Masters Running


Tuesday August 5 Master Runs (Read 484 times)

    It sounds like ribs is continuing to improve. That's good news. roch, nice run. nono, continued comforting thoughts going your way over your family's problems. Nice long runs for Twocat, perch, and CNY (with speedwork). Good job on the speedwork for BC and henrun. This morning, it was about 75 when I went out and about 80 when I finished. It was practically calm and quite humid. I struggled through 9 miles in about 1:31 for a 10:07 pace. I felt drained when I finished and it hasn't gotten much better as the day has progressed. I can consider it getting used to H&H in case the Crim has those conditions, which is not unheard of. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

      {{{nono}}} I'm so sorry. you're getting it from all sides... you must hurt for all of them, while at the same time these things are hard on you too. take care of yourself. TomS, I meant to say before how great your reunion sounded. versions 1 & 2. Smile Today is definitely a muggy one in MI. good job this morning. Aamos.. good plan. Wink

        any opinions on heart rate variability? it's validity & use in assessing your training load?
          Stepping back in to give a huge hug to nonoruns! (((((nonoruns))))) Wowsa...that's a lot, hang in there and run when you can. You are an awesome woman. Aamos, I love all your ideas for a possible gathering/reunion. There's also the Thunder Road marathon and half marathon in Charlotte, NC in early December----easy airport access. Hartford looks like a rendezvous stop for many in 2008, but I would be game to go there again in 2009. Let's not drop the Eugene idea. I think that could be awesome (I also want to visit the Pre shrine---running geek tourist that I am). Marathon in Dallas... Big grin? Cool about Look Park and your dogs knowing the signal. I love that place, although the goats in the zoo section were extremely noisy today. Procrastinating again....back to my desk Karin
            Just taking a quick break from what I should be doing so for now I am only going to report in: 11 miles today. Great weather here in CT for it too! Ok, one reply: enkephalin I had terrible insomnia as a kid! So I really sympathize. Geez, now that I think about it I had more ailments as a kid . . . glad that is over with! When others say "only to be a kid again" all I can think is NO WAY! Anyway, enkephalin I hope your DS quickly grows out of it.

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


            One day at a time

              Aamos, keep me posted on your trip to Maine! It would be fun to meet you. Austin would be awesome, too - my home town. Just remember that there ARE hills there! I think it's one of the neatest towns anywhere - if it didn't get so hot there in the summer, I never would have moved away.

              Half Fanatic #36

                Hello All! Life has been busy and I had to devote a lot of my running time to work and more work . This morning though I decided to take a whole hour on the trail no matter 6.5 miles at a slow pace , trying to stay in the shade as much as I could, it is getting sort of warm here, considering we are in the PNW! When I got to work, first thing I did,I wrote two checks for 2 marathons on 8/17 and 8/24...Ok now I'm feeling better, I'll get my long runs in after all!! Enke: Is that the Covey Run you're talking about? I did it last year and it is exactly as the SJJ, on my daily trail. I'll come out to see you, may be I could pace you for the last miles! Tet : I'll finally get to run with the flashlight through the tunnel !!!! Have a great day and summer runs!! Francesca

                  Nonoruns sending butterfly hugs your way!. It seems like you have so much going non right now. I so admire you and thanks for keeping up updated on your mom and dad. Blessings to you!!! Aamos, being a slow, mere mortal runner, one who only drools about those friends who are speedy enough to qualify... I never thought that the Eugene marathon would interfere wtih that big, fat marathon that happens every April. humm

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    I wrote two checks for 2 marathons on 8/17 and 8/24... Tet : I'll finally get to run with the flashlight through the tunnel !!!!
                    Franci - yup, the Snoqualmie Tunnel is where we would have gone from miles 20-22 of the 20th Century 100K in May except to much snow at the entrances. Hope to see you there (and also on the 24th where we did the Redmond Watershed 12 hour'er in May too) PLUS maybe write out another check for $47 for a day-of-announcement half-price special for the new Seattle Rock'nRoll Marathon on Saturday, June 27, 2009. The current early registration for the 2009 Seafair set for the next day is $95. MM bulletin board posts are trying to figure out if it's going the be the world's best Saturday/Sunday double or if RnR bought out Seafair.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      This just in: looks like Ribs will be going home tomorrow! Just thought you'd like to know. Smile

