Masters Running


A little race, lots of cheering and some hockey too---Hartford 5k 2008 (Read 307 times)

    This is a combination race and cheering on the course report and the latter should get more words than my race! I am aiming for the Baystate Marathon on October 19 as a target race, but can't bypass the chance to run some distance at Hartford. The benefits were abundant this year as I had a chance to meet more cyber friends, place in my own age group and watch one of the Js rip 14 minutes off her marathon PR. A good day indeed. Race details:,0,3885078.story I got up at 3:50 AM to tend to our ailing beagle. He needs to go out every two hours and has to be carried, so I took the wee hours shift and just stayed awake to have some coffee and get into fully alert mode. I was far more nervous for my friends Janet and Borjana who ran the marathon today at Hartford. The anxiety over the dog has been a sleep intruder as well. Sadly, the dog goes to the vet on Tuesday and will likely not return. He will get "Frosty Paws" every night this weekend. After some coffee and a quick change into running togs, I hit the road to pick up Janet (Iron J) and off we went to Hartford. A beautiful star lit night gave way to a spectacular New England day. Bright red and orange leaves and not a cloud or any wind to be found. We got to the XL Center in time for me to fetch my bib and chip and we trotted off to Bushnell Park and the start areas. After a big hug for Iron J with a You can Rock it cheer, I took off to the 5k race start and saw TheProfromDover. We chatted for a bit and he made his way to the very front as I hung back a bit (mistake as I got stuck a bit). Pro was gunning for a fast time and I was hoping for a good time without hurting anything with a week to go. Anyway, the horn sounded and all the races were off. The half-marathoners. relay racers and full marathoners were around the block behind us and the 5kers led the way until we peeled off at about 1.5 miles. ThePro took off like a shot and I did my best to stay on an even pace. I wanted to run even 6:50s and came close with 6:51s----21:14 finish time and 2nd in my age group----7th woman overall and 51st out of 933. Fast folks stayed home apparently! It was fun and a good workout and I feel great---no aches or anything. ThePro took first in his age group. I found him in the finish area and we trotted back to my car to get my glasses and some dry clothes and then trotted over to his car to get onto the course and see many cyber friends rock their marathons. I also told Iron J and another friend (Borjana) that I would be out there and I was dying to know how they were doing. ThePro was so nice to let me tag along and at the risk of ruining his reputation, he's a great guy. He had a whole plan as well as refreshments for some of the Kicksters, so we were on a mission. It was neat to drive along the course and see the runners strung out along the way. We got to the middle portion of the course and after parking, set off to find Dtoce and his table of supplies. We didn't find him at first and just cheered and hung out near the 9 mile mark. We missed the fast ksrunr and busiman at this mile marker, but saw cfli, irunmike, gin79, katiehoke, PBJ---pacing some first time marathoners, econo, jjjesse......I am worrying that I am forgetting folks, but I was the bouncing lady in the orange hat next to ThePro. IronJ coasted---no me at 3:11 pace and I was thrilled (also jealous) but really pumped for her. She looked fabulous and was running a breakthrough marathon. Borjana came by at 3:50 pace and looked really steady after a 6 year break from running. I was way more excited about everyone else today! We found Dtoce after this near the 14.5 mile mark. He and his wife had set up a refreshment table and were cheering in style. What fabulous folks and Dtoce is really an Olympic sprinter....he would just take off when he saw a Kickster or RAer or member of his running club....chatting with them, checking in with them to see what they needed etc. I did see busiman on this part of the course and he was cruising. Iron J came flying by again and Borjana was right on track. Everyone accounted for at the half-way turn around, Pro and I headed back to his truck and went back into Hartford to meet up with Hally (she is awesome) at the 22 mile mark. I was anxious about Iron J and missing her finish, so I bid these great and wonderful folks adieu and ran through downtown Hartford and took a post at the 26 mile mark. I saw Busiman round the corner and I knew he was going to snare that sub 3:00. I have never met the man and yet I was bouncing and even ran a bit with him. Yeesh...what was I thinking? Poor guy was focused and likely not wanting to meet new people in the last .2 of this key race. I did meet him for real after the finish in the park. He looked relaxed and was chatting with friends. Congrats! I then scanned the road for Iron J and there she was. She wanted a 3:15 and got that and then some.3:13:06 I am so happy for her---she finished 3rd in the 40-44 age group and just looked so strong. I bounced until she got up to me and then I ran with her for a bit and sprinted to the finish so I could see the race clock as she crossed. Twocat ---Iron J is the friend who was with me at IronHorse and in New Haven. We screamed and cried and yelled at the finish and then I held on to her as she wobbled for a bit. After some dry heaving (hers) we went back to mile 26 and waited for Borjana. Borjana wanted a 3:50 for a BQ when she turns 40 next year. She missed it by 8 seconds, but ran a strong and steady race and will try again in late summer. We all laughed and hugged and it was a good day indeed. The kiddo is deep into the hockey season now so I missed a group dinner last night (I am a team rep.) to watch a game in Chicopee and the lunch today. Right after Iron J felt well enough we jumped in my car to get her home and I drove to Troy, NY where the kiddo's team got whalloped, creamed and plastered in a two game series. I was glad to be there even so and the drive across the Berkshires was fantastic. Thanks for reading all of this.....I am more than anxious about the marathon I am running next week and yet, this day gave me pure joy as I met some marvelous folks and saw people grinning everywhere. CNYrunner

