticked off at myself the next day if I'm not a little bit sore and tired.


    Opie! So great to see you! Good job on the 10k... I take it no one needed passports? I think Stumpy did for his marathon that crossed into Canada.


    So many great race reports this week, you guys (and gals) all rock!


    That is true--we had to submit passport info a month before and then check in with actual passport the day before.  then our bib served as passport for over and back.  We had the border patrol on each side as cheerleaders.  Neat stuff.

    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


      Quick--nice race.  I love those small local runs.  Decorations for a prize seems like a nice variation.

      Paul --You're back in great shape, thankfully, because you never want to lose the Sta-Puff Marshmallow Man.

      Cat--hard to be too disappointed with a PR.  Give you something to build on.

      Tammy--that fog's pretty wild looking.  Great job on the no-walk run, given your training.

      Metal-- Great report. I know you were debating whether or not to run this and I'm glad you did.  Glad the weather held out for you. I agree that your fueling sounded very light. Practicing that on long runs will probably help if there's a next time. (You never know!)  " I really felt so good taking the corner onto Main St to the finish line."  That's a great way to finish a marathon, especially your first.  Congrats.

      Opie--nice!  Somehow I didn't realize you were in NM; is that recent? Sounds like a nice event.

      Jay-- "There is no excuse, at my age, for setting course PRs."  LOL.  Yeah, cut that out.   Sounds like you went all-in and the results--and the aftermath--showed.   Cold rain is nasty and I suspect just staying warm drains you of more energy than usual. Impressive job.


      Thoroughly enjoyed reading all of these!

      Be safe. Be kind.

        So, I moved here a little over 3 years ago for a wonderful, unique job opportunity.  I'm the Student Legal Aid Attorney at New Mexico State Univ.


        In the 10k race, we just had to carry our passports with us.  Many runners had a belt or something like that.  I don't run with anything like that so I carried mine in my hand.  We finished on the bridge and afterwards, the American runners just walked down to this side and presented our passports.  The winner of my AG was from Juarez, 58, with a time of 46:04.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

          So, I moved here a little over 3 years ago for a wonderful, unique job opportunity.  I'm the Student Legal Aid Attorney at New Mexico State Univ.

          That's excellent!  Important stuff.  Congratulations on that.  I always associated you with Oklahoma so, indeed, I had somehow missed this.

          Be safe. Be kind.

          an amazing likeness



            First, you are a brave, risk-taking person -- I would have bet $ to doughnuts the weather would be decaying to rain and 15-25mph winds as the predicted storms moved in early.  As a matter of fact, I went from lamenting not running this year, to smugly feeling how lucky I was to being on the sidelines.


            Secondly, were hauling the mail.  2:23:59 racewalking a half...geez!  What a well-earned podium.


            For anyone in the New England area -- this is a great race, put it on our calendar for next year.  Course has a covered bridge, rolling hills in NH's White Mountains, an easy access start/finish in a little grass park right in the center of town, coffee shops for your spectators to kill time after you disappear over the horizon.

            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


              Nice job Quick & Metal!    Sorry for your loss too Metal. Sad I think you did the right thing running it. You're one and done like me!

                Oldfart - you need to be on the dailies!


                  Oldfart - you need to be on the dailies!


                  Hey Opus!  I'm over on Frequent Racers(but I don't race that frequent)   and Beginners & Beyond. Don't think I could keep up with another one.  I kinda lurk and try and keep up on how you all are racing. The race report feature is nice for that.   Quick pops in over there, (or he just gets lost and posts in the wrong place-he's getting old).



                    Hey Opus!  I'm over on Frequent Racers(but I don't race that frequent)   and Beginners & Beyond. Don't think I could keep up with another one.  I kinda lurk and try and keep up on how you all are racing. The race report feature is nice for that.   Quick pops in over there, (or he just gets lost and posts in the wrong place-he's getting old).


                    Are you trolling those other forums? You can't escape the simple fact you're a Master 



                      Are you trolling those other forums? You can't escape the simple fact you're a Master 


                      Who? Me???  Trolling? I only lurk.

                        Just pop in once in a while to let us know how you're doing!


                          Just pop in once in a while to let us know how you're doing!


                          Ok, here's my new pic. I'ved aged some, but doing good.



                          Related image
