Masters Running


Tuesday Trots...24 Nov (Read 402 times)


    that was my favorite too!  Nono, they're great pictures. 


    Erika what a tooth bummer.   I hate paying for dental work, almost as much as I hate having it done.  I broke off a chunk once while eating a carrot.   Learned a lesson from that, I did.  ;-)        I will be interested to hear if you think your foot's new normal is affecting your stride, or esp. your pushoff.  


    Thanks Perch.   It felt kind of strange cutting back since I'm just trying to build back up... I do not have this post marathon phase figured out .. how much fitness is kept, how much is lost.  I tend to think I should be at pre-race levels already.  


    Holly, I have to have a long enough run first!    Belated wtg on your run Sunday, today too.


    Jeanne, we could have run together this morning!   

    You're right..  where are they?


    Aamos, Big grin.

      "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

      I just read this and thought of this forum--everyone here takes time to support and encourage each other.  It's one of the purest examples of people giving of themselves.  For all of you, and what you create here, I am most grateful.


      OK, time for Aamos to go run now.




      Masters 2000 miles

        Why did I bring almond M&M's to work? Seemed like a good idea at the time...
          . . . almond M&M's . . .


          It's the devil's work, I tell ya.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            I have a bar of ghirardelli midnight reverie Wink 86% cacao.    also seemed like a good idea.  ;-)

              Why did I bring almond M&M's to work? Seemed like a good idea at the time...


              Pain meds for a bad tooth

                holly - congrats on your A!!

                nono  - awesome pics - cant wait to read your race report!!

                Amy - love that quote i may have to borrow that one!


                yesterday - volunteered for our Feaster Five Road Race  - love talking to people at number pickup

                our running group made 20 members very happy as they received invitational numbers for Boston 2010 - cant wait to do some training runs with them and cheer them on!!

                 did 30 min arc trainor and 2 miles on treadmill after my volunteer gig and heard Ryan Miller talk about Chi running - may have to do some reading on that - it peaked my interest before but i never really followed up on it!


                today - 6.7 miles took it at an easy pace as my back has been cranky lately but did felt great on a route with rolling hills and long gradual inclines .....avg pace 9:50.....with my last 1.7 miles at 9:32 pace - trying to work on starting easy and finishing strong


                have a wonderful Tuesday friends -- i am thankful to know all of you whether we've met in person or not!!



                oh ya - forgot to add:  i tried some Hershey's special dark chocolate covered pretzels --- needed some nourishment after food shopping and before my run --- have to say they are DELICIOUS!!  didnt take them on the run but the ones i ate prior sat very well in my tummy!!


                  Nono, you take great pictures! This one is my favorite


                   Well put, Erika.  Yep, Nono looks like a rock star just out for a little jog for a photo shoot, but she's actually running a BQ first marathon.  Boy howdy! 




                    Nah, no pain meds needed. Tooth is patched and doesn't hurt, just needs to be fixed. Like Dg, I hate spending money on dental work and around here the dentists are all very expensive. They think an awful lot of their work!


                    I'm working on a boring tedious project and those m's just keep calling me from my desk drawer.


                    Will head to the gym at lunch for a quick workout. Story of my life these days... a quick workout. I can't believe Sunday's run of 6.1 miles was the longest I've run in 3 weeks. Felt hard, too. I'm in such awful shape now, it's amazing I ran a good marathon just last month. The other thing that's bothering me these days is I seem to have no time for a good workout! How did I do it before? How did I run 10 miles after work? It seems like this fall/winter is either busier or more depressing or something.



                      The other day you were lamenting the fact that you don't do any Holiday baking anymore.  That's sad and I'd really like to help you out.


                      Please feel free to bake several dozen cookies, cakes, and assorted deserts.  I'll be glad to take care of them for you.



                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



                        Byll, I think buying almond M&Ms would be easier for Erika than baking - that way she'll have more time to run!


                        Perch, why no running?  Is your knee still bothering you, or are you just doing a long reverse taper?  I'm sure Tory and Sadie are loving all the walks.


                        Holly, congrats on acing your test and class. Is this your only class, or do you have another coming up?


                        Nono, I love that same picture Erika posted.  Is the picture with the clock reading 1:59:33 the half point? If so, you sure had even pacing!  Or do I have to wait for your RR to find out?


                        TomS, sorry your 12 miler was a struggle. Way to git-er-done.


                        I took a rest day yesterday, as the forecast said it would be the coldest day of the week (mid 30's - yeah, I know, I thought WWED, but I wimped out.)  But today it was in the mid 40's, IRC for a lunchtime 5.5 mile trail run.   My hands were cold the first mile, but then I felt great. I used to wear long pants in the 40's but now I wear shorts, at least when the sun is out.  I still wear a long sleeved shirt till about 50°, though.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          MMMMM!!! Fresh baked bread. That used to be one of my specialties in another life. My kids were spoiled they woke up almost every Sunday to the smells of fresh rolls or breads. I was usually trying out new recipies on the family before making them for the masses. I no longer bake nor cook like I used to and my waist line shows it.


                          4.25 easy paced miles today 9:25 pace. I missed my 3 mile recovery run last night because of work. I thought the legs would be really sproinky because of that but , no, just  still a little tired. Tomorrow is a tempo run so I hope to get some renewed energy by then.



                          Lets see, Bad foot, Bad tooth, -27 degrees, and boring work.

                          Gee, what could be depressing you.  We all go through what I call zones. You are either in the Zone or your not in the Zone. You, are not in your zone, but I guarantee by time Boston gets here our Alaskan super woman will be back in the zone.



                          where do you find the time? Congrats on the tax class but when will you find time to do taxes? 


                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                            I registered for Newport today so I can now join the list with Mariposai, Tet, Opie, Econo, Rasmussen . . .and who else? Divechief - have you heard yet on your time off request?


                              Go Tammy!

                              9.4 miles today at 2:30 pm after I got home from a work trip. I was achy and stiff at first from the car ride, but loosened up by mile 4 and then felt somewhat fleet of foot. Well, sort of. I have no idea about pace and that's the plan. Loving it.

                              Great commission Walt! Every time we drive past the Shaker Village Museum in Chatham, NY I swear Mr. CNYrunner starts to speed. I love that place and always want to stop there. I think he is afraid I am going to try and make off with some chairs or a table or two. Do you post pictures of your work anywhere?

                              Holly rocks! It will be so great to see you next month.

                              Busy days and I just can't keep up here. I'll be glad to exhale a bit on Thanksgiving day and then jump into non-stop work, life stuff. I'll be scarce here but running as usual.

                              Gobble, Gobble


                                I took a rest day yesterday, as the forecast said it would be the coldest day of the week (mid 30's - yeah, I know, I thought WWED, but I wimped out.)  

                                Love this!  She may not be in the Zone, but she's the source of an RA acronym! 


                                ( Carolyn, I'm doing the same thing here--am tinkering with the idea of moving my long run to Thursday as we're supposed to stay in the 50s then, but go down to the 40s on the weekend-- maybe only 30s on Sunday.)

                                Masters 2000 miles