    King of PhotoShop

      I recognize this is not a target race for you so it's kind of fun to see you do so well at it. Great tactic to finish up your plan with a bit of speed. But more importantly, I'm glad you got together with so many good friends in Hartford. What a great group ran this year and I'm a bit envious I wasn't there too. Well done. Spareribs
        CNY, sounds like a lot of fun for everyone, and of course you ran a fine 5K. The weather was also spectacular here, north of Boston (we went to the Topsfield Fair, taking a friend of Dark Colt's with us). Dark Horse
        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

          Karin - it was so great to see your post this evening, and even better to see how well you finished today. Great time, great race! But, do you know what was even better? I could just read the excitement and pride you felt for your friends in your words. I hope they realize how lucky they are to have that kind of love and support. As for your race? You'll do great, no doubt about it. Sorry your DH's hockey team didn't do better - the season is young with many games yet to be won. We miss you.. I'm not sure why you don't post on the daily any more, but your kindness and humor will not be replaced. Good luck on the 19th!


            Wow, I was so glad to see you posting a report, Karin! I wish I could have been there to to cheer for you and all the other virtual running friends, and get to meet you all! Sounds like many of you had great races today. Congrats on 2nd in AG, and good luck at Baystate next week. So sorry to hear about your poor dog - it's Boogie, isn't it? It's hard that dogs don't live as long as their people, but he's had a happy and loving home with you and your family.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              sounds like a perfect prelude for baystate where we`ll be thinking of you vanquishing those last miles just as you helped so many today too.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                Karin - thanks for the great report on the happenings at Hartford! You sure seem more than ready for Baystate, I'm sure you'll have a great race and I'm looking forward to reading your report on that one even more. What a great opportunity to meet up with a bunch of virtual friends, I certainly envy you for that. Congrats on a great 5K and your AG placement and even more, best of luck next week. Big grin

                  CNYrunner, I feel for you with your beagle. Cry . Your RR made my morning!!! You smoked in your event then gave us a clavicade of all stars!! Oh sweet!! There was a chance to hang with theses all stars, however, you hung with your son's hockey team. What a class act!! You've been missed Miss.


                    CNY, it was great to hear from you. It sounds like you had a fantastic day with your 5K and are ready for that marathon. As I read the list of names from CR and RA I felt a bit jealous of you for the chance to be with so many of our virtual family. Congratulations to you and the friends you supported so well. I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Don't be a stranger. TomS

                    Renee the dog

                      CNY -- so sorry about your pup. Cry It's truly a tough time. I think Frosty Paws are a great idea till Tues! Really nice job with the 5K, but even better job working the "big race" as a friend and fan. I'm sure everyone was really appreciative of your involvement and excitement. Smile Best wishes for a wonderful race next week at "your" marathon.

                      GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Karin: Thanks for adding that link to the story...what a great piece about Piers and McHale - I was wondering why Piers didn't run the Maine Marathon (which she would have won easily by the way)! That was just a great article and shows the bod that runners share. Thanks again. Big grin

                          Karin...great race, great post. Your fabulous results are matched only by your enthusiasm for your friends. Congrats. DickyG
                            Perfect.... Big grin I wish the best for you and your beagle. Great to here from you!
                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                              Karin, great to hear from you. I miss the hockey reports. This sounds like a great experience getting you pumped up for your target race (like you need any help). Nice 5K and great for you to cheer on your friends. (Sad to hear about your dog.)

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                                That sounded like an absolutely wonderful day! Pushing your friend until she dry heaves, way to go!! (just kidding). I bet it is really cool to meet these virtual people in person. Congrats on your 5K time, pretty speedy. You have all distances covered. Is anyone going to be there FOR YOU, at Baystate! You certainly deserve your own cheerleaders!

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