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Now about a reunion, why don't we figure how much planning time folks need? If just a few months, Memphis in early December is a thought--airport nearby, large enough city to find rooms, there's the Elvis connection Roll eyes, nice course for a good cause (St. Jude's). The Flying Monkey in late Nov. in Tenn. is sold out for this year and it is not an easy course, to say the least. February makes me think of Austin, relatively centrally located and supposedly a fun town to visit, good race to run. May, there's a nice one in Madison Wisconsin around Memorial Day that gets good marks--flattish, lots of lakes, still usually decent running weather in May (I know, there was that one year it was called in the middle--I was in Rochester, MN, same thing happened there--freak of nature). I haven't done it, but lived there for 3 months on co-op. Really lovely town. If there's sentiment for a coast, how about Vermont in May or Tacoma in May? For lots of notice, and a different location, there's Deadwood/Mickelson Trail (old rails to trails, you DON'T need trail shoes) in June or Missoula, Montana in July.
                        Lots of good options here. I think I'm partial to Memphis (good grief will I be running by December, though?) or Wisconsin on Memorial Day - I've never been but heard it's lovely up there. {{{{Nonoruns}}}} You've got a lot on your plate, my friend.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Tremendous news about Spareribs! Thanks so much rochrunner. I am guessing he is texting like mad and will soon be reunited with his computer. We all better watch out! Hey, how about this new Rock-n-Roll marathon in Seattle on June 27, 2009 for the gathering of runners from near and far? I was just looking at flights for giggles and it's much cheaper for me to fly to Seattle than it is to spots on the east coast or in the mid-west. Heck, I can fly to London for cheaper than flying to Chicago. Although once I hand over my dollars, I'll just hear laughter at the currency exchange. Okay, I have hit my posting quota and it's time to drive to Boston. Until soon Karin
                            4.5 easy miles for me last night. Thought I wouldn't get that much in at first as the heat index was predicted to be about 105 degrees, yowza. Well it was quite hot during the day, but cooled off to an easy 84 degrees by 7pm. Out I go and was I ever slow! Slowest ever I think, but running is running. I DID pass a couple bunnies on the path, though...brings the story the tortise and the hare closer to home... All of you that have a single digit min/mile pace are my idols. I do not want to be faster to be fast, I want to be faster so that I can finish quicker. There "is" a difference. So...hats off to you.... So what's the difference in the numbers on Adrenaline shoes? Mine are Brooks Adrenaline 9's, what do the lower numbers mean? I keep having problems with ankle soreness. I know the shoe could cause that, but I don't know how to select a different one that may be better. I'll of course ask at the running store, but any advice is welcome. Mine have around 300 miles on them. I just don't have experience enough to know when they could be worn out. evanflein - I have about 10 to 15 degrees of heat to if I could just figure out how to get it to you. Boomers reunion sounds cool, but as I've run nothing longer than 10k, I'd only be a spectator. Clowning around Also for me, "reunion" is a bit of a stretch as I've never met any of you....but it would be awesome to get that chance. nonoruns - patience and endurace coming your way...boy do you have a lot on your plate! Great news on Spareribs... Good runs to all, Janet

                              PLUS maybe write out another check for $47 for a day-of-announcement half-price special for the new Seattle Rock'nRoll Marathon on Saturday, June 27, 2009.
                              I just registered!!!!!!!!!!! It sure feels good to spend only $45 for a marathon. Off to enter the first Rock 'n' Roll Seattle - Marathon, June 27th, 2009 in to the Intrepids thread. Anyone else?

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              Half Fanatic #36

                                ...see how long it takes to convince me..? Rock 'n' Roll Seattle - Marathon, June 27th, 2009 , I'm in too! Francesca