Masters Running


It's A SLO start to Thursday (Read 429 times)


      Get It ?


    Mornin All.


    Somone left the door open so I turned the lights on.


    Added another 3.5 easy miles last night then hopped in the pool for some easy laps. Very refreshing.


    12.38 @ 8:44 average this morning. Thru in 10mins @ a 7:45 pace at the end for a good strong finish. Easy 2 planned for tomorrow morning.....5k race tomorrow night.....Ends at a beer tent....My kind of race.


    Renee the dog

      Got it!


      6 recovery-paced miles this morning -- first 2 with Renee.  Everything hurt intermittently, but by the last mile, I was human again.   Same temps as last night -- low 70s F, low 90s H. 


      Hanging on for the rest of the week -- if I can make it to Monday, I'm on a cut-back! 


      Good runs/workouts/rests to all...


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


        Very appropriate title today, SLO.   Humidity?  Mileage ramp-up catching up to me?  Mojo on unscheduled vacation?  Who knows.  I just know it was a terrible run.  I slogged through 6.2  miles in about an hour.  At one point I just turned off the Garmin and shuffled on home. 


        Tomorrow's another day.

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Funny SLO, funny!


          Hi everyone.  Thanks for the callouts yesterday by Butterfly Wings and DG.  I've been laying low a little this week as I've been struggling.


          I ran an enjoyable and comfortable 16.5 miles last Saturday in Northern Michigan in IRC (with rain) at a nice solid 9 minute/mile pace.  But I think that may have taken more out of me than I knew or expected.  That was the most I've run since Bayshore.  And especially since I ran up several noteworthy hills as well toward the end of that LR.  I'm not hill worthy.


          I ran some 3 minute duration repeats on Monday within a 9 mile run.  Even though I scaled back the number of the repeats from 8 to 6, it was still harder than it should have been.  Then today I ran 10.1 miles with 4 x 1 mile repeats at targetted 7:50 pace.  Lost satellite signal with the Garmin so I don't know how it came out but it felt like another tired, working-hard run (which I guess it's supposed to be).


          I'm right in the middle of Marathon training for this cycle, so it's not terribly surprising that I might be feeling worn out.  I feel like I'm on the edge of getting a minor injury (been having a few very minor aches and pains), on the edge of overtraining again, on the edge of losing my edge.  My caution flag is flying.


          The next two days will be very easy, short recovery runs.  And then we'll see how Sunday's 2+ hours in the AM followed by 1+ hour in the PM goes.


          Sorry for the whine.  I don't like to be negative so I'll go back to laying low now for a while.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



            Tomorrow's another day.


            Tramps, we all need to remember this when we have an off-day. You get those every now and then.

            7.5 miles for me this morning, 9:14 pace in ideal weather which I hear is coming to a swift end this weekend. H&H predicted starting this afternoon through Monday. Jumped rope again for 5 minutes. I like how this is strengthening my calf muscles.

            Did anyone else read Runner's World this month - the article about "The Rules Revisited?" It debates the benefits of things like stretching after running, ice baths, etc. I was kind of surprised that this magazine would go against some training issues that they've supported for such a long time. Was just wondering what y'all thought about it.

            Oh - they found the cat. Showed a picture of it on the news last night. It definitely looked just like a cheetah! The owner is from Alaska and was here visiting friends. He was very grateful to everyone for helping him find his "pet."

            Nono - have fun with cut-back week. Hope all of your aches and pains disappear. I hear wine is good for that!

            Bill, you never complain! See theabove message from Tramps! Good to see you posting again - no need to lay low.

            Have a good SLO start to the day everyone.

              Clever there SLO! Thanks for turning the lights on, I left the door open when I went looking for milk for my coffee---nobody home at the neighbor's house.

              Great running too---you'll rock that race this weekend.

              JLynne, I thought the Runner's World rule breaking article was interesting in that it affirmed for me that we are all still experiments of one. There are some tenets that might apply universally when it comes to running, but different things work for different people.  I hope people read it thoroughly though and not just the headlines.

              Bill! Don't lay low----hang in there. You are indeed at that high wire part of marathon training where a lean one way or the other will tip the balance. Listen to your body (and it seems you are doing that) and trust your instincts. The big difference for me this time around has been adding more play---hiking, canoeing, skipping and high knee drills, more sleep when I can, massage .....we miss you too much when you lay low.

              Oh running! 4 miles in the rain at 7 am and no watch for me. I was creaky at first (Hi Nono!) and then relaxed and splashed in puddles. My legs were grateful for the mellow run.

              Tramps, maybe you are just storing energy for next week! 

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Everything hurt intermittently, but by the last mile, I was human again.  


                I know that feeling...


                Slo_Hand – thanks for opening the place up for us today.  Looks like you even cleaned up a little....


                Tramps - hang in there....


                Breger – that is NOT whining – we are your friends, and sharing your ups and downs, especially about running, is what this site is all about.  Only posting when things are going well would not be a true picture of what marathon training is, anyway.  I’m glad you are listening to your body.  You know the adage, better to get to the start line under-trained than injured.  Besides, I might be able to keep up with you if you slow down a little. 


