Masters Running


Saturday work and workouts (Read 39 times)

    Well, I may not have been up at Jo'clock but Steve was up even before J time!!

    Hope the coughing gets better Steve - I know how annoying that can be!!


    3.5 Boston miles before work - weather was perfect for running and felt great!! I could have run all day, but this work thing is really curtailing my fun!! 

    Have a great Saturday!!



      Thanks, Denise.


      We had Hulu live TV for a time, found that it was bad for popular sports (think crashes for NFL playoffs),

      Doug--A little different--ESPN+ via Hulu--but I can attest to similar pixelation, freezes, and crashes during last night's game (and other fans on a forum complaining of the same, so it's not my terrible internet access). Hulu's fine with non-live programs. I've never had that problem with live sports on YouTubeTV...and prefer the interface anyway.  Of course, my Caps were awful last night, so I wasn't missing anything.


      I've never worn them but I know some of you do...there's an interesting profile of Hokas in the Times today as the company goes public.


      Got my 10K route done before the rain moves in later today.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Thanks, Denise.

        Tramps- that article is from April and I don't think Deckers is making a public offering. They own Hoka.  The big public offering in the shoe area right now is Birkenstock.


        Steve- good job with the inventory.  I know that is never a fun project in retail.


        13.2 miles "with" the group.  I actually ran with a woman for almost 12 miles and then she was done.  I got my half marathon for October.  It was a nice morning- 64 and dropping a little and cloudy to sunny.  I left my sunglasses in the car on purpose to ensure that it didn't rain and got sunny!   It was a long way, but I got it done.


        I have nothing else to do today!  Have a greta Saturday and weekend!

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


          Good morning folks. Thanks for the start Deez. Sounds like you had a really good run this morning - I hope your workday goes as well!


          Sorry about the bad start for your hockey team Tramps. I'm  not a fan of Hokas either. Just can't get used to that style of shoe.


          All of this talk about streaming services makes me angry. I would be embarrassed to tell you what DH is willing to pay for our cable every month, just so he can get Red Zone and all of the other sports s$%t he likes to watch, 24/7 if I didn't raise a stink every now and then. We get hundreds of channels and probably watch 10 or 15 percent of them. A waste of money in my opinion.


          It was raining and super windy this morning, so I went to the Y and did 50 minutes on the treadmill - and I felt like Steve's skeleton that was tied to the hand rail   Hate those things! I finished with 20 minutes of core and stretching and then headed down to farmers market. A lot of empty vendor spaces because of the weather, but I did get some beets, Brussels Sprouts, green beans, a butternut squash and a bag of Honeycrisp apples.


          DGS#2 celebrates his golden birthday today. "Baby Will" is now almost 5'10 and weighs about 150 pounds. Really great considering he spent the first month of his life in the NICU after having surgery to transpose his aorta and pulmonary artery. He's a great kid.


          Hope the weather is better where you you are today!


            Hi all (or at least a few). It's ugly here today! Pouring rain since overnight and low 50's/windy. I couldn't face it and ended up doing some workouts on the bike - stacked low impact/tabata/cool down. I think its supposed to stop raining for the afternoon, so possibly I'll get out for a walk later.


            Nice half marathon KSA!


            I hope anyone racing today does not have the weather that I do!



              Hi, Masters.


              Thanks for the start, Deeze. Nice job on the Boston Run. I'm sorry that work is getting in the way of your fun.


              Good 10K ahead of the rain, Tramps.


              Congrats on your October half, KSA.


              Good work at the Y and the farmer's market, Jlynne. Happy Birthday to Baby Will.


              Nice bike work, anneb.


              Belated Happy Birthday to Evanflein!


              The only TV we get is live Hulu. We got rid of the ESPN Disney add-ons because we never watch them. We watch very little TV, so even Hulu Live is more than we really need.


