Masters Running


Monday, September 10 Runs and Rests (Read 487 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    No run for me today, just a few stability ball crunches.


    I was looking at my flights to and from Fairbanks and I have to say, Fairbanks, Alaska is a LONG way from Dayton, Ohio.  I leave Dayton at 6am (EST) Thursday, going to Chicago, then Anchorage, then finally arriving in Fairbanks 15 ½ hours later.   Then I leave Fairbanks at 1:30 am Monday morning, going to Seattle, then Chicago, and finally arriving back in Dayton 14 hours later.  For this gal who doesn’t travel much, and who generally is afraid of hates flying, that is a scary-grueling itinerary.  


    And the 4-hour time difference is going to be hard on me.  Since I get up at 5am almost every day, taking a flight at 1:30am Alaska time (5:30am Eastern time) means pulling an all-nighter, something I haven’t done since my 20’s.   I don’t know how Erika does it, with all the traveling to the states she does.  I hope she doesn’t mind if I squeeze in a nap here and there…..


    It seems that my pre-flying jitters outweigh my pre-race jitters...Big grin



    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Just channel your "college days" Holly and you'll fly - and run - with no problems! Just remember all those nights being up with your kids when they were little and going through the next day in a sleep deprived state Big grin


      Busy weekend and I'm going to go back to see how everyone's races went. 5 miles for me this morning in "mahvelous" 48° temps and no wind. Pace reflected it too - 9:08. Love love love the cooler temps. My baby turns 24 this week. Wow - where did the time go????


      Have a great Monday everyone.


        Mornin' all.


        Holly, I also have a tough time with multiple time-zone travel - my internal clock doesn't reset itself all that quickly. Just deal the best you can, and enjoy the trip.


        Nice weather and nice run this morning, Jlynn!


        Sorry your back on the injured list, Henry. But the new bike should help make it a little less frustrating.


        Mike, I hope your DW can bring some dignity and respect to her aunt's funeral, and that she can stay out of the fray with the aunt's kids. How sad that they are fighting over things instead of remembering the person who left those things behind.


        Wildchild, I'm sure the guy with the stroller is wondering how someone can look so good running that fast.


        Larry, Enjoy your time with the grandkids!


        Sorry about the hip, Slo. Take it easy, heal well.


        I spent some time yesterday peeling up glued carpeting in our former office (in a converted garage behind the house). I got about a 6th of the area done before my back made me quit. The carpeting has been there for about 14 years, so it didn't let go so easily. My back was sore for the rest of the day. It woke me up every time I rolled over overnight, so I didn't get a great night's sleep. I also bruised my heel in Saturday's race, and that is still tender (my Mizuno Wave Universe are nice and light for racing, but have zero cushioning, which is why my heel got bruised). So I took it easy on my 5.3 racewalking miles (at 4:05) this morning. A lot of times, the hip rotation in racewalking will help an aching back, and it did some good this morning. I iced it and then stretched gently after I got back. So far, so good. We may have to hire someone to pull up the rest of the carpet because I don't think my back can deal with it.


        Enjoy your Monday!  -  Jay

        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Holly - Just don't get on the wrong plane or, for all that time, you'll end up in Japan and beyond with me. I bet SLR could write a book on it but a lot of people who inadvertently miss out on regular sleeping hours or because staying up all night is the only way to get to an event, end up doing pretty good. You are so lucky. Started by in the sixties by some cross country skiers who loved running through the golden birches of the Interior, the Equinox is one of the best marathons in the world., to say nothing getting to do it with Erika with support from her DH.  lucky.  

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


            I was looking at my flights to and from Fairbanks and I have to say, Fairbanks, Alaska is a LONG way from Dayton, Ohio.


