Masters Running


Teresa's Maine Coast HM Report - very long! (Read 373 times)

    Hi Teresa, you did great at your first HM! I'm always happy to read a RR from a fellow Gallowalker. It's a sane way to do long distances. I think we're about the same pace, too. Cool
      I signed up for my "reward" massage on Wednesday afternoon - it's a guy who's a runner and does a good job. Smile
      Teresa is Mike Gaige doing your massage? He's a great guy, and was quite the runner is his hey day! Enjoy your massage - you deserve it! Big grin

        Teresa, congratulations. I'm so happy for you! What a nice result after all your planning & hard work. Now you're also a veteran at smart injury recovery. Thanks for your great report. Enjoy your massage!

        One day at a time

          Teresa is Mike Gaige doing your massage? He's a great guy, and was quite the runner is his hey day! Enjoy your massage - you deserve it! Big grin
          Yep, Michael! I've run with him a few times with some other women - he's a good teacher, too! He said he went to grad school with Jack Daniels! He's very modest, so I don't know much else about him. Here's a photo, since I didn't have one the other day:

          Hill Runner

            Congratulations Teresa, you did it and I'm glad that you didn't sustain any injuries in the process...what's your next race?

            Upcoming Races:

            Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
            Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
            Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Congratulations Teresa! Your run/walk pace was better than a lot of folks who ran the whole way - excellent job, and I love your report. But the picture should go on the first page.... Smile

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                I wish I looked half that good after a race! Shocked
                Masters 2000 miles

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  I'm glad i waited til you posted the picture.. you look so proud and happy as you should be! Congratulations on your first half marathon! Your pace was nice and even and faster than you expected! Savor the moment .. nice accomplishment! Steve

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                    Congratulations on a great job, Teresa! What a nice picture - don't you sweat?! What have you got planned for your next adventure?
                      Greta race, greta report, greta picture, Teresa! I like to have an image in mind when I'mr eading someone's posts, and now I'll be able to picture you better. And as one engineer to another, I know exactly how you enjoy numbers and mental calculations. I remember in my first marathon that I was planning on doing a 5 minute run / 3 minute walk pattern (or maybe it was 6 & 2). In any case, the overall interval didn't divide evenly into an hour, so I had to keep making calculations to figure out what my watch should read when it was time for my next break. Anyway, getting your first HM finished is a big milestone. We're going to be expecting to see more of these RRs in the future. A big congratulations, though, on your first!!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                      One day at a time

                        LOL, Doug! You COULD just buy an interval timer and make it easier on yourself! But then you wouldn't have the fun of all those mental calculations, I suppose. True confession time (I wasn't trying to be sneaky, sorry!) - I didn't wear that shirt for the race. DH took the photo two days later, before I went out on my run. It did crack me up how happy I still looked! The post-race glow lasted a couple of days! Peter, I'm trying to figure out my next big race. I may do a Pumpkin 5K on October 25. The only HMs coming up are very soon, and I'm not ready to tackle another one in a month! I guess there's one in Boson in the spring that might be good. I will take any suggestions!

                          Congratulations on your first HM! You had a good plan and executed it well. I love reading these exciting race reports too! Best of luck on your next one!! huskydon
                            Peter, I'm trying to figure out my next big race. I may do a Pumpkin 5K on October 25. The only HMs coming up are very soon, and I'm not ready to tackle another one in a month! I guess there's one in Boson in the spring that might be good. I will take any suggestions!
                            Teresa - there is also a really nice 10K on October 26th in Saco. It is the Great Pumpkin 10K and starts in Camp Ellis. They just repaved a long section of the course and it is a really, really flat & fast course. You can find contact info for this one on the Maine Track Club's web-site.

                              Peter, I'm trying to figure out my next big race. I may do a Pumpkin 5K on October 25. The only HMs coming up are very soon, and I'm not ready to tackle another one in a month! I guess there's one in Boson in the spring that might be good. I will take any suggestions!
                              Hi Theresa, I could shamelessly suggest my 5K instead of the Pumpkin 5K on Oct. 25. It is the Great Bay 5K in Greenland, NH ( Our Seacoast Half Marathon in Portsmouth on Nov. 9 is sold out, so you'll have to sign up early for that race next year. Good half marathons to think about for next year are the Hyannis Half in February, and also Big Lake in Alton, NH in early May. Big Lake is hilly, but a great course, and a well-organized race. Jay

                              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.