              We had a very long (6+ hours) drive to Long Island (NY) yesterday, and got here about an hour ahead of our 7:00 dinner reservations, which was enough time for us to unpack the car and then load it up with people to get to the restaurant. Before we left home, we had our well head cover replaced and the well chlorinated to get rid of some bacteria that resulted from the previous cracked well head cover. We had to shut down all of the water in the house for at least 24 hours while the chlorine does its job.  That meant shutting off our thermostat so that it couldn't call for heat which would cause the geothermal system to try to pull in water while it isn't available. Since we're away till Monday afternoon, that means that we'll have no heat in the house till I get home and spend 3-4 hours running the remnant chlorine out of our pipes. I'm not at all worried about anything freezing (too early in the season for that), but it will likely be right chilly when I arrive. But I digress..


              2.22 S&E walking miles this morning before today's rain started, followed by 35 minutes or so of stretching and core work.


              Have a greta Saturday.



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                Tramps post from yesterday reminded me of a running podcast I was listening to where they had on a sports doc as their guest. He was saying how having your VO2max in the population's top quarter rather than in the (I think) second quarter reduced your chances of dyeing by a factor of (?) six relative to not smoking. I was, well, running during the podcast so did not record the details. But they were pretty mind blowing. As the saying goes, if exercise was a pill it would be a multibillion dollar industry! Oh wait, Ozempic!


                Regarding IPO issues. If you can get in on the initial allocation, an IPO is a good way to make a quick buck. The day the allocation goes public, sell everything you were allocated that day. If you are not in on the allocation, avoid a new issue like the plague for at least two years. Lots of data shows new issues (on average) underperform the market for about two years post issue. I do not have a good explanation for why, but it does not matter to me as an investor. Just stay away.


                I ran 17k today to get my 3 out of 4 such runs needed to earn another (losing) lottery ticket to the Paris Mass Olympic Marathon. At some point I think I am going to have the record for the largest collection of losing marathon lottery tickets! I need to check with the Guinness Book of World Records to find out just how many I need.  By the way, I entered the Berlin Marathon lottery so that will add yet another to my collection.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  A quick check in; I ran 4 miles yesterday, first run in quite a while. In fact my Garmin won’t report my present fitness level until I do a second outdoor run.

                  Now off to study cell biology.

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Well, I may not have been up at Jo'clock but Steve was up even before J time!!

                    Deez -  that's what he gets for taking the afternoon off after such a successful inventory. That man is fantastic in all regards.

                    I left at 2:00 PM and slept on the recliner until DW got home.  We had dinner and I went to bed.


                    After yesterday's glowing sunrise displayed Mts Rainier and Baker in their fresh snow glory, nothing but rain this morning, . . until dawn and clearing skies for the eclipse that, except for a noticeable dip in the temps, was hard to believe 80% of the still brilliantly bright sun was covered. With distance of the moon allowing the so-called "ring-of-fire" to persist around the sun and not be covered up by the moon so it's not supposed to get as dark as totalities, I'm wondering how dark it got for Tammy and Leslie's ultra down under the totality.


                    Jay - sorry about your heating issues but, like our heating issues in November of 2021, be happy it's October, not December through March.


                    twocat - nice 17K putting you in good shape for a great marathon. 

                    Sorry about more Paris misses but good luck on Berlin.

                    In this regard, I'v, . . I mean, they're starting a lottery

                    for the Seattle Marathon I'm helping out with. Just use Paypal.

                    Otherwise, there's a great IPO pending too.

                    Sorry no refunds.


                    Jeanne - I'm the opposite and have never spent a penny for cable, satellite, internet streaming, etc. that should be free and get their money from ads so don't see Thursday night football (e.g. Packer two weeks ago) I'd like to otherwise seen.

                    I would be embarrassed to tell you what DH is willing to pay for our cable every month, . . .

                    ps - good for you, though, for letting him watch all he wants to his heart's content.


                    Tramps - same with Kraken but I like to listen on the radio anyway and not have to sit in front of the tube or whatever it is now that's probably more informative that tv announcers seeming liking to say, "oh, look at that,"  "did you see that?", "I don't believe it,"


                    I predicted the demise of interest in baseball in the U.S. when, about 20 years ago, after a year of being able to stream in on any local teams' broadcast wherever our Mariners went to play when they first started streaming 'em all so you weren't stuck with our local announcers who seem to think that screaming is good broadcasting, the MLB made all broadcasts to be pay-for-view subscriptions thereby eliminating any of the younger generation who might have liked baseball from tuning in.  Oh where have you gone Vin Scully, Ernie Harwell and all, . . ..  Football next?  so all we'll have for free sports on tv'll be golf and car racing.   

