Masters Running


Happy 4th! (7.4.19 daily) (Read 44 times)


    No fireworks here due to the extreme dry conditions of our land.

    Milktruck, nice race today!!!

    Erika, nice color of your cast, but ouch...bugs sistahhh. Will you be able to run with it?


    Today was a relaxing day for me. The Easy Pacer, who got a research assistant contract work for the summer, had to work today, so I had the morning to myself. I went for a 10 miler following the river road. Just a lovely, but humid run. Today's 10 miler felt much more comfortable than my 10 miler run last weekend. Small progress, but I will take it.


    well, off to do a little more of house cleaning and baking a wild huckberry pie. Our running friend MCsolar and his wife are coming over for a few days (a few of us oldies here have met and remember Mcsolar). We are looking forward to a fun few days.


    I hope you all had a relaxing Independence Day. I sure took the time to thank God for blessing me to be a citizen by naturalization of this amazing land of the brave!!!

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



      I hope you all had a relaxing Independence Day. I sure took the time to thank God for blessing me to be a citizen by naturalization of this amazing land of the brave!!!


      Post of the day