                My running continues to feel sluggish and difficult.  I attribute it to my vacation weight gain, or possibly whatever is causing my sore throat/slight chest congestion, but whatever it is, I feel like I can barely make it around the block. let alone try to go fast.


                Today the plan called for 6 @ 8:14, but I just didn’t have it in me.


                9 miles total, with miles 3-6 at (8:26, 8:31, 8:18, 8:20).



                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Yes Slo start to the day indeed!


                  Cross-country race series last night 3rd of 4 races, 1.9 miles in 13:48 AG ( Grand Masters)  2nd of 8 

                  That's the good news


                  Bad news,  knee pain   Race starts downhill moderate pain on inside of knee going down but  just a little on rest of course.  It is stiff & sore today    So no run today or tomorrow and hopefully ready for the weekend.  


                  I know what you mean Bill,  I too am marathon training and just ready to pick up the mileage


                  Using these CC races as speed work before the increasing the long runs.  

                  Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                    Didn't want to slog, so no run for me today -- I did need a day off...

                    No news yet...

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      4 easy miles this morning with arms and legs hurt from my Defensive Tactics class yesterday...I have the bruises to prove it.


                      Have a good one...

                      Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                        breger1 marathon training just does that to most of us.  You start off all excited.  Then somewhere in the middle you kind of wear out.  You have been at it a long time and the race is still a long way off.  Yech!  But, you will also naturally pick up again as the race approaches.  My guess is this is why there is typically a week long lull in the training cycle's suggested in most of the plans right about in the middle.


                        Jlynne I saw that article and had similar thoughts to yours.  Mostly I think it highlights how much of the advice we see bandied about has little basis beyond, "Gee that seems like a good idea."  I did know the evidence on stretching was that pre-exercise it seems to hurt and post-exercise that it does you little if any good and may even be harmful.  That is why I limit my stretching and never before a race or workout.  As to the rest, well absent any real research on these training tactics who knows.

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          Holly and Byll on the tight rop?. If running starts to be harder than it should,I would  take more easy/rest days and make the mileage higher on the work days.. For me there is a correlation between bad runs near training peak and subsequent injuries.  Remember the big picture of getting to the starting line! (like I should talk..)



                          Cold front came in only 71F with 69F dewpoint..geesh some cold front.

                          4 mile slog dog jog

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                            I haven't read through the entire article yet in RW, but just based on a few commentaries I see here and there (not just here, but other running sites, forums, etc.) I bet it generates ALOT of editorials for next month's issue.  As for the stretching issue, I don't do much stretching prior to a run, just some gentle achilles stretching and bending over touching toes for the hamstring/low back stretching, to help get the blood flowing. I guess it's sort of my way of signaling those usual tight spots that we are getting ready for a run. But I'm a pretty slow runner, a slogger of sorts, so it's not like I'm taking off like a bat outta hell and could strain something by too fast too soon. I do like to stretch for a few minutes after a run though. And I try to routinely get in some stretching on my non-running days too. A few of the past injuries I've had have been contributed by tight muscles, too little flexibility, etc. and once I started doing some regular stretching and gained some more flexibility, I've been relatively injury free since then. We are all an experiment of one so what works for some may not for others.


                            Up this morning at 6:00 a.m for a 5K run. My dogs must be able to "sense" a run coming. I got up, went downstairs, changed in my running clothes and before I even came out of the bathroom, I could hear them outside running to the front door at giddy-like and excited because mom was going for a run. How do they know this stuff? crazy dogs!


                            Have a good day everyone!


                              Sounds like mosty scaled-back runs for everyone so far today. I'm surprised that CNY even goes out the door if she's only going to run 4 miles. In fact, lots of 4-milers or shorter out there. Even perch ran short today, and Tamalina with a 5K. Then the usual suspects like Byll and Holly are bringing up the day's average.


                              Yesterday I had the first phase of a dental implant procedure, which was basically extracting the back molar from my lower jaw. It's been 40 years since my wisdom teeth were removed, and I had forgotten what an ordeal that was. In the mid-afternoon I was thinking that it wasn't really that bad, and then the novocaine wore off... Glad I had filled the Tylenol w/codeine prescription! But today it's OK -- just a little sore on that side.


                              Anyway, I decided it was advisable to take another day off, but I'll make up for it tomorrow with a long run of some sort.

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                                Got it, SLO.  clever!   How is the guitar playing?   Hi Tammy!    Are you racing down there in the heat this weekend?   We (the Econo Clan) will be racing in Junction City.   For me, it will be hot.  This will be my 1st anniversary run, and that is exciting.   Trouble is, I am lazy as a slug this week, and have taken off two extra days because of soreness, humidity, a sick kitty, and just plain blah.  I think the energy is comming back today, though.  Today I am going to do only a slow short run before having lunch with visiting DD2, known in the family as The Judge.  She is starting to walk after many many years of being a  couch potato.   


                                Ouch, Roch!   Yep, an easy day for you too as far as running.   Happy Thursday, everyone!   Keep cool.  