            Couldn't you ask Troy for a lift? Wink


            I think I've decided to go ahead and register for Boston with the caveat that I won't be pushing at this race so much as enjoying the experience.  I figure I'll get the benefit of training motivation (e.g. "don't completely embarrass yourself!") without adopting unrealistic expectations, given my new time constraints.  But I have until Friday to change my mind. Joking


            Another gorgeous autumn day here!  I feel completely reinvigorated and am loving my runs again.  I'm a total heat wuss.  Easy 5.2. 


            ETA:  I am often passed by one or two slow-moving school buses on my dirt road during my run.  Today, for the first time ever, as the bus passes, I hear a group of the kids chanting, "Go! Go! Go!"   Apparently there's an energetic bunch this year.  I figure it's only a matter of time before the projectiles start flying out the window at me.  Roll eyes

            Be safe. Be kind.

            King of PhotoShop

              Checking into our hotel on Saturday morning in Claremont, CA we were given an envelope addressed to me.  It was a handwritten, warm and comforting note from CNYrunner, who had stayed at the hotel the week before, and thought to write to us.  What a community we are.  Thank you Karin. You are unfailingly gracious.


              The service was magnificent.  I spoke and held up well, as did young Joe.  I admit I lost it a bit after the presentation of the colors and the handing of the flag to my sister, then the playing of Taps.  That got me.


              So after 3 short speeches (mine was 18 minutes), and the presentation, my sister got up to wrap it all up.  I thought, "Uh oh, I hope she is okay."  Well, she stood up there as natural as could be, thanked everyone for coming, for the cards, emails and other support.  Then she finished with, "And I don't want anyone here to feel sorry for me.  I had 50 wonderful years with Joe.  Some people don't have even a few years of happiness in their life.  To paraphrase Lou Gehrig, I would say that I am the luckiest woman on the face of the earth." I was so proud of her in that moment, I can't describe it.


              I'm glad you are going to Boston Tramps.  You may "tramp" over some of Joe's ashes there, as my nephew Joe will enter and run next year and leave his dad's ashes where Joe had asked.


              So it's over now. Suzanne gave Prime Rib and me several pairs of Joe's Bruno Magli shoes (I doubt I spelled that right), so now we can look good when we go somewhere, just like Joe. Thanks everyone so much for your messages and posts here an on FB, for Joe and for my family and me.  Spareribs 

                (((Ribs family members)))


                Hi all, because of dental surgery, I missed all my running except for 3 little miles this last week.  I'm back to eating stale Red Vines now, so that means I'd better get back out on the road and trail.

                King of PhotoShop

                  I think I'm a thread killer!  Also, I forgot to post anything about running.  Ran 5.5 this morning at easy pace.  Stretch at Y afterwards.  This Saturday I'm racing the 20K at the Dallas Arboretum. I hope they let me in after I gave them a beating in this post:




                  Excited to see Holly is making her way to the great state of Alaska. I've never been, but no one who visits has ever done anything but rave about its beauty.  Spareribs

                    Short, easy run this morning.  Easy as in slow, but not easy as in one of my right quads barking loudly.


                    I'm excited about my club's race series.  Last week I moved up to 4/14 in my AG, with the order being decided so far by how many races.  The guy in first, who's a great guy, already has 10 races, which is the limit but you get your 10 best for the year with 10 possible points if you win your AG as compared to others in the series.  I had 6 and now have 7.  I think I just beat the guy ahead of me in the half Saturday so that might get me a 10 and I need it because he's 1 race and 6 points ahead of me.

                    "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                      rest day




                      trying some New Hip Stretches  (translation-the OldOnes made it worse)


                      ''Exercise In Bed'',,,,,,,,,,,by Sanford Bennett (1906)




                      The Classics

                       never go out of style


                      .........................good running guys

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                        Now it is time to put another batch of marinera sauce on the stove. Got to love a bumper crop of fresh produce from the garden. 

                        Posai, do you have a recipe for that marinera sauce?  I have oodles of tomatoes to take care of.   These fruit flies are driving me nuts here!  Wild, I think it’s a good picture of you. 