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                      I had fun at the trail race this morning, although it was kind of chilly!  Easier to run hard when it's chilly than when it's hot, so it's all good.  I agree with KSA that shorts and long sleeves weather is the best!    When I was at about mile 8, two women on the trail who were watching the eclipse through special glasses let me borrow them to take a look - very cool!  I think it was only 80% visible here, but fun to see.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Howdy folks.


                        This morning I was pretty stiff with DOMS from the weights workout I did on Thursday night.  Couple that with steady rain outside and I decided to take a rest day.  Errands, covid and flu boosters, and some carpet cleaning and that's about my day.  Waiting to hear how the racers did!


                        A word about the Hawaii vs Caribbean destinations - it took me 13 hours to get to Hawaii from here, but Jamaica and Punta Cana are about 4.5 hours (with lots of other Caribbean island options as well), so it's much easier from where we are.  Also, I was NOT impressed with the big island (of Hawaii), so not tempted to go back.  We have been to Mexico twice, but these days it just doesn't seem so appealing.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Our two trips to the Big Island were for Ironman (spectating- not competing) which is a whole different deal.

                          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                            Everyone enjoys different places and trips.  we just had a wonderful time in Lowell with Moebo & Stumpy & DW - Deez great suggestion. largest pretzel we've ever seen!


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hello everybody!


                              I did 12 miles, today... 4 before practice then 8 with the kids.


                              Yesterday, we had a tough workout scheduled and the kids were dreading it.  There wasn't a whole lot of happy talk during their warmups.  It was raining and windy and it just was not going to be fun.  It was two sets of 600 meters at mile race pace - 600 meters easy (but not too easy) - 500 meters at mile race pace - 500 meters easy - 400 meters at mile race pace - 400 meters easy - 300 meters at mile race pace - 300 meters easy - 200 meters at mile race pace - 200 meters easy.  Ryan told them that, if they got through the first set, they could go ahead and cut the second set in half.  They all got through the first set... then they did the whole second set.  It was a whole different mood when we got back inside.


                              I love our girls.  They are dedicated, focused, and they support each other through everything.  The boys... well... they're a different story.  One of the captains--the only boy to have a real chance of making it to State--skipped the practice, yesterday, to get a haircut.  Ryan checked his Strava account and saw that he did the workout, later in the day... but, still... it really is unacceptable, in my opinion.  Our #2 runner broke his finger and I saw him sitting against the wall while we were doing planks and push-ups.  I asked him if he was going to warm up.  He held up his finger and said, "I have a broken finger."  I said, "Are your legs broken?!"  He just sat there.  We have a girl who has a hand with only one finger... and that is just a stub.  She goes to the weight room and does everything--except pull-ups--that we ask her to do.  She has never once complained or used her hand as an excuse for not being able to do something.  It's very frustrating for me.  I don't want to give up on these boys, but they do not make it easy.


                              Okay--that's all I got time for.  Debbie and I are meeting some friends for dinner.  See ya!


                              Hey!  I just saw the picture Marj posted!  Great picture!

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Our two trips to the Big Island were for Ironman (spectating- not competing) which is a whole different deal.

                                For sure, . . . but for competing which is a whole different deal.

                                Ed note: please disregard. It's the first time he's ever used that word in a post and has no idea what it means compared to what most other runners do. Maybe whimsical challenge.

                                ps - is there anywhere in the Caribbean where you can swim with hundreds of colorful tropical fish swirling around you for a handout like the Oahu's Hanauma Bay tourist trap?


                                ETA Henry/Marj - enke and I have our work cut out for us if we're gunna match that giant pretzel.


                                ETA Mike - your runs are almost as mathematical as BTY's laps

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