                        MikeE – sorry you can’t make the race this year but let me know the next time you will be passing through town and we’ll try to get together.  Dave59, have a nice work week in WV, it does sound like a vacation.  Henry, I hope you heal up fast, but the new bike is a plus.   Good luck to Marj in her half coming up.  Smuttynose Half, where did that name come from? Jim, those are nice pictures of you and Cassie’s first race.  How does your ankle feel today?   Ribs, it sounds like your SIL did a great job, as did you. 


                        I concur that having a race, or two, on the calendar certainly does wonders for motivation.  After running my practice 10K on Saturday, I still managed to get my long run done on a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon.  12 miles is a long way for me!  I stashed a big bottle of Powerade and a 16 ounce bottle of water two miles from my house where the new highway is under construction.  I like running there since it is out in the open open spaces and I can focus better a mile or so in the distance.  No traffic is a plus and I can run smack down the middle of the road if I want to.  I never drink sports drinks, usually just water.  The half I’m doing in 3 weeks has Powerade so I’m trying that a time or two before then.


                        Today is a rest day, good running all.


                        Starr in SW MN 

                        “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich


                          Starr, Smuttynose is a very popular N.H. brewery named after an island 6 miles off the coast of N.H. Fishermen named it from the look of seaweed like a giant sea animal(Wikipedia...)

                            Ribs, sounds like it was a nice celebration of Joe's life. And I love his wife's outlook.


                            Had a nice weekend. Got in a 9 mile run on Saturday. 1:29. I was running pretty consistent 9:35-9:50 paces until the last two miles. Gradual uphill. Felt great yesterday, but then a bit sore today. darn doms.


                            heading to Newport this weekend for a work-related seminar (Search and Seizure Law - fascinating I know! lol ) . Kind of seems a shame to be there the same day as the Newport HM and know that I'll be sitting in class while all the fun people are out running. But I need to run about 10-11 miles this wknd, so I think I'll run part of the HM course after the seminar is over. Weather should be perfect. Mostly sunny, 61 degrees, 5 mph winds. perfecto for beach walking in the evening. Earlier this summer they had a very large Japanese dock wash ashore right where I'll be staying from the tsunami. They've cleared the beach of it now but that would have been cool to see in person.


                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              I think I'm a thread killer! 


                              No, never that.....Smile  But it is hard to find words to express how we feel about such a moving, heartfelt post.  And I also agree that Karin is a class act, all the way.


                              Don't let my fear of flying overshadow the fact that I am so excited to see Alaska (at least a small part of it) and to visit Erika!  I know this is an adventure of a lifetime.  Who knows when I will get to Alaska again, if ever?  Tet, the only sad part is that I will be on that side of the US and not see you!  (sigh)  Will we ever meet get to run together, get to hug ?  (sigh) I already talked to Erika about the fact that she will likely have to wait a while at the finish, as I plan to stop and take a lot of pictures along the course.  I don't mind a PW - it's more important to me to have pictures and to savor every moment.  Smile   I will post a race report/Alaska visit report when I get back, but I also plan to post my pics on Facebook, so if you are not my FB friend and want to see the complete album, friend me now....Wink


                              Work is so busy, the thought of leaving for a week is somewhat terrifying, but oh well, I expect they will muddle through without me...Smile


                              ETA - Ribs - I made a note of your author recommendations, and have started Faceless Killers, by Henning Mankill - sucked me in right from the start, and I can hardly put it down.  Thank you!

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                tammy - be sure to have a couple of those delicious Yaquina Bay oysters,

                                 . . . and a hundred or so for me too. Smile



                                Pictures of Oyster

                                hey holly.  me too but don't even bother to take your camera.

                                It's too overwhelming.

                                Just try to get some photos with you and erika in the golden birches before or afterwards. 

                                Enjoy the 26.2 miles up-and-down Esther Dome for you, not the camera.  really.


                                hey carolyn - you don't think those people are staring do you?


                                Labor Day Half Marathon (Redmond, WA)

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